Flex :: Removing Flash Meta-policy Communication Warning?

Jun 6, 2009

I am communicating to an external server via a URLLoader and receiving the following warning: Warning: Domain domain name does not specify a meta-policy.Applying default meta-policy 'master-only'.This configuration is deprecated.

The provided link redirected me to another page, which didn't really explain how to remove this warning. It looks like it might involve modifying the crossdomain.xml file on the server, but I'm not sure exactly how. how to remove this warning?

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<mx:DataGrid id="dgReport" dataProvider="{rptReport.currentItem.report}" rowCount="{rptReport.currentItem.report.length}">


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<mx:ComboBox dataSource="{myList}" />

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Doe, Jane

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Doe, Jane

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DataInputStream in = .....
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byte[] buf = new byte[size];
[Code] .....

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[SWF(width="100%", height="100%")]
public class MediaPlayer extends MovieClip {

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Sep 30, 2009

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<s:Application ... >
<fx:Style source="css/main.css" />


And repeat for Button, TextArea, etc etc. I have so many useless warnings, it is impossible to see if there are any valid ones.

Is this warning caused by something I'm doing wrong? The styles are all being applied correctly and appears to work just the way I want at runtime.

NOTE: I've tried the -show-unused-type-selector-warnings=false compiler flag, and it does not work...that's for a similar but different warning.

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Apr 15, 2011

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Jul 25, 2009

When developing Flex projects, Eclipse gives warnings about the default index.html file generated by Flex Builder. The file is in the 'target' folder (or "generated artifacts" folder. Yes, I'm also using Maven). Can I eliminate or disable this warning?The code which generates the warning is below, though I would definitely prefer not changing the html - as I say this is the template suggested by Adobe. Eclipse warns of "Undefined attribute name (xxx)" for scroll on the body tag, and most of the embed attributes.[code]

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Flex :: Unable To Bind Warning: Class Is Not An IEventDispatcher?

Apr 7, 2011

I am getting the error: warning: unable to bind to property 'Description' on class 'Object' (class is not an IEventDispatcher)

this is only when the data is bound to a List as an ArrayList, though. I had it in a Datagrid before (just as an Array) and it did not cause any issue. I'm not expecting to be able to bind any data back to the class 'object' not even sure which object exactly it's referring to.

My list data-provider is an ArrayList.. populated by a result event from an SQL query contained in another class:

private function loadDayComplete():void
var Meals:Array = _day.MealResults;


The day class I have is a data holder to get all the data (from several tables) for a 24 hour span.. I have classes for each individual datatype for editing them. But I'm not sure do I even need to worry about the warning if I don't plan on editing the values? it completely spams the console though whenever I touch anything, so I really would like to get rid of it. I tried an object proxy as I saw described elsewhere but nothing changed. The text is in label fields right now anyway, which can't even be edited.

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May 31, 2011

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Oct 25, 2011

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So, when I load the image, it loads fine. But when I close the container that the image is in, then I get the security sandbox violation. I can get this all to work if I add the URL from the 'actual' image url like this:


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Xml :: Flex - Getting Warning: 3594: Parent Is Not A Recognized Method Of The Dynamic Class XML?

Jan 26, 2010

It's coming from this line of code:var dropTargetXML:XML = XMLTemplate.template.component.section.question.(@question_questionID == nNode.parent().@question_questionID)[0];nNode is an XML node sent as an argument to the function this is called in. The code runs,and does everything expected but the compiler sends out that warning. Do I have some formatting issue?P.S. I've tried telling it that it's XML like this:var dropTargetXML:XML = XMLTemplate.template.component.section.question.(@question_questionID == XML(nNode).parent().@question_questionID)[0];

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Flex :: Removing VideoDisplay In Flash

Nov 12, 2009

I have a videoDisplay object in a popup.When I remove the popup the video continues to play.How do I remove the videoDisplay object from memory?I have tried setting the variable to null but with no luck. I can just call the stop() function and forget about it but am wondering whether this won't come back and bite me.

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Asp.net :: Asp Communication With Flex?

Oct 26, 2010

i was developed one .net application. It contains flash animation in one of the asp pages. And i need to write action script code for playing and pausing that swf file. I am using flex builder3. However how can i execute the asp application from flex builder? How can i load asp page into mxml file?

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Flex :: Warning: Css Type Selectors Are Not Supported In Components 'sparks.component.TextInput'?

Jun 26, 2010

I am trying to do a simple CSS declaration. However, I got the warning above and not sure how to solve it. I thought s|(type) should declare the style for me

@namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark";
@namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx";[code]....

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