Flex :: Sockets And Looping - Getting The Valid Connection?

Jan 13, 2012

On my network I have a couple of pc's all running a bespoke server which will return the username of the person logged in when queried.I have the following piece of code.

private function LoopAndList():void
var loopSocket:Socket;
var fourthOctet:Number = 6;


Now when this runs it doesn't work as I first thought. The iterations go though. the fourthOctet value is decremented. But somethinjg strange happens. You will notice in the above code that I have a hardcoded IP address in the loop. I have put this there to ensure that there is always a valid connection. So am aware it will always be connecting to

But the connection only happens on the last connect call.

The ouput is:
Connecting to
Connecting to


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String username = "username";
String password = "password";


Basically the solution was simple. Everybody keeps saying to put jar into lib folder, so i done it, but i wasnt realised that i have to put into my servers lib directory, not app lib directory and this miserable mistake cost so much. Anyway i hope this will help for some newbie like me.In this particular situation im using red5, so i putted it into my red5 dist/lib directory and "surprisingly" its started to work.

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try {
} catch (PatternSyntaxException exception) {


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Flex :: When Add A Valid Statement To Code It Will No Longer Compile

Nov 22, 2011

I am having a problem with my build. When I add a valid statement to the code it will no longer complie and it fails with errors from an unrelated file.I experience these issues building with ant or building with mxmlc on the command line.Adding a valid statement to an myLittleBox.mxml will cause this error.All the errors are in ViewerMain.mxml.This file is not the main mxml file but it is referenced from the main mxml file.Before changing myLittleBox.mxml ViewerMain.mxml had no compile errors.There are no errors related to myLittleBox.mxml myLittleBox. mxml has no references to ViewerMain and only uses spark components ViewerMain.mxml has no direct references to myLittleBox.mxml. Its children's children's children would have a reference to myLittleBox.mxml.The valid statement added to myLittleBox.mxml could be many things (they all break it) including a comment.[code]

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Sep 17, 2010

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import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;[code]......

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<mx:Label id="lblVersion" styleName="versionID" bottom="0" right="10" text="Version { BUILD::version }"/>

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-define BUILD::version "'LOCAL'"

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Flex :: Building Java Multiplayer Server Game - Difference Between Sockets And Webservice?

Aug 8, 2011

I'm building a multiplayer card game using Flex on the client side and Java on the server side and I wanted to know if I must sockets and the accept method in order to connect users to the server for in order for them to join a game room or create one or to chat.In the past I've learned how to build a game server which both sides are JAVA and connection was in sockets but now days the client side will be in FLEX which has few ways to connect to a Java server (XML,SOAP,BLAZEDS(AMF)) and I find it hard to understand how to write the Java server in order to do all the features of a game server,especially managing the rooms and sending data back to the users.

In the sockets way, when a user was connecting to the server and he had opened a room, this room was opened on a thread and who ever was joined that room then he was connected to the same thread and sending the messages to the right place was easy, so the problem is understanding how to do the same using SOAP or BLAZEDS.

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C# :: Database Connection With Flex And Asp.Net?

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I've started with Flex recently, I've noticed that some plugin for Visual Studio exist, instead of buying a licence for another program (Flex Builder).I was wondering how I could manage to remotely connect to my database with a Flash/Flex application with the help of C#/Asp.Net.

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Java :: Connection Between Flex And Failing On Server

May 5, 2011

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Jun 8, 2011

I am creating an air app that uses HTTPService to connect to a .net api and get a user for example. It works great when I publish the move for "Flash Player 10" as a .swf, however, when I publish it as .air it seems like there is no internet connection at all. I am assuming it's internet securities (maybe firewall). I turned off my firewall and everything that might be blocking the internet access, but nothing seems to work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Type Of Ftp Connection Using Flash / Flex

Feb 13, 2010

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