Flex :: Play Two Consecutive Videos Using VideoPlayer Without 'black Frame In Between'?

Feb 10, 2011

I am playing multiple short video clips behind each other and I want it to look like it is one continuous video. Is there a way to stich them together so that it's unnoticable when you set a new video source.

At the moment I am having a problem where a black frame is inserted when I set a new video source. The order of events seems to be something like this[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Videos Black On OSX Lion?

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I read that disabling hardware acceleration could fix it, but in Flash player 10.2 I was unable to click on the settings button that did that. I upgraded to player version 11 and I was able to disable hardware acceleration and my videos started working again.

Funny thing is that the youtube video player worked fine on both player versions, suggesting that there is something that can be done code wise to circumvent this glitch.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Different Between NetStream.play And VideoPlayer.play?

Nov 4, 2010

1) What is the recommended/best practice method for loading videos (flv, f4v, mp4, etc.) from a play list. Some of the files might be on the local file system, some might be on a streaming server and uses rtmp.
2) Does the VideoPlayer.play internally use NetStream/NetConnection objects? I could get the files to play using both these methods - not sure if one is better than the other. I didn't see any references about streaming in the VideoPlayer.play method - but it does work with rtmp URLs!
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Actionscript :: Remove Auto-play Function From A Flash Videoplayer?

Nov 1, 2011

I have a flash videoplayer that playing automatically when enter the site, it makes the site become slow to load, actually there is button called 'Play Video'. Ican see a code in the action panel in the first frame

Stage.showMenu = false;
import mx.video.*;
import flash.external.*;


I didn't get an idea how to stop the autoplay function..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Multiple Videos (all On Xml File) To Play On Button Action?

Jul 14, 2011

I am trying to make a swf with one FLV playback player and 6 buttons. I've got 6 different videofiles that I want to have linked to this swf. Some of the videos are quit large.When starting the Swf, the first video has to start, after playing it, it has to stop. Then you must be able to choose which video to play by clicking one of the buttons. I don't want to have small thumbnails of the video, just plain and simple buttons.I have to have all my files, both fla, swf and xml files in the same directory (I cannot have them stored in different folders, since I have to upload this to a cms system which has limited upload properties).
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Flex :: Using HTTPService In Consecutive Function Calls

Mar 15, 2011

I have this button:
<s:Button includeIn="MeniuPrincipal" label="Descarcare Date" click="downloadLmData(event)"/>
And this click event handler:
protected function downloadLmData(event:MouseEvent):void {
downloadData('competenta', 'competente');
downloadData('localitate', 'localitati');

The downloadData function looks like this:
private function downloadData(item:String, items:String):void {
try {
var colVar:String = 'col' + cappitalize(items);
this.status = "Descarcare date in curs...";
this[colVar] = null;

The problem is, all calls are ignored, except for the first one. Is there any "queuing" mechanism which would allow all calls to be made?

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Flex :: Converting VideoPlayer CurrentTime To String

May 17, 2010

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So instead of : 2000ms it outputs 2.000

Here's the current MXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="[URL]"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
[Code] .....

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Black Frame Between Pages In Flash Website?

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Actionscript 3 :: Seek Function Donīt Work On Flex VideoPlayer After The Video Finish?

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at flash.events::EventDispatcher/flash.events:EventDispatcher::dispatchEventFunction()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Videos Using Querystring?

Aug 31, 2010

I have created a loading video that plays on top of the main FLV until it is done buffering and then disappears. This should be straight forward, however, it does not work for me.[code]...

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Uses Buttons To Play A Series Of Videos

Nov 24, 2009

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Media Server :: Some Videos Won't Play?

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C++ :: Play Hd Videos In Multiple Monitors?

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I'm looking for a solution to play HD videos on a multimonitor OSX environment for a projector/desktop application. It could be one huge video, or a video split in parts.So far I've been using Flash StageVideo successfully to play 1080p and 720p on single monitors. This works great with flash projectors. The problem with flash projectors is you can't span multiple monitors, or multiple windows. I still haven't tried opening multiple projectors, because I wouldn't know how to position each projector in a different monitor consistently.

In Adobe AIR you can have multiple windows and control their position, but AFAIK you can't use StageVideo to decode videos with the GPU... and using the classic Video class is really out of the question.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play 2 Or More Swf Videos Consecutively?

May 9, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Youtube Videos From My Player Using It?

Oct 11, 2009

I have created my FLV player. It plays FLV files by giving it the path of the FLV flile.

I'd like to play youtube videos within it by giving it the the URL of the video.

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Php :: Upload,play And Store Videos In A Better Way On Website?

Jul 15, 2010

i am trying to making(just for knowledge purpose) a website similar to "you tube" and i am

using LAMP(linux+apache+php+mysql).

so please guide me on these topics(please keep in mind that the website is a high traffic.web site like you tube):

1.i am taking video uploads from user using a simple form like:


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Html :: Getting Videos To Play Seamlessly On A Webpage?

Oct 30, 2010

I have a mov file that's 157 megabytes. I try running it on my page within a javascript scroller animation and the animation is very choppy and in fact I used css to simulate a mask but the thing doesn't get masked, probably do to the sluggishness of whole page, the page never fully loads, and the movie file makes it nearly impossible to scroll through the page. The file is just too huge. I currently have it embedded as such:

<a href="#">
<object class="im" classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" height="286" width="655">
<param name="src" value="why_eating_dry_fruit_is_unhealthy.MOV">


1) Should I convert the mov to swf - that is, is swf a more compatible and appropriate format for seamless integration in html web page?

2) Whichever I choose, how do I reduce the file size - like on youtube where the videos run seamlessly? I plan on using javascript to scroll through a gallery of videos, so I need the videos to not bog down the page.

3) Also, a lot of sites with galleries of videos have an icon that indicates "click to play". Is that part of the video itself or can I just create an image and then when clicked on, the video plays?

I do have Adobe Flash CS4 Professional, if that matters. And if mov file is more suitable, then how can I reduce its file size?

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Php :: Play Mp4 Videos In E.g. Flowplayer In Real-time

Apr 8, 2011

How to play mp4 videos in e.g. flowplayer in real-time (streaming) - without downloading it fully first?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: F4pv Videos Won't Play From The Server?

Jan 11, 2010

I have videos of my animation that I want to play on the website and they play on my desktop but when I loaded them to the ftp site they don't play. This is my script;

ActionScript Code:
showReel_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playShowReel);
flashScene_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playFlashScene);


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Play Youtube Videos Within Own Flash Player

Apr 4, 2009

I just wanted to know how to play youtube videos within my own flash player (the .flv/low quality ones) i made a long time ago.I think they're not allowing this now or they've changed something ?

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Flex :: Play / Pause Flash Display MC Object And Go To Frame

Nov 10, 2010

I am using swfLoader to load external flash movies in my flex/actionscript code. If the loaded swf was made for the newer flash player versions (I believe 9.0 or more) it loads as a flash.display.MovieClip object which has methods for play/pause and go to frame. However if the loaded swf was made for older flash player (I believe 6.0) then it loads as flash.display.av1movie which doesn't have methods for play/pause. Is there a way I can play / pause the av1movie from my flex code.

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