ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Game High Scores Board

Sep 29, 2010

I know this is a subject that gets covered a lot as i have found a ton of tutorials that show a million different ways to create a high scores board on a flash game. So I decided to go out on a limb and pick a tutorial out to try. Well I have now tried 3 different ones and have yet to get a working high scores board with my game. [URL]

That is the link to the most recent attempts to creat my high scores board. When I finished everything the way the tutorial said it seemed like everything would work and then it just didnt. After spending oh about 40 plus hours trying to make a high scores board I am getting very frustrated. My game is scripted in AS2 and I have access to mysql and can set up unlimited databases.

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Bill gets 1000 in USA
Ben gets 1002 in UK

they can see each others scores on a high score table.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Add High Scores To Flash Game?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: High Scores Table Without Name Repeat

May 20, 2011

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Jan 26, 2011

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May 20, 2010

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var rightAnswers:Array = new Array(next1_mc, next2_mc, next3_mc, next4_mc, next5_mc); var completeAnswers:Array = new Array(submit_btn, submit2_btn, submit3_btn, submit4_btn, submit5_btn);

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function computeProgress(code)......

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Jan 1, 2010

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My current solution (not tested, just in my head) is, to create 10 bitmaps (numbers from 0-9) or 1 bitmap with all the numbers in it and then convert the current score into a string, split this string and for every digit show the matching bitmap. Update: or should i try to use filters on the textfield to create a "more beautiful" score?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A High Score Table For A Flash Game?

Oct 11, 2003

how can i make a high score table for a flash game where EVERYONE see's the same high scores?


Bill gets 1000 in USA
Ben gets 1002 in UK

they can see each others scores on a high score table.

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Soccer Game - Showing Classic Results Realtime With Scores

Jul 19, 2003

I want to make a soccer score game. A game that shows classic soccers results realtime with the score at the point they where scored.

An example:
World Cup 1986 Mexico
West Germany - Argentina
The final score 2 - 3
The players who scored and the exact time:

---West germany---
Rummenigge (74 min)
Voller (82 min)

Brown (23 min)
Valdano (56 min)
Burruchaga (85 min)
The total of matches with data like above is 45.
The total time of a soccergame is 90 minutes.

And further more I want a start player selection kind-of-thing like this:
select game [] (ex. VM 86 mexico, VM 94 USA etc.)
select number of players: [] (ex. 4)
select number of games pr player [] (ex. 5)
Select total time of playing [] (ex. 60 minutes)
Write the name of the players

1. Load external data (the pool of matches)
2. Get user input
3. Select random matches for the players
4. Calculate the time (90min/60min etc.)
5. Tell clock countdown the time and start the countdown from 90min to 0min
6. When a scoretime is equal to clockcountdown time then display game score and the soccerplayer who scored and the name of the player who got the match.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Score Board For A Game Show?

Jun 7, 2011

I need to create a score board for a game show at work for staff. The score board must keep score on the left and right parts of the screen. score must start as default on 0. Then every time I press for example the left arrow key the left score must increase by the value of 1 and when I press the right arrow key the left score must decrease by 1.Same goes for the right score only with differant keys example up and down keys. This sounds very simple and I managed to get it to work when I tested with only 1 score, but failed when adding the second score to the picture.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Turn Base Board Game - While Loop

Mar 15, 2009

I am trying to create a turn base board game. It has four player and out the the four players one is human and the rest are cpu's. The players are number 1,2..4. In the beginning of the game it ask's the user to which player will be the human player. A random number generator function picks a random number between 1-4 and that number player will go first.

There is a while loop that controls the game play something like:
var isNotEndofGame:Boolean = true;
var human:Number; //the user inputs this number.
var aPlayer:Number = getRandomNumber(1,4); //players: 1, 2, 3, 4
while(isNotEndofGame) {
if(aPlayer==human) doHumanMove();
else doCpuMove();

This reset's the player so they can keep on playing until game ends.
if(aPlayer==4) aPlayer = 1;
inside function doCpuMove() and doHumanMove() isNotEndofGame will become false when the game objective is met.

The problem I am having is when its the human players turn I want the loop to pause or wait so that the human player can do some interaction such as click a button or drag a movieClip. I tried adding adding mouseclick event listeners and timer neither worked.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Score Board For BlackJack Game Points?

Oct 25, 2011

I am creating a blackjack game and almost have it all figured out besides the scoreboard. When I win the game it adds the 25 points and when I loose it subtracts the 25 points from the starting score = 200. The problem is that if you win multiple times in a row or lose multiple times in a row the score doesn't keep adding up. It only adds or subtracts the score once. I tried using a boolean code but can't get it to work right. Now I am using this set up.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Proper Way To Instanciate Multiple Sprites (board Game)

Dec 2, 2009

when creating a tile style gameboard in flash before i did the following:[code]when i wanted to delete tile-instances, i could reference them like [code]

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Actionscript 3 :: OOP - Make An Object Move Across A Game Board Depending On The Value Of The Dice?

Dec 8, 2011

I am creating a board game and I am using Object Oriented Programming with AS3. I created a movie clip with a circle that moves across the game board. There are 18 squares and 18 frames. I have a button that gives you a value with a dice with the random number function:

public function rollDie():void
{_dieValue = Math.ceil(Math.random()*6)

I have a class for the dice button, die, gameboard, and the main board. I am trying to make the circle move across the board(or go to the frame in the mc) depending on what the value I get with the dice. Here is my code so far:


The mc instance for the gameboard is gameBoard. Also, if anyone knows how to trigger a labeled frame depending on which square the circle lands on that would be a plus.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Produce High Score Table For Online Game Using Document In Same Location?

Jul 11, 2010

I've been looking on the net for some time now (about 4 weeks on and off) and i've come across various ways of producing high score tables for both online and offline games. My query is:

Is it possible to produce a high score table for an online game using a document in the same location as the swf without using a PHP, SQL or any of the like languages? Either using a text document, xml, another swf or something else like that?

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Professional :: Create A "Family Fortunes" Game Board?

Sep 29, 2010

I'm trying to create a "Family Fortunes" game board, so I have got the basics, the answers can be revealed with a click, but I can't seem to attach sound to the buttons as they disappear. The code snippet tool doesn't seem to be working, the code goes into the action keyframe, but the sound won't link up.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Pre-render Scores?

Jul 12, 2011

do I have to pre-render scores in a game? I ask because I'd like to scale and fade in and out each score. Pre-rendering makes sense if you have to do it once only, right?

Does it take too much resources when pre-rendering each dynamically created scores individually? What are alternatives when performance of a game is important?

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Message Board Creation Using Flash CS3

Aug 29, 2009

I am building an ambitious site especially for someone new to the Flash.I want to create a fully functional Flash Forum.Only problem is I have not found 1 site with information on how to build one and the only thing I did find was something called the Flash Forum Engine. It is a 3rd party software suite that allows you to build a Flash Forum BUT! it costs 1000 Euro's or $2000.

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