Php :: Reporting True Game Scores In Flash?

Jan 26, 2011

Im making a flash game and just wondering, how can I protect the ingame scores from being hacked ? For the moment im using a random number, which is set on the server and sent to the client, then using a hashing function which will hash 'score+randNumber' (a bit more complex, but the same idea), then i send the resulting score and the hash to the server (obviously logging attempted cheats). This so far works, but it is still easy to hack the score by decompiling the flash and finding out what the hashing formula is. Is there any other way that the scores can be transmitted to the server with little or no possibility of hacking?

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Store Scores From Flash Game Into Database?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Add High Scores To Flash Game?

Jun 6, 2010

I have a simple flash based quiz game with simple score var and percentage var. I am wanting to a high score function to it as motivation to my kids by creating healthy competition with high scores. This is not a web based game. I found many PHP high score tutorials but wont work for me.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Game High Scores Board

Sep 29, 2010

I know this is a subject that gets covered a lot as i have found a ton of tutorials that show a million different ways to create a high scores board on a flash game. So I decided to go out on a limb and pick a tutorial out to try. Well I have now tried 3 different ones and have yet to get a working high scores board with my game. [URL]

That is the link to the most recent attempts to creat my high scores board. When I finished everything the way the tutorial said it seemed like everything would work and then it just didnt. After spending oh about 40 plus hours trying to make a high scores board I am getting very frustrated. My game is scripted in AS2 and I have access to mysql and can set up unlimited databases.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Game - Storing High Scores, Winners With Multiple Users?

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Card Game - Unable To Get Scores To Add

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Computing Scores On Trivia Game?

May 20, 2010

I need to compute scores and would also like to notify users on their progress.There are 5 questions , 20pts each = 100pts;

I built two arrays (rightAnswers will compute scores and completeAnswers will give them their progress :

var rightAnswers:Array = new Array(next1_mc, next2_mc, next3_mc, next4_mc, next5_mc); var completeAnswers:Array = new Array(submit_btn, submit2_btn, submit3_btn, submit4_btn, submit5_btn);

I know I need to set them both at 0 something like: so I think the function for the FIRST progress_txt (twhich their will be 5 for each question completed)<<clueless on this one
function computeProgress(code)......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A High Score Table For A Flash Game Where EVERYONE See's The Same High Scores?

Oct 11, 2003

how can i make a high score table for a flash game where EVERYONE see's the same high scores?


Bill gets 1000 in USA
Ben gets 1002 in UK

they can see each others scores on a high score table.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save Game Scores On IPhone (AIR3)

Jan 14, 2012

I am looking at the SharedObject class. Just wonder if I am at the right direction?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Soccer Game - Showing Classic Results Realtime With Scores

Jul 19, 2003

I want to make a soccer score game. A game that shows classic soccers results realtime with the score at the point they where scored.

An example:
World Cup 1986 Mexico
West Germany - Argentina
The final score 2 - 3
The players who scored and the exact time:

---West germany---
Rummenigge (74 min)
Voller (82 min)

Brown (23 min)
Valdano (56 min)
Burruchaga (85 min)
The total of matches with data like above is 45.
The total time of a soccergame is 90 minutes.

And further more I want a start player selection kind-of-thing like this:
select game [] (ex. VM 86 mexico, VM 94 USA etc.)
select number of players: [] (ex. 4)
select number of games pr player [] (ex. 5)
Select total time of playing [] (ex. 60 minutes)
Write the name of the players

1. Load external data (the pool of matches)
2. Get user input
3. Select random matches for the players
4. Calculate the time (90min/60min etc.)
5. Tell clock countdown the time and start the countdown from 90min to 0min
6. When a scoretime is equal to clockcountdown time then display game score and the soccerplayer who scored and the name of the player who got the match.

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Flash :: MaxScrollV Reporting Incorrectly?

Dec 9, 2010

I have an html text field that displays content from an xml file, and a class that determines whether or not to show a scrollbar.The code that determines this is as straightforward as

if (field.maxScrollV>1){

And 9 times out of ten it is working. Sometimes - it seems when the html contains <li> - maxScrollV is reporting '2' and the scrollbars are showing, even though all text is visible onscreen and it will not actually scroll at all.

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Flash :: Shape Tween Isn't Reporting Its Size Correctly?

Aug 16, 2011

If I shape tween between two rectangles like so:On frame 5 I have the following:



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ActionScript 3.0 :: ButtonMode = True; .useHandCursor = True; Only Works On Half Of The Button?

Sep 4, 2009

about.buttonMode = true;
about.useHandCursor = true;

I have this on a MC I use for a button - and it works but only on HALF of the object - how can I make so it works on the whole object itself?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Pre-render Scores?

Jul 12, 2011

do I have to pre-render scores in a game? I ask because I'd like to scale and fade in and out each score. Pre-rendering makes sense if you have to do it once only, right?

Does it take too much resources when pre-rendering each dynamically created scores individually? What are alternatives when performance of a game is important?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Condition - (condition1=true) AND (condition2=true)?

Jun 11, 2004

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Flash :: Hash - High Scores - Access MD5 In Flash?

Mar 6, 2012

I need a way to be httpClient. I found some implementations - but I am looking for something built-in for posting to an HTTP server. In order to make it "relativley" secure - I figured I would keep a password file/or a const variable. Read it, hash it, send it to the server. The server will have the same password, and so it will too hash it. Is this reasonible? I understand the problem of reverse engineering etc. What do you think? How can I access MD5 etc. in flash?

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Flash :: Accessing High Scores Site Raises Security Errors

Mar 13, 2012

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IDE :: CS5 AutoFormat Bug Reporting

Aug 4, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ProgressEvent Reporting Incorrect Properties?

Jan 7, 2009

I have an app that loads large imagery and swf assets on demand, presenting a movieclip that displays load status based on a ProgressEvent listener. When run locally and off of my own server everything looks as it should and I get accurate bytesLoaded and bytesTotal figures producing the correct load % displayed. However, when published to my client's server, the load status starts at 100% and doesn't ever change. The even stranger thing is that in Firefox it says 100% Loaded but in Safari it says Infinity% Loaded. Are there web server settings or differences I should consider here?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: LocalToGlobal Reporting Wrong Coordinates?

Oct 15, 2010

Say I have a movieclip called theScreen a 0,0. It is 800 wide, 700 hightheScreen contains a movieclip called theStatusArea at 600,0. It is 200 wide by 700 hightheStausArea contains a movieClip called pieces at 10, 410. It is 180 wide by 180 highpieces contains a number of movieclips (triangle, square, etc.),all of these sub movieclips are more narrow than the pieces container and are all set added to the pieces container at 0,0

var pt:Point = new Point(triangle.x, triangle.y)
pt= triangle.localToGlobal(pt);
trace(pt); // should be 610, 410 at least at the start.


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Flex - OLAP Web Visualization And Reporting Recommendations?

May 4, 2010

I am preparing an offer for a customer. They proide weekly data to different organizations. There is huge amount data suits OLAP that needed to be visualized with charts and pivot tables on web and custom reports will be built by non-it persons (an easy gui). They will enter a date range, location which data columns to be included and generate report and optionally export the data to Excel. They currently prepare reports with MS Excel with Pivot Tables and but they need a better online tool now to show data to their customers. Tables are huge and need of drill-down functionality. My current knowledge Spring, Flex, MySql, Linux. I have some knowledge of PostgreSQL and MSSQL and Windows. What is the easiest way of doing this project. Do you think that SSRP (haven't tried yet) and ASP.NET better suits for this kind of job. Actually I prefer open source solutions. Flex have OLAP Data Grid control which do aggregation on client side. JasperServer seems promising but it seems I need enterprise version (multiple organizations and ad hoc queries). What about Modrian + Flex + PostgreSQL solution?

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Actionscript 3 :: AIR Socket Based App Status Reporting?

Jun 30, 2011

How do I go about creating a socket based status reporting system for an AIR app? What I have in mind, is you connect to the app via socket connection with some sort of terminal. It presents you with a list of options, you issue commands back, and it reports back any stats and messages. (This is for an app running on a remote kiosk, connected via 3G.)

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Actionscript 3 :: Error Reporting From Event Callback?

Aug 17, 2011

I have been experimenting with supplying better debugging information when an error happens in asynchronous code in AS3.

As an example of the poor error reporting be default, take the case where I force a null pointer in a Timer callback (github gist), I get the following stacktrace back on the console:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at Function/<anonymous>()[/[path-to-source-file]/]
at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()
at flash.utils::Timer/tick()

This tells me very little about how the timer callback actually links to my code.

The question is: How can I get information about what code created the callback?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loader Reporting Incorrect TotalFrames Of Content?

May 9, 2011

detecting the totalFrames of content loaded into a Loader?
I made a dummy animation just for testing (150 frames of text just tweening across the screen) to load. I load that in and when it's loaded I'm always told it's only 2 frames long.
package {
import flash.display.*;


I just wrote that by hand now as an example so there might be a typo here or there but you get the general idea. I'm using CS5, flash player 10, just testing the movie and every time it traces 2 total frames. how to tell how many frames the loaded content actually has?

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Flex :: Add Detailed Remote Crash Reporting To Air Application?

Mar 1, 2010

I will be releasing my Air/Flex application soon, but I am pretty sure there are a couple of bugs that may pop up on the various platforms that Air is available for. So I was wondering if there is a way to implement a mechanism, that would send an error report, logging where the error happened, to a remote server each time an app crashes? This way I might catch errors that otherwise would go unnoticed.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Textfield That Is Reporting Events On Stage Dynamically?

Jan 20, 2009

I need to create a textfield that is reporting events on stage dynamically (hitTests, onPress etc.). Something similar to output window in flash application. I want it to add events line by line, so afterall one can see what has been done.

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Java :: Flex For Chart Based Reporting Having Oracle Backend

Nov 24, 2010

My only experience with Flex is some limited reading over the web. What i am wondering is if i want to use Flex or some variant of it for generating reports, specifically Charts, coming off a Java/Oracle backend can i accomplish that in an environment where the streaming media (we cannot play videos on our systems at work) is turned off? Also, are there any other restrictions revolving around using Flex for reporting in the form of charts? Currently, we use Jfree Chart API to develop charts but just exploring an alternative.

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IDE :: How To Add Numbers (Scores) In AS3

Dec 12, 2009

How do I add numbers in Actionscript 3? I have two dynamic texts
totalscore.text = "3"; and
myscore.text = "2";
I'm trying to add them like this
totalscore.text += myscore.text;
And I get this answer 32 instead of 5 it just attaches them instead of adding. why? I also tried it like this
var my_score:Number = myscore.text;
totalscore.text += my_score;
But it still attaches them numbers together instead of adding.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Writing A Simple Game Rule For A Platform Game?

Feb 28, 2011

I'm creating a game at the moment for my university course and it involves the player character jumping on top of boxs twice to break them as opposed to just once.What would be the most efficient/simple way of writing this in Actionscript 3.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Total Up Scores In Many Scenes?

Jun 14, 2011

I'm trying to make a very simple flash game for my college project. The players will get 1 point each time they click on certain object. I've created 3 scenes and each of the scene has score value. I want to total up the score at Scene3. FYI, I use:
1st Action Script add this to the variables frame: = 00;
2nd Action Script add this to each of the hit sections in the Action Script frame: = Number (total) +1;
how to add up the scores from Scene 1,2 & 3?

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