Actionscript 3 :: OOP - Make An Object Move Across A Game Board Depending On The Value Of The Dice?

Dec 8, 2011

I am creating a board game and I am using Object Oriented Programming with AS3. I created a movie clip with a circle that moves across the game board. There are 18 squares and 18 frames. I have a button that gives you a value with a dice with the random number function:

public function rollDie():void
{_dieValue = Math.ceil(Math.random()*6)

I have a class for the dice button, die, gameboard, and the main board. I am trying to make the circle move across the board(or go to the frame in the mc) depending on what the value I get with the dice. Here is my code so far:


The mc instance for the gameboard is gameBoard. Also, if anyone knows how to trigger a labeled frame depending on which square the circle lands on that would be a plus.

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//The Code For The Character (Player_mc)


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