ActionScript 2.0 :: Syntax For Creating Accessible Methods?

Apr 7, 2010

I'm trying to create a function that I can access throughout the program without having to rewrite the entire code each time. I know how to do this in Java, but I'm unfamiliar with the syntax in actionscript.

For those that know Java, I'm looking for something similar to using

public int something(int a, int b){

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Syntax For Methods To Accept Any Number Of Arguments?

Sep 4, 2009

I want to create a method to read a list of numbers passed as an argument, but the number of numbers will depend on how many numbers the user needs to register to the method.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Accessible MovieClip From Within Class

Dec 19, 2009

I am trying to make a class that extends the movie clip class. I want to essentially have a movie clip class that has a "handle" by which I mean a settable reg point by referring to a parent container movie clip. I have many parts of it working. I have functions that can move the handle/parent to any location on the screen, one that centers, and a move method that moves the movie clip by moving the parent so it is being moved by the origin you specify etc.

But one thing I would like to have the handledMovieClip class to do is to make the handled movie clip and then automatically generate the parent movie clip with the same name appended with "h" and put the handledMovieClip into the parent MovieClip. The parent movie clip should then be accessible by actions on the main timeline. Suppose that the movieclip name is MC so then the parent would be called MCh. I do this by making a new movie clip and then changing the name to "MCh".

But when I try to use the dot syntax from the main time-line it doesn't seem to know the object. So I can't do something like "trace(MCh.width);". I can get what I want by creating the handled movie clip and then the parent and then putting the handledMovieClip into the parent with addChild. It works if I do it from the main time line, but not if I try to do the exact same thing within the class constructor. I thought it would be a nice feature if the user only had to make the handledMovieClip and if the parent was generated by the class constructor automatically.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Methods Without A Class?

Jul 22, 2011

What if you have methods you want to use in your project, that really have no need of a class, or in other words, there is no need for an "object" associated with it. It's not going to have member variables, so why bother making it a class?

for example,

I want to create a randomNumber method, takes two numbers, low high, returns a random between or equal.

Originally in my code I had a very top level class i just called globalLibrary that extended movie clip, i put my randonNumber method there. Then every class in the project extended that. I got the method scoped properly, but to me it looks like a hack.

For example, the most basic functionality in flash like +, even = , trace, etc. Are these also methods defined in some class that we are extending? Or are they methods that have no object associated since that would seem to make just as much sense.

why can't I just create a file of methods, and import that file and have access to these methods?

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Flex :: Methods Of Creating Pivot Or Tabular Reports?

May 16, 2011

Looking for some ideas, strategies, tools, etc. on creating reports from Flash Builder / Flex 4. I have a flex application that allows create/read/update/delete of client information from a back-end database. It uses web services (zend amf -> mongo db or mysql). I already have the client data IN flex via the web service as a collection for example. A user requests the ability to generate a report - to display a list of clients under a certain age in a tabular excel style grid (datagrid most likely).

It will be sorted and subtotaled by a demographic such as "insurance type". Ideally the user would like to be able to select the insurance types allowed on the report (or in the datagrid/pivot table). I know one option would be to present the user with a series of check boxes or a multi-select list to choose the insurance types. Then, present them with a data grid or advanced data grid component to display the 'report'. What other techniques, options or components are available / have people used?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: No Erros In Creating Custom Objects With Methods?

May 30, 2009

i have created an object called plane with the bellow methods. I have not defined them anyway on my script file but i am curious to find out why flash does not respond by giving me any errors telling me that the methods i.e pitch to say that they have not been defined? This is something that i would have expected flash to tell me. This results in a successful build and as a result i am able to still run the file. Why does it not notify me of any erross even though clearly they have not been declared anywhere i my script.?

var plane:Object = new Object();
plane.pitch = 0;
plane.roll = 5;
plane.yaw = 5;

I am also using FlashDevelop

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Looping After Starting Syntax With Stop Command, No Compiler And Syntax Errors?

Jul 14, 2011

using action script...
stop();btn001_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,showimage1);function showimage1(event:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndPlay(10);}btn002_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,showimage2);function showimage2(event:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndPlay(20);}
however movie is playing without stopping to "Listen" for a Mouse CLICK. Images placed at frame 10 and 20 should appear only when CLICK'd.
This code is straight out of Classroom in a Book CS4.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Buttons Is Not Accessible

Sep 18, 2010

I have several buttons within a flash file. The hierarchy is this:mainmcholder workmc service1mc.All three are separate swf's loaded into holders. Now within service1mc, there are several buttons..clicking any buttons loads another external swf, related to that button, within an emtpy movieclip which is placed above these buttons. Now when one button is clicked, all the buttons are disabled and dimmed. When the user closes the external button-related swf, all buttons are enabled and _alpha is made 100 again.Everything works fine till the external button-related swf is closed. The buttons are disabled and dimmed, but when the swf is closed, the buttons are inaccessible.

I have placed the code within onLoadInit(), wherein the external swf (_mc), has an event listener attached to it. When the event is dispatched, (which is successfully completed), a function is executed, which is enabling the buttons. The function is also getting executed, but the buttons are not reachable. It seems to be a path issue.[code]I have used the same path for disabling them, and that seems to work.

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Flex :: Sdk Is Not Accessible In Eclipse

Mar 22, 2012

I have installed eclipce and I want to work with flex.I found some site (url...) where somebody said that we need to install flex sdk. And than they said that we need to open window->preferences and on left side select 'Flex'. But I don't have 'Flex' item here... What is wrong? I also installed Flash Builder trial, but it does not make any sence.

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Make The Flvplayback Control Accessible?

Jul 25, 2009

does anyone know how to make the flvplayback control accessible? meaning to be able to use the tab key to navigate the play,stop,fwd,back buttons? According to Adobe I should be able to load up a skin and its already set.

"All skins provided by Flash CS4 Professional support keyboard and screen reader access, so developers simply insert the FLVPlayback component on the stage in Flash no configuration is needed."

This is incorrect. I have tried to load several different skins and it fails, my coworker tried with her system "fail" I've managed to create my own playback bar (sorta) and was able to get the tab to work by assigning tab indexs however the flvplayback skins does not allow tab indexing.

I cant actionscript worth a lick so using my playback bar is not an option and the SkinUnderAllNoFullscreen playback was the chosen controller. point me in the right direction. Adobe and the forums over there were of no help.

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Can Dynamic XML Driven Flash Be Accessible?

Oct 18, 2010

I'm being asked if some resources I created can be made accessible. Currently each resource is the exact same launch.swf, but each is pulling from a different xml file. I'm so proud of myself! But now it looks like you can't dynamically generate accessilbe resources. I'm being asked for the alt.text equivalent of various text boxes, while the actual content of each box depends on multiple factors.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Class Accessible?

Nov 14, 2009

I am creating a custom Flash component with AS3. My component's main class imports a class with a static variable. How can I make this class accessible by the user of my component from a flash-level? This is the example:
my component's main class:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import MyStaticClass;


The thing is I don't want to provide the user with the MyStaticClass source. I would like it to be automatically imported and accessible after dragging the component to the stage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ColorTransform For An Element That Isn't Accessible?

Jan 8, 2010

Basically, I have been asked to develop a function on a Flash player so that you can change the colour of the control panel using a variable.The control panel's background elements aren't accessible from the main class; they're private members because the panel's layout and appearance are something I might want to change without having to change the main classHow on Earth can I directly modify a control panel's colour transform when they aren't directly accessible? I've looked at various forum posts but nothing matches exactly what I'm after I guess this will involve using colorTransform but how do I invoke this on something that sits in the fla file?

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Swf - Accessible Flash Content For The Blind?

Feb 7, 2010

I am working on a browser project for the blind in my university. For swf files, I am trying to access the contents of an SWF and parse so that screen readers can use it to read it aloud. I was successfully able to extract static text using swfutils.jar from inside the Flex SDK. But I was wondering if the following i spossible : Given a flash webform, I should be able to move the through the fields using 'Tab' and then read out the buttons ( by extracting associated text), and read it aloud so that the user can click the required button.. I hope I am clear with my problem description..

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Flex :: Deployed SWF Not Accessible In Firefox?

Nov 15, 2010

I'm using swfobject.js to deploy load my flex applet. Unfortunately, while I'm able to run/debug in Firefox via Flash Builder, I cannot access the deployed applet via its URL -- the applet doesn't load/start. I can access the deployed applet via its URL from both IE 8 and Chrome 7. Below are the swfobject code and the produced object tag:

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {
<!-- For version detection, set to min. required Flash Player version, or 0 (or 0.0.0), for no version detection. -->
var swfVersionStr = "10.0.0";


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Actionscript 3 :: Variables Accessible Across Keyframes?

Apr 12, 2011

I'm working on a portfolio suggestion application in Flash, which consists of two views: ask user for 3 to 4 points of information, and display recommendations based on that information.The first view is going swimmingly, as all I need are the graphics to be created. However, I'm having trouble understanding how a AS3 variable can be seen across keyframes when it was declared and initialized on the first frame.The only multi-view app I've done is a Restaurant Guide flash app that was described in Adobe Flash CS5 Classroom in a Book. In that example, the only AS function on four of the views was a stop() function.If I were to do the same in this app, and declare the variables as global in the first frame, will they be accessible throughout?Two comments have said that my question is unclear, so I hope this makes my question more understandable. I want to know how, if I gather all the user information on Frame 1 and then switch to a view on Frame 15, to access those variables on Frame 1.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Captivate Accessible In Flash

Jul 24, 2009

I've got Captivate movies dynamically loading into a Flash movie. The problem is, the tab index which works so well when the Captivate movies are in stand-alone mode falls apart when loading the Captivate movie into a Flash shell. I've tried tabEnabled=false and tabChildren=true for the movie clip that contains the Captivate movie, but with no results. Does anyone know how to get the focus manager to tab to objects in a Captviate movie when that movie is running in a Flash shell?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loaded Library: Not Accessible By All

Mar 1, 2011

I have a swf containing several movie clips that are utilized without issue from one perspective. There happened to be one other angle (MenuBar) that these movie clips were to be used from but am not able to access them. The process that fails is:

1) Controller.swf loaded into currentDomain.

2) MenuBar.swf loaded into the currentDomain as child to controller.swf.

3) Clicking on an item on the MenuBar.swf runs a static process that attempts to access classes that are in the currentDomain and yet receive the error: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 'variablename' is not defined.
at global/flash.utils::getDefinitionByName()

These items that are being accessed are avatar parts and are currently displayed on the screen as a child to the controller.swf. I also have a click event on the avatar itself which does execute and display the desired objects on the screen. If all swf's are loaded into the same application domain and are loaded as a child to the same display object then why would these assets not be available?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FMX-variable Accessible Outside Of Functions?

Aug 6, 2003

I don't know why the value of my variable my_str is undefined outside of this function:

loadText = new loadVars();
loadText.onLoad = function(success) {


ps: I tried making my_str a global function or even defining it as _root.my_str but I always get the same's undefined outside the function...I need that value for something else so...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making The Flv Component Accessible?

Jun 19, 2009

I am using the flv player component and am having trouble adding the players buttons to the tab order.I opened the FLA for the skin I am attaching to the component, and individually selected the play, close caption and full screen button and assigned them each a tab order number within the Accessibility window. I also selected the "make object accessible" checkbox for each button within the Accessibility window. Doing that didnt seem to work, so I looked further and found that there is an accessibility class and I have now tried to utilize that class with the following code:
import fl.accessibility.ButtonAccImpl;ButtonAccImpl.enableAccessibility();
but still dont seem to be doing something right?does anyone have experience accessibility and the flv player component?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Navigation Not Accessible WITHOUT Container?

Jun 12, 2011

I have a custom Class that extends Movieclip called Nav, and a container clip on stage. I've referenced the Nav Class and called it as such:

import com.Nav;
public var navigation:Nav;
navigation = new Nav();

This works fine. But when I try to access it with container.navigation ANYTHING it doesn't recognize it. I CAN access it as simply "navigation." But this shouldn't be the case. It should be the other way around, and navigation should not be accessible WITHOUT container.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Website Accessible To Blind People

Sep 16, 2011

I would like to know if it's possible to use Flash/AS 3.0 to create a website acessible to blind people. Using for example, the native text recognition from Windows or Mac. What I have to do to make this possible? Making HTML text is enough?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load And Then Make Accessible As Buttons?

Oct 8, 2009

I have 12 pictures I need to load and then make accessible as buttons or - when the user presses on the picture it initializes a function.  What is the best way to do this?
I went the loading a picture through URLRequest and URLLoader route but I need to load 12, place them on the stage, make them move upon NextBnt press and and then when the user selects the picture., the view goes to another screen.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Buttons Inside Moveiclip Not Accessible?

Aug 1, 2010

I am making this website, which contains a load file, which contains a movieclip holder, which holds all the different parts of the website.
Now within the portfolio.swf, which is within mcholdr, inside load.swf, there are several images, which are buttons. On clicking one image, I have code which dims, i.e. reduces _alpha for all the buttons and disables them. Now when I test portfolio.swf alone, this code works, but when I access portfolio.swf through load.swf, the code is not working.

Nothing works. Is this a path problem??? How do I access these buttons?? I want to use the loop, as there are many buttons, so a simple img1._alpha will not work, as I will have to type this out for each button. How can I get the same effect using the loop??

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Xml :: Flex - Loading An XML File That Isn't Accessible By Users

Dec 9, 2009

We have a Flex app that is currently loading an XML file that contains Multiple Choice Question data. I don't want a user to be able to access this file via http, but if I use HTTPService to load the file (what we're doing currently) it seems as though I have to place the XML file within the public_html folder on our server.

Is there a better way to load the XML file so that users wouldn't be able to see it in their activity viewer/access it via http://

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Flex :: Make Custom UIComponent Accessible?

Apr 18, 2011

I added a MXML component in flex and selected the base as UIComponent. I want to make it accessible so that automated testing tools can Access it. I am using TestComplete for automated testing. As TestComplete uses Microsoft Accessibility classes. Now it treat my component as the Graphics.

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Flex :: Variable Accessible For All .mxml Files

Oct 4, 2011

Im using Oracle, BlazeDS, Java & Flex. I have an ArrayCollection containing data from a small database table. This table won't be the subject of much change. I want to use this ArrayCollection accross different mxml files to fill e.g. ComboBoxes etc. The reason for asking, is that doing a database call for each time a fill a ComboBox etc is slow and seems unnecessary. I tried doing this once in the "main" .mxml file, but then the variable wasn't accessible where i needed it. What is the best approach for accomplishing this task? What is the best way of making a variable accesible across .mxml files?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Website Accessible To Blind People?

Sep 16, 2011

how if it's possible to use Flash/AS 3.0 to create a website acessible to blind people. Using for example, the native text recognition from Windows or Mac. What I have to do to make this possible? Making HTML text is enough?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Don't To Be Accessible Until A New Option Is In The Mcholder

Jun 10, 2005

I have a flash-based website that has 2 main mcholders and 5 buttons. When I click a button it opens an external SWF in an mc holder. I want to learn 2 codes.

1. If I clicked a button and it is loaded on the MC holder, I don't want the button to be accessible until a new option is in the mcholder.

2. WHen I click another link I want the first swf to fade out before the new one fades in.[URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Variable Accessible In More Than One Frame

Feb 9, 2010

I noticed that I can not find a way to make a variable accessible in more than one frame. My issue here is that for instance if I have a game and frame 1 has the game and frame 2 has the win screen and I want the win screen to display a score, I don't know how to do it. So the variable from frame 1 which holds the display can't be acessed in frame 2. I understand how to use OOP proggramming and classes, but you need an instance of that class to hold the variable, and It seems I can't cross-frame acess objects either. (I understand I could use a global variable, I don't know how to do this but I know most people don't.

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