Flex - OLAP Web Visualization And Reporting Recommendations?

May 4, 2010

I am preparing an offer for a customer. They proide weekly data to different organizations. There is huge amount data suits OLAP that needed to be visualized with charts and pivot tables on web and custom reports will be built by non-it persons (an easy gui). They will enter a date range, location which data columns to be included and generate report and optionally export the data to Excel. They currently prepare reports with MS Excel with Pivot Tables and but they need a better online tool now to show data to their customers. Tables are huge and need of drill-down functionality. My current knowledge Spring, Flex, MySql, Linux. I have some knowledge of PostgreSQL and MSSQL and Windows. What is the easiest way of doing this project. Do you think that SSRP (haven't tried yet) and ASP.NET better suits for this kind of job. Actually I prefer open source solutions. Flex have OLAP Data Grid control which do aggregation on client side. JasperServer seems promising but it seems I need enterprise version (multiple organizations and ad hoc queries). What about Modrian + Flex + PostgreSQL solution?

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Nov 14, 2011

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Oct 23, 2009

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As of now, I'm inclined to use the Google Map Javascript API since I am familiar with it. However, the question of whether or not the Flash API might be able to handle many points more efficiently and gracefully prompted this SO question.

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if (field.maxScrollV>1){

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ActionScript 3.0 :: LocalToGlobal Reporting Wrong Coordinates?

Oct 15, 2010

Say I have a movieclip called theScreen a 0,0. It is 800 wide, 700 hightheScreen contains a movieclip called theStatusArea at 600,0. It is 200 wide by 700 hightheStausArea contains a movieClip called pieces at 10, 410. It is 180 wide by 180 highpieces contains a number of movieclips (triangle, square, etc.),all of these sub movieclips are more narrow than the pieces container and are all set added to the pieces container at 0,0

var pt:Point = new Point(triangle.x, triangle.y)
pt= triangle.localToGlobal(pt);
trace(pt); // should be 610, 410 at least at the start.


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Jan 26, 2011

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Actionscript 3 :: Error Reporting From Event Callback?

Aug 17, 2011

I have been experimenting with supplying better debugging information when an error happens in asynchronous code in AS3.

As an example of the poor error reporting be default, take the case where I force a null pointer in a Timer callback (github gist), I get the following stacktrace back on the console:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at Function/<anonymous>()[/[path-to-source-file]/TestClass.as:14]
at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()
at flash.utils::Timer/tick()

This tells me very little about how the timer callback actually links to my code.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loader Reporting Incorrect TotalFrames Of Content?

May 9, 2011

detecting the totalFrames of content loaded into a Loader?
I made a dummy animation just for testing (150 frames of text just tweening across the screen) to load. I load that in and when it's loaded I'm always told it's only 2 frames long.
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.net.URLRequest;


I just wrote that by hand now as an example so there might be a typo here or there but you get the general idea. I'm using CS5, flash player 10, just testing the movie and every time it traces 2 total frames. how to tell how many frames the loaded content actually has?

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Flash :: Shape Tween Isn't Reporting Its Size Correctly?

Aug 16, 2011

If I shape tween between two rectangles like so:On frame 5 I have the following:



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Textfield That Is Reporting Events On Stage Dynamically?

Jan 20, 2009

I need to create a textfield that is reporting events on stage dynamically (hitTests, onPress etc.). Something similar to output window in flash application. I want it to add events line by line, so afterall one can see what has been done.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Mp3 My Visualization?

Aug 27, 2004

Does anybody know how to make mp3 visualization?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Make MP3 Visualization

Aug 27, 2004

How can one make mp3 visualization?

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How To Use Flare (Data Visualization) With Only Flash CS3

Apr 26, 2010

How do I use [URL] with Flash CS3 in AS3. I don't intend to use Flex.

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Flash :: Php - JQuery Or Other Graph Visualization?

Aug 23, 2011

I have two basic bar charts and I am currently using XML/SWF Charts which is great but the problem I have is I need to be able to send these graphs via email to the user. As well as display them on the site.

I know sending Flash is a bad idea, I would love to find a way to convert my current graphs to an image, but am pretty certain there is no quick fix without building a work around myself.

Therefore what are the best open source or closed solutions for this problem.I need to be able to display two graphs dynamically and then email them to users.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Convert Graphic Visualization

Aug 15, 2010

recently i was made a flash mp3 player using actionscript 3 with REAL GRAPHIC EQUALIZER (or VISUALIZER) VARYING EXACTLY WITH SONG BEAT.....but now i want it into actionscript 2........

ActionScript Code:
//Create an instance of the Sound class
var soundClip:Sound = new Sound();
//Create a new SoundChannel Object


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