ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Pawn Move Correctly According To Dice Roll?

Jul 14, 2008

I'm trying to create a board game with a dice. I have a pawn which is supposed to move through the fields on the board according to the number on the dice, after it was rolled. The board has rectangle shape.I've created a function rollDice() which is controlling dice rolling and the movement of the pawn. The dice itself is event handlerThe board itself is within movie clip "map_mc" in which I've created a separated mc, called "node" + the number of the field, for each board field. So, there are "node0" to "node37" inside "map_mc", as there are 37 fields on the board. The pawn "tiger_mc" is also inside the parent "map_mc".

The problem is next:I somehow can't achieve that the pawn move from the current field to the next (according to the dice number) step by step. The movement is too quick and the pawn "is cutting" the corner of the board.Explanation of the code:The whole code for dice rolling and pawn movement is inside rollDice() function which is called by pressing the dice itself. It tracks both current position of the pawn (var curr_position) and it's next position (var next_position). It also push index of all fields in between into array fields_arr. I've created a counter inside that function which goes through fields_arr elements and changes the pawn's _x and _y accordingly, up to the last field - the new position. But the pawn is moving as directly from the current to the new position (not gradually over the fields in between). So the effect of such movement is that the pawn "is cutting the corner of the board". For instance, if the current position is "node7" (which is on the one side of the rectangle/board) and the next position is "node12" (which is on the next side of the rectangle/board), the pawn is not moving gradually node8-node9-...-node12 but as directly from node7 to node12,

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[Code] .....

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public function rollDie():void
{_dieValue = Math.ceil(Math.random()*6)

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if (Playing eq "True") {
        play ();
} else {[code]....

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onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = random(550);
this._y = random(310)+90;[code]..........

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if (menu_mc.moveTo(x,y)) {

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menubuttons._x = menu_mc._x

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I am trying to make a ball move, it's all perfect apart from this:
Statement must appear within on/onClipEvent handler = ( isJumping) = false;)
Then I put in "on", then it says:
Unexpected 'on' encountered.

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Jun 1, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Movieclip Alpha = 0 And Move?

May 26, 2003

I'm trying to make a movie clip move a small bit to the right and slowly (or quickly) dim until you can't see it. I've tried 2 different methods. The first was my original so that once you had the mouse in the original location of the movie, you just have to keep it there, you don't have to move the mouse with the clip. The 2nd was one i got after searching the forums. I've debugged out the for statement and tried just seeing if i could make a different movie's alpha change, and it didn't. So I believe the problem is either in the if (of the first) or onRollOver (of the 2nd).

xspot = _root._xmouse;
yspot = _root._ymouse;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making An Object Move To A Specified Location?

Feb 2, 2007

How do i make Obj1 move to Obj2 without easing? I want it to move Obj1 to Obj2 "walking" not "directly" by setting its _x and _y values.

Example for code with easing:

onClipEvent (load) {
_x = 0;
_y = 0;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making StartDrag Move Through And Axis

Jun 1, 2004

I want to make a handle pull up and then down through an arc. Now using the startDrag on the Handle won't make the handle pivot around an axis. It needs to move a bit like a (one arm bandit) or (The old coin Poker Machines) I have attached a basic file to show the problem I have so far.

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Professional :: Creating A 3D Dice/clock?

Jul 28, 2010

I am trying to create a dice that doubles up as a 60 second timer that counts from 60 to 0. I have managed to create the timer with some actionscript and a single frame swf, one layer for the AS 3 and one for the dynamic text box. I have also create a die from four 60*60 squares that animates 90 degree's so it looks as if it is rolling.

My issue is, how do I bring these together? As the clock/timer is dynamic textbox it can't be animated around 3D space, so it needs to be converted into a movie clip (to the best of my knowledge). when I do this, the actionscript no longer works as it's no longer having to update the text attribute of a textfield, but the contents of a movieclip.Next, I tried to import the timer.swf (clock) and dice.swf with the Loader class and loaded each of them into a movieclip, then layered them. This ALMOST works, however unlike the text in timer.swf, the text in this instance is not refreshed and simply writes the updated value over the previous value.Here is what I've ended up with:

AS 3 code:
var dice:Loader = new Loader();


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Roll Out - Roll Back Movie Clip?

Jul 15, 2009

I have a graphic that when rolled over it starts a movie clip, when rolled out or off I would like the clip to instead of stop actually roll the movie back whether the clip is at the end or not. Like an animated button I would guess.

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