Flash :: Render Just A BitmapFilter To BMD?

Feb 1, 2012

How would you render a BitmapFilter (such as DropShadowFilter) applied to a sprite, to a seperate BitmapData Layer? which would then be placed beneath all objects.For instance if you have two rectangular sprites overlapping each other, with a DropShadowFilter applied to each, the result would be the filter overlaying and obscuring the other rectangular sprite - as shown below.

note: each filter may have different settings and so I cant just apply a uniform filter to a containing sprite. also: ideally this solution will be scalable to handle many animated sprites at the same time.

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BEGIN { $ENV{PATH} = ''; delete @ENV{ 'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'}; }
use strict;


This is only part of the displayed file, but I hope this helps. I don't want the code to display, I want it to look graphical. If I download this file, and change the extension to .pdf, it works perfectly.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" applicationComplete="init()">


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ActionScript Mobile Project.

Flash to IPad.

I am using Flash Builder 4.5.1

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Feb 11, 2011

What options exist for rendering markup in Actionscript? I am looking for something I can use to write templates for menus, tooltips, and other display/frontend stuff in a Flash application. I want to be able to load a template from a string, and then render it as a display object. The kinds of things that would go inside would include text, with possible font styles, text positioning, and images.

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Flash :: Get SIFR To Render The .sIFR-alternate Correctly With FlashBlock Enabled?

Apr 10, 2010

So I've looked this up in a few different places, and the only answer I've seen is "style the span.sIFR-alternate element". Problem is, if I apply any styles to that element that will actually have it appear & be placed correctly, it shows up alongside the sIFR text when FlashBlock isn't present (e.g. in Safari/IE) or is disabled. Here's the default styles for .sIFR-alternate:


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Apr 11, 2010

I have HTML + CSS text. I need some lib with simple function like "Render String Var conteining HTML" So no external files (like in flash lib called HTMLwraper you just have to play your SWF on top of HTML). dinamic! I give it string it renders It into some conteiner (not as a bitmab but as if it was real HTML dynamically rendered in flash). (And I need real HTML + CSS support not what normal rich text block gives us)I am going to use it in with Flex (Flash Builder) so I like MXML component model but even pure flash AS3 will workout.It should be Free and Opensource (any license like GPL, LGPL etc will be ok).So Is out there such flashflex library for HTML + CSS dynamic rendering (rfom given String or XML)?

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