Flex - List All The Valid Arguments For Setstyle() Function For UIcomponents?

Oct 25, 2010

i am working with actionscript flex and using UIcomponents i need all the valid arguments for this function for example component.setStyle("borderColor","white");

i need all valid strings for first string parameter and 2nd valid argument for there value setting,

i have some of them that are given below but i need all possible values for this function


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Flash :: Where To Find A List Of Styles For SetStyle(style - Value)

Jun 23, 2010

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Flex :: Call() Of Function With Arguments?

Sep 4, 2009

I have a component that I hand over a function

public var func : Function;

Now the function is a function that has parameters in its signature

public function myFunction(s : String) : void {

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how to invoke the function with its parameters?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading XML File Containing List Of Valid Zip Codes

Jun 26, 2009

I'm loading an xml file that contains nothing more than a list of "valid" zip codes. Here's a sample of the xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
...and so on.

What I need to happen is when a user enters a zip code, I need to return a "yes" or "no" based on whether or not the zip code they entered is in the xml list. So far, it only works if the zip they enter happens to be the last one on the list. This tells me that it's either not searching the entire file, or that it perhaps needs to search in a loop somehow.

Here's the code that works the closest to what I need:
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader;
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, showXML);
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("zipCodes.xml"));
var xmlData:XML;
function showXML(e:Event):void {
[Code] ....

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Actionscript :: Pass Arguments Into Event Listener Function In Flex

Jun 20, 2011

Since when using sql lite if you try and do a function at the same moment it throws an error, im just trying to make a function that will check if its executing, and if it is try again in 10 milliseconds, this exact function works fine if i dont have to pass any arguments to the function but im confused how I can pass the vars back into the function it'll be executing.[code]

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Mar 12, 2010

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Which constructs/features in JavaScript are syntactically invalid in ActionScript 3.0? Please provide concrete examples of JavaScript code (basic JavaScript code without DOM API usage) that is NOT valid ActionScript 3.0 code.

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Flex - Get A Collection Of UIComponents Based On A Stylename In Adobe Flex?

Nov 4, 2009

Does anyone know an Actionscript equivalent of the javascript getElementsByClassName.

What I would like to do is add a custom 'stylename' to various components which I can then use to get a collection of these objects and therefore process their visibility property.

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Flex :: Cleanup All UIComponents Inside Mx:Application

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Flash - Flex 4 Focus Multiple UIComponents?

Aug 24, 2011

I'm currently coding a Floorplan editor with Flex 4.I have a Floorplan Grid that extends the spark Group class. This Floorplan Grid will contain objects that extend the UIComponent class. I want the user to be able to select multiple objects on the Floorplan and be able for moving and resizing.

I'm just wondering if it's possible to have multiple objects being "focused" using the FocusManager, kind of like selecting multiple objects in Photoshop /Illustrator.

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Actionscript :: Apply Tween Motion On UIcomponents In Flex?

Oct 29, 2010

i want to apply tween motion on UIcomponents using actionscript in flex.

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Flash :: How Do Skinned Flex UIComponents Capture Mouse Events

Jul 29, 2009

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So how is it that skinned Flex UIComponents work at all?

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Jul 18, 2010

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Flex - Passing Optional Arguments (rest) Through To Another Method That Takes Optional Arguments?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a "format" method that works in a similar manner to the C# String.Format method, with the following signature:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Filling Function Arguments With Array Items, Function.call()?

Feb 28, 2008

I have this code but I cannot work out how to fill in function parameters based on an array and it's length, see line 7

import com.robertpenner.easing.Cubic;
MovieClip.prototype.framesTimeout = function(func:Function, frames:Number, args:Array) {


Is it possible to call a function and fill in the parameters based on an array and it's length?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Length Of Function Arguments And Display Function

Sep 21, 2010

i have a question i have a primary and secondary function which i want it to be dynamic so i can get the user to enter in six to seven different or as many as required argument parameters for my primary function


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Delay SetStyle Until Next Update?

May 26, 2009

I have a component composed of two parts, let's say two Hbox A and B in a Vbox. On a specific call I want to:


The problem is that the border get drawn before the resizing of the parent Vbox happen, so i end up with a border Around the Vbox with B invisible :


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Flex :: Where Should SetStyle Logic Go In Itemrenderers's Override Methods

Aug 4, 2011

I have following itemrenderer


My question is Should above logic go in updtaeDisplayList or remain in set data() itself. The output is smae from both. Whats the performance impact difference if we consider it from lifecycle perspective.(The heavy computations should be pushed towards the end of the frame rendering)

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Flex - Use BindingUtils With Style Properties (uses The SetStyle Method)?

Oct 3, 2011

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But how do I go about to bind a property, such as "top" of a component, when it's only accessible via the setStyle("top", value); at runtime?

Should I just create a custom pair of getters/setters to affect the style properties of the UIComponent in question? Seems a bit unnecessary.

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Flex :: Spark List With ItemRenderer Click Function Not Working?

Feb 9, 2011

I am having an issue with my ItemRenderer, which I am using for a spark List. My code is the following:

I have this list:

dataProvider="{ model.productSets }"


The thing is, if I scroll the list, and click on an item, it does not trace 'arthur' ! Why is this so ? I must trace that all the time that someone clicks in the list!

EDIT: If I remove change="model.selectSet( productSetList )" in the list, it works!! but I cannot remove that, some suggestions ? How can I switch that to another function?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting 4 Parameter Arguments Into A Function From XML?

Jan 1, 2010

I'm designing a game that uses this function;

function moveBars(Bl:Number,Gr:Number,Or:Number,Ye:Number)
blueBar_mc.scaleX += Bl;
greenBar_mc.scaleX += Gr;
orangeBar_mc.scaleX += Or;
yellowBar_mc.scaleX += Ye;

When moveBars is called, the length of the 4 colored bars change to indicate how the player is doing in different areas of the game, like so; moveBars(.1,-.2,.3,-.1)

My problem; I need to store the moveBars parameter arguments in XML like so;

<myArgs> .1,-.2,.3,-.1 </myArgs>

But I can't find the way to get those 4 numbers into the moveBars parameters from the XML doc. Is there a way to do this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Arguments To Function?

Oct 8, 2009

I have a movie clip that contains several movie clips, only one of which should be shown at a time. Which one is shown, depends on what buttons the user selects.Having trouble with the syntax for passing the argument in a button to the function that controls the tweening of the clips. (When I hard code the references into the function, it works, so I know the basic function is ok).There's a clip called 'slide1_mc' which contains various MC's to be shown based on user selection (in this case, using 'system' clip as the first one already showing). Here's the code in the parent clip of that item:

var currSection = slide1_mc.system_mc;
function changeSection(newSection):Void {
TweenLite.to(currSection,.3,{_yscale:200, _xscale:200, _alpha:0});


Here's one of serveral buttons that will control the content to be seen:

The code in the button is:

var changer = slide1_mc.software_mc;
smallButton.onPress = function() {

So - the initial part of my function works so I know my 'external' initializing of "currSection" is working (that clip is zooming/fading out)... but then the clip that I want to fade in isn't doing anything.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Possible To Add Optional Arguments To A Function?

Nov 19, 2009

I want to add things to the display list, some will have event listeners and some not. Is it possible to make an argument optional so it doesn't throw an error if it's not there when calling the function?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Passing Arguments To Php Function

Apr 8, 2009

i have been playing with the Zend Tutorial - and all works fine... however, stuck on something that i found quite easy in amfphp/as1&2

In AS3 - i am using NetConnection and i want to pass arguments to my php function

The first function i show here works fine....


Code: Select allpublic function getTutorials()
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM testTable");
$t = array();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pass Arguments To Function?

Jan 21, 2003

I'm having a little problem with how to use the argument sent to a function.I have this:

_root.onEnterFrame = function() {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Value Of Arguments.caller Within A Function?

Feb 18, 2005

Is it possible to trace the name of arguments.caller property?

I tried

trace (arguments.caller.toString());
but that doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moviecliploader Function How To Get Arguments

Jul 6, 2007

I dont want it like the classic way listenerThumbs.onLoadInit = function(target_mc:MovieClip)But with the Proxy.create class, how do I get the arguments of the moviecliploader? (ex: target_mc, loadedbytes, totalbytes)Now I did it like this, but it has to be different.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Arguments To Php Function?

Apr 8, 2009

In my database i have a field called "live", and i only want to grab entries in a table that have "live" set to "1"

This is what i have tried, but it doesn't work....


PHP Code:

public function getTutorialsLive($live) 

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM testTable WHERE live = '%s';", $live); 


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Value Of Arguments.caller Within A Function

Feb 18, 2005

Is it possible to trace the name of arguments.caller property? I tried Code: trace (arguments.caller.toString()); but that doesn't work.

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Flash :: AIR, Flex - Check If Regex Is Valid?

Aug 23, 2011

i want to check in Adobe AIR if given regex is valid. I'm looking for somtehing similar like here: How to check if a given Regex is valid?

I dont want to compare regex and text-value - i jus want to check if this regex is valid. If someone type invalid regex - for example: "x{5,-3}" or "(((^^$$$)//)" or something like this i just need to communicate to him that this regular expression is not valid - its not proper regular expression.

In Java it can be done by:

try {
} catch (PatternSyntaxException exception) {


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Flex :: Sockets And Looping - Getting The Valid Connection?

Jan 13, 2012

On my network I have a couple of pc's all running a bespoke server which will return the username of the person logged in when queried.I have the following piece of code.

private function LoopAndList():void
var loopSocket:Socket;
var fourthOctet:Number = 6;


Now when this runs it doesn't work as I first thought. The iterations go though. the fourthOctet value is decremented. But somethinjg strange happens. You will notice in the above code that I have a hardcoded IP address in the loop. I have put this there to ensure that there is always a valid connection. So am aware it will always be connecting to

But the connection only happens on the last connect call.

The ouput is:
Connecting to
Connecting to


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