Flex :: Set DataTipRenderer On A Series-basis For Charts?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a Flex LineChart which contains three series:

two LineSeries
one ColumnSet

Has anyone seen or heard of a way to set the dataTipRenderer on a per-series basis? You can only override it for the entire chart and I would prefer to not have to overlay multiple charts just to achieve this effect.

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Bug/Error In The Adobe Flex SDK 4.5 When Removing Series From Cartesian Charts?

Mar 2, 2012

I have a problem with the cartesian charts in the Adobe Flex SDK 4.5 and 4.5.1. Perhaps it's a bug, because it's not in the SDK 4.0, 4.1 and 4.6. Or it's just a problem of my code.

I made a little example project to range over series data in a CartesianChart (Line/Area/Column/Bar), a little bit like the google finance chart. When I add all series to the chart, the problem didn't occur. Only when I have multiple series and remove one or more series and than range over the data, the series data get compressed:

Chart image It seems like the horizontal axis didn't change or didn't get an update that the chart data changed, when I range over the current data.


Had someone the same problem or has an idea how to remove a series in another way?

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Flex :: 'fake' Multiple Series For Single Chart Or Same DateTime Axis For Multiple Charts?

Apr 11, 2011

I want a chart that has several separate series running in rows across. They are largely separate charts and should not overlap, but all share the same horizontal datetimeaxis. They don't share the same y-axis, however and that's where I'm getting stuck.I have tried having a linechart series and then a plotchart series, but it will only allow a single <mx:series> per chart without having them inside the same series which as far as I can tell will place the charts on top of each other in the z-axis. I can stack them and have them completely separate charts, but it was proving to be somewhat irritating having them align correctly.

Is there any reasonable way of combining multiple charts into one like this? Basically having rows in a table where each row is a different chart but the columns are consistent. or am I going to be best served just by stacking separate ones? an illustration of what i'm going for is here: http:[url]........

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<mx:AreaChart id="numParticipants"
seriesFilters="[]" right="10" left="10"


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Flex :: Any Way To Scroll Datagrid On Timer Basis

Aug 20, 2009

Is there any way to scroll Datagrid on timer basis.Let say there are plenty of records which can not be shown in one screen. And the screen is showing the first 10 records. An auto scroll should start after 5 seconds and bring up the next 10 records. Then again after 5 seconds the other 10 records and so on. A kind slide show effect.

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Aug 1, 2011

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<node label="One" />[code].........

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Sep 7, 2010

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here is the thing i want:::

I have array values like this,,

array1 = [23, 49, 40, 239, 20, 80, 39,49,120, 24, 31,41];

and i want to show these values on the Yaxis and months on Xaxis....

I have two Qns,

1) how can I pass this array to Bar chart or column chart.

2) how do I need to show months on Xaxis. beacuse I'm asking this regarding, I have kept a filters that even if we want to see some months or a particular months or perticalar span of months... there on Xaxis it need to change the months dynamically depending on the filters..... (for ex, on Xaxis the values should be (Jan, Apr, Jun,Oct) if i select the 3 months period filter....)

I have written a logic to collect the values of those particular months into an array, but not understading how to pass this array to Bar chart,, beacuse there I don't know what Xfield and Yfield to be given....

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Nov 25, 2010

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Dec 3, 2009

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I've tried changing the loading of the SWC file to Runtime Shared Libraries, but I found that this removed the text of the charts (the text for the x and y axis). Why would the text be removed when the Framework linkage is set as a Runtime shared library?

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Jul 28, 2011

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<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
width="1280" height="750">


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Xml :: Set XML As DataProvider For Charts In Flex?

Mar 13, 2011

I want to display XML exported from Oracle Database as a chart......

The xml has the following structure :



I've seen many chart examples using ArrayCollection as DataProvider . using the same way , i tried to set xml . But no results.

how to set an XML as dataprovider ? ( or XMLList or XMLlistcollection )( i'm developing a small app in AIR )

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Flex :: Charts - LineSeries InterpolateValues As ZERO?

Jan 22, 2010

In a LineChart in Flex you can set a LineSeries to interpolateValues="true" what this does is connect missing values so you do not have gaps in your line. But what I would like is for it to insert 0's for the missing fields instead of drawing a direct line to fill the gap.

Is there a way to set it to do that?

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Flex :: Using Mx.charts In A Mobile Project?

Dec 25, 2010

Adobe states that Charts are supported in mobile projects but when I try to change the following working files (created project with File - New - Flex Mobile Project - Google Nexus One):


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


to Flex Build Path (clicking "Add SWC" button):Then it fails with the error:Could not resolve to a component implementation.

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Feb 10, 2011

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Jun 1, 2009

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Jun 2, 2009

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Building Charts In Flex Builder Professional?

Dec 29, 2009

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I need to build an application with charts. The problem is that there are no charting components to be seen. There is no datavisualization.swc file in the libs folder.

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Apr 17, 2010

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Charts - Yield Curves Using Adobe Flex?

Aug 31, 2010

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Flex :: Adding Custom Elements To Charts

Nov 18, 2010

If you see google finance or other such charts, they usually have a small pentagon on the chart that indicates when the dividend was paid. Note the D markers in the screenshot [URL]. In this link you will see A,B,C,D .... along the charts X-Axis. If you choose a larger data range say 2005- 2010 , then you will see blue dividend markers along the x-Axis. Is there any thing in Flex that will allow us to do that?

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Flex :: Web Services - Fusion Charts With Webservice

Mar 31, 2011

I have flex project where i want to call webservice and pass values from it to the xml file to update fusion chart xml My code is


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Flex :: Creating Interactive Charts In Flash?

Sep 6, 2011

I'm looking to display some data in the form of charts (line graphs, pie charts etc). I also require them to have a certain amount of interactivity (pan, zoom etc.).

For these requirements, will Adobe Flex be enough for me, or would I need to use flash?

A little research told me that building charts in Flex is easy, but can they be made interactive without using Flash?

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Flex :: Charts - DateTimeAxis Not Showing Labels

Sep 23, 2011

I have a chart that uses a DateTimeAxis for the x-axis and a renderer defined for it. I also have a function defined for the label on the axis but I am not able to get the labels to show.

Trying to print out a static time to test working.

private function timeAxisLabelFunction(obj1:Object, obj2:Object, axis:IAxis):String
return "9:30AM";


Apparently, the font family I was using doesnt support a font style that is used in the renderer. Not sure what style attribute it is yet.

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