ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Pre-render Scores?

Jul 12, 2011

do I have to pre-render scores in a game? I ask because I'd like to scale and fade in and out each score. Pre-rendering makes sense if you have to do it once only, right?

Does it take too much resources when pre-rendering each dynamically created scores individually? What are alternatives when performance of a game is important?

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Store Scores From Flash Game Into Database?

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And one more, im still new to flash and im thinking which database is best to be used for flash. i got some ideas in SQL server and Microsoft Access.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Add High Scores To Flash Game?

Jun 6, 2010

I have a simple flash based quiz game with simple score var and percentage var. I am wanting to a high score function to it as motivation to my kids by creating healthy competition with high scores. This is not a web based game. I found many PHP high score tutorials but wont work for me.

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Php :: Reporting True Game Scores In Flash?

Jan 26, 2011

Im making a flash game and just wondering, how can I protect the ingame scores from being hacked ? For the moment im using a random number, which is set on the server and sent to the client, then using a hashing function which will hash 'score+randNumber' (a bit more complex, but the same idea), then i send the resulting score and the hash to the server (obviously logging attempted cheats). This so far works, but it is still easy to hack the score by decompiling the flash and finding out what the hashing formula is. Is there any other way that the scores can be transmitted to the server with little or no possibility of hacking?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Game High Scores Board

Sep 29, 2010

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That is the link to the most recent attempts to creat my high scores board. When I finished everything the way the tutorial said it seemed like everything would work and then it just didnt. After spending oh about 40 plus hours trying to make a high scores board I am getting very frustrated. My game is scripted in AS2 and I have access to mysql and can set up unlimited databases.

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Flash :: Hash - High Scores - Access MD5 In Flash?

Mar 6, 2012

I need a way to be httpClient. I found some implementations - but I am looking for something built-in for posting to an HTTP server. In order to make it "relativley" secure - I figured I would keep a password file/or a const variable. Read it, hash it, send it to the server. The server will have the same password, and so it will too hash it. Is this reasonible? I understand the problem of reverse engineering etc. What do you think? How can I access MD5 etc. in flash?

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Flash :: Accessing High Scores Site Raises Security Errors

Mar 13, 2012

I have a flash game. I've been trying to connect it to a php website that uses a mySql db. It works when I "test project" it from flash, however when I run it from a player/browser it raises errors about accessing a site. What setting need I ask from my users to set in their flash player - I have personally looked for the right settings and found nothing about approving sites. Is it possible that if both my game and my php site reside in the same base url - that is same server - that this error shall not appear? I really want to test this my self, but my server is a free server and doesn't allow me to upload certain files that are heavy.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A High Score Table For A Flash Game Where EVERYONE See's The Same High Scores?

Oct 11, 2003

how can i make a high score table for a flash game where EVERYONE see's the same high scores?


Bill gets 1000 in USA
Ben gets 1002 in UK

they can see each others scores on a high score table.

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IDE :: How To Add Numbers (Scores) In AS3

Dec 12, 2009

How do I add numbers in Actionscript 3? I have two dynamic texts
totalscore.text = "3"; and
myscore.text = "2";
I'm trying to add them like this
totalscore.text += myscore.text;
And I get this answer 32 instead of 5 it just attaches them instead of adding. why? I also tried it like this
var my_score:Number = myscore.text;
totalscore.text += my_score;
But it still attaches them numbers together instead of adding.

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BEGIN { $ENV{PATH} = ''; delete @ENV{ 'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'}; }
use strict;


This is only part of the displayed file, but I hope this helps. I don't want the code to display, I want it to look graphical. If I download this file, and change the extension to .pdf, it works perfectly.

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Flash :: Render Just A BitmapFilter To BMD?

Feb 1, 2012

How would you render a BitmapFilter (such as DropShadowFilter) applied to a sprite, to a seperate BitmapData Layer? which would then be placed beneath all objects.For instance if you have two rectangular sprites overlapping each other, with a DropShadowFilter applied to each, the result would be the filter overlaying and obscuring the other rectangular sprite - as shown below.

note: each filter may have different settings and so I cant just apply a uniform filter to a containing sprite. also: ideally this solution will be scalable to handle many animated sprites at the same time.

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Card Game - Unable To Get Scores To Add

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Total Up Scores In Many Scenes?

Jun 14, 2011

I'm trying to make a very simple flash game for my college project. The players will get 1 point each time they click on certain object. I've created 3 scenes and each of the scene has score value. I want to total up the score at Scene3. FYI, I use:
1st Action Script add this to the variables frame: = 00;
2nd Action Script add this to each of the hit sections in the Action Script frame: = Number (total) +1;
how to add up the scores from Scene 1,2 & 3?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Store High Scores

Sep 17, 2004

i am currently doing my final year project. I am developing games. I have problems with the scoring part. I need help to do high scores using text files. Can you please help teach me step by step how to store high scores.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Internal High Scores (without PHP/SQL/XML), How To?

Nov 1, 2006

find a piece of code that creates a high score list of say, the 10 best scores for a Flash game, and stores it inside the .fla. (Is this even possible?)All I found was the following file: http:[url]...(source fla http:url...)But when I try to ctrl-enter it from Flash 8, the program hangs and the swf just won't open...

I'm aware of the fact it'd be much handier via PHP and a MySQL database, but I'm making a game for a contest in which it isn't allowed to use any additional files (also no txt files) next to the main game swf .

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Flash :: Render Between Two Lines Of Code?

May 17, 2011

I have a huge code execution with many loops and pre-rendering processes and I was wondering if there is a way to tell the flash player to take a little pause on the code side and do a render.

Basically I have my execusion that takes a while, and on each step I make a call to a screen and then modify the scale of a loading bar. Now the problem is that the user only sees the progress at the end, I know this is due to the fact that flash does code execution and then render, i tried to make calls to stage.invalidate to force a render but it wouldnt work until the whole execusion if finished either. Is there a way to force flash to render between two lines of code?

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Aug 11, 2011

when I try to render a cube using Away3D + Molehill, I only get a white default screen, I followed the instructions here: hhe only thing I did not do, was the part that talks about the patch, cuz If I do that I get errors like when I try to import the Sprite class, for example.Im using FB 4.5.!

This is my code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Computing Scores On Trivia Game?

May 20, 2010

I need to compute scores and would also like to notify users on their progress.There are 5 questions , 20pts each = 100pts;

I built two arrays (rightAnswers will compute scores and completeAnswers will give them their progress :

var rightAnswers:Array = new Array(next1_mc, next2_mc, next3_mc, next4_mc, next5_mc); var completeAnswers:Array = new Array(submit_btn, submit2_btn, submit3_btn, submit4_btn, submit5_btn);

I know I need to set them both at 0 something like: so I think the function for the FIRST progress_txt (twhich their will be 5 for each question completed)<<clueless on this one
function computeProgress(code)......

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ActionScript 3.0 :: High Scores Table Without Name Repeat

May 20, 2011

I have some code which fills a high scores table.. we've decided to give away a prize to the top ten people in the high scores table.. the problem is that people are playing repeatedly and fillnig the high scores table with their name, this makes it unfair to other players as they can't manage to get onto the table Is there a way I can modify my code to ignore the same name should it appear and skip to the next non repeated name(pseudo) and score ??


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A High Scores Table Using PHP And SQL?

Dec 15, 2010

I can find many AS2 tutorials on how to make a high scores table using PHP and sometimes SQL, but none for AS3. a resource showing me how to submit the user's score, and if it's in the top ten, show it on that list? I have the local high score just set to a variable, but would love for that to be passed to my SQL table.

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Flash :: Render Each Frame As A Single Image

Feb 17, 2010

can flash take each frame and export it out as a image ? In my case, I want to create sprite images for a flashdevelop project using blitting. Of course I know there is a solution for this. like copy and paste each shape into a image editor such as photoshop and turn them into png's. But I am just seeing if there is a simpler means of doing so.

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Flex :: Flash Site Often Does Not Render Until Refresh

Apr 16, 2010

[URL]. Our client communicates with a Rails backend to get login details and then logs into an Adobe LCCS server. We have been cruising right along but around noon yesterday we developed a bug that causes the swf to not render until you refresh the page. On subsequent refreshes it pops up right away. The problem happened even when I disabled the code that checks in with the Rails server. How could refreshing make a difference?

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Library :: Render Flash (SWF) Frame As Image (PDF / PNG / JPG)

Jun 7, 2010

I would like to write a python script that takes a bunch of swf files and renders them to individual image files.Each swf file has just one frame (text, pictures etc.) and no animations at all. I have already tried the render command from the swftools toolset (The windows version), but the resolution of the resulting image is too low.So what I need is:Acommand line tool (Windows/Linux) or a python library which renders one frame from a swf to a bitmap or better to something like a PDF (It would be cool if the text data could be retained). It would be great if the target resolution/size could be set manually.

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Flash - Render IP Camera Video With Socket?

Oct 3, 2010

So far the solution I found requires a crossdomain.xml to work,but this is not available on an IP camera:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" applicationComplete="init()">


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AS3 :: Php - Render Flash (swf) To Video Server-side

Oct 9, 2011

I have a SWF timeline animation that grabs XML/images dynamically and then need to output/encode that as a video.

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Flash :: Textures Distortion In 3D To Render A Model

Nov 1, 2011

I am using Papervision3D Flash 3D engine to render a model. Also I am noob in 3D =D Model is simple, it's a parallelepiped with different textures on its sides. All works just fine except one thing: whenever I change my visual angle to a model from 90° textures on the sides are distorted. I notices that it is common effect in 3D graphics, I saw that effect in games and other 3D renderers (i.e. away3D, three.js) even wth different 3D models. Distorted texture on object (different view angle): Normal texture on object (same object and texture) (view angle == 90°): What is the reason of this effect?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loop Through The Array Of Scores And To Check The Distance To Each Other?

Aug 19, 2011

In my game there appear scores when you shoot down enemies. That kinda works so far but they overlap when the enemies were too close to each other when shot down.Now what I'd like to do is to prevent the overlapping of the scores. The basic idea I had was to loop through the array of scores and to check the distance to each other.

private function checkScoreDistance():void
scoreManager.scoreCount = scoreManager.scores.length;[code]........

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Jan 14, 2012

I am looking at the SharedObject class. Just wonder if I am at the right direction?

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