Actionscript :: Apply Tween Motion On UIcomponents In Flex?

Oct 29, 2010

i want to apply tween motion on UIcomponents using actionscript in flex.

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Flash :: Apply Motion Tween To Many Frames?

Apr 16, 2011

I hav created 24 frames (i use 24fps) by hand depicting a small move.Now I need to repeat this move for 1 minute and move it from left to right through the there a way to avoid copying-pasting these 24 frames and chaning them a little to the others 59 seconds by using motion tween?So, iam looking for a way to combine both the 24 frames and apply motion tween to them.

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I'm just wondering if it's possible to have multiple objects being "focused" using the FocusManager, kind of like selecting multiple objects in Photoshop /Illustrator.

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Flash :: Professional - Make A Motion Tween - Mask Effect And Shape Tween With A Website?

Nov 11, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip Button: Shape Tween Vs Motion Tween

May 1, 2009

my movieclip button was working perfectly as a motion tween. Can you use shape tweens as movie clip buttons? I just made that change, and kept my code:


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Professional :: Editing A Shape Tween Nested In A Motion Tween In CS4?

Jan 25, 2010

I am facing a problem in one of my animation with flash CS4 - I have nested a Shape Tween in a Motion tween to get more control over the easers and effects, unfortunately I am not able to view on the timeline of my Motion Tween the action of the Shape tween nested inside.
It only show the first shape of the Shape Tween during the entire Motion Tween and that is really a problem for me because I need to see the final frame result of that Shape tween to be able to position it in a precise way on my scene according to other instances.


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Professional :: Make Motion Tween Stop And Hold At End Of Tween?

Sep 20, 2011

I'm making a "master movie" for an assignment and I'm stuck right now. What I've got is an Intro page that will serve at the Parent.swf to load 4 other child swf's upon a mouse click. The problem is I have a theater stage where I tweened an animation to make it appear the curtain on the stage is going up but once it reaches it maximum height....the tween abruptly stops. I want it to HOLD there until a user clicks a button.
How would I make this happen?  Here is the page in question: [URL]...

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Jul 18, 2010

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i have some of them that are given below but i need all possible values for this function


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Import Text And Apply Motion?

Sep 16, 2011

i would like to have a dynamic text that loads text from a *.txt file. This i know how is done, but the problem appears when i want the text-field to roll over the screen, as a motion tween. To be more specific it must be used for an infoboard, and people shold be able to change the "guests_today.txt" and then the guest list should roll over the display, over and over again.

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Add Motion Blur To A Motion Tween?

Aug 21, 2009

How do I add motion blur to a motion tween?

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IDE :: Motion Tween Vs Classic Tween (lighter)?

Feb 22, 2010

Put 2 identical tweens, 1 motion tween, the other classic tween.Are there any differences in the final weight (Kb) of the resulting .swf file?

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Create / Apply Easing With CS4 Motion Editor

Jul 6, 2009

Is it just me or is creating and applying custom easing with the motion editor absurdly difficult? Firstly, the bezier curve tool for custom easing has a mind of its own. It will change the curve at a different anchor point to the one you're editing on a whim and every time you get close to where you want the curve it does it again and you're back to square one. Second, you have to recreate a custom ease for every tween as there's no way to save them. It's impossible to create two custom eases exactly the same! The entire motion editor seems designed to infuriate me and parts of it don't seem to have been tested at all.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Apply Motion Blur To Rotation Of MovieClip

Aug 2, 2006

I want to apply a motion blur to the rotation of a movie clip. I am currently rotating the movie clip 540 degrees via actionscript using the tween class below:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var targetRotate:Tween = new Tween(_root.target_mc, "_rotation", Regular.easeInOut, 0, 540, 3, true);
[Code] .....
This seems to be a good start, but I need to change it to apply to the _rotation of my movie clip. Lets say for the sake of argument, my movie clip has an instance name of target_mc as well.

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Aug 5, 2006

how to apply a rotational motion blur to a movie clip using the Tween Class and Blur Filter? I have found info on bluring an animation this way, but only via the x or the y axis, not the rotaion.

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Apply A Certain Tween To Several Objects?

Jun 7, 2009

I'm working on a little flash project to show a card game being played out. Its just playing out a set of moves - no actual logic for actually playing the game.Anyhow, what i would like to be able to do is create a tween (hope thats the right term) where a card will appear in the center of the table, and then slide over to the players hands and at the same time shrink down so i can fit a few hands on the screen. So basically i need a tween that takes an object (the card), places it on the center of the screen, and then slides over and shrinks down to a specific point. So in whatever action script calls this tween, i guess i would need to feed it two values - which card it starts with, and where the card should end up.

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Apply Ease In And Out Both To A Single Tween?

Apr 22, 2010

I was wondering if theres a way to apply ease in and ease out both to a single i want the tween to start slowly than gain normal speed and then again stop smoothly.

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Apply Different Eases To Sections Of A Tween?

Jul 29, 2009

Flash CS4 has a feature where a tween can have more than two keyframes. If a tween has three keyframes, then changing keyframe 2 will affect the motion from keyframes 1 to 2 as well as the motion from keyframes 2 to 3. This is a very cool feature.
But there's one problem: I can only figure out how to apply an ease to the entire tween, not to the motion between two keyframes. Do you know how I can apply one ease to the motion between keyframes 1 and 2, and a different ease (or the same one a second time) to the motion between keyframes 2 and 3?
I've had two ideas so far for getting the same result:

1) Make a custom ease that includes all the eases I want. I find this too cumbersome and imprecise, unless there's a way to copy an existing curve into the space between two keyframes of a second curve (without replacing the whole second curve).

2) Split the tween at each keyframe. But then every time I want to adjust keyframe 2 I have to do it twice, and sometimes the break ends up jerking slightly. I'd really rather keep keyframe 2 a shared keyframe.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Apply A Tween To An Extended Textfield()?

May 19, 2011

im struggling a bit with syntax here -- i'm trying to add a method to my multiplayer flash games then when an arrow hits an enemy, it will display the dmg, while scrolling up and dropping off alpha.I seem to be having some linkage problems this is what i have:

var dmgwin:dmgtxt = new dmgtxt() //movieclip that will contain textfield
var dmgwinsub:TextField = new TextField(); //textfield that has dmg #
var tween:Tween = new Tween(dmgwinsub, "alpha", None.easeOut, 1, 0, 2, true); //an alpha


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Tween Class To Apply Filters To MovieClips?

Jul 24, 2009

How can I use the Tween class to apply filters to movieClips?
i want to apply a DropShadow through a tween so that it applys smoothly. Actually i want it to apply on rollover and remove itself on rollout.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Apply One Tween To Multiple Movie Clips?

Apr 1, 2011

I am writing a flash card game which slides the next card onto the stage when the user presses a button.There are 24 cards, and I have written a separate tween for each one... I think there is probably a more efficient way to do this.  Here is what I have:


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IDE :: CS4 New Tween - When Animate Or Apply A Preset Animation It Changes The Position Slightly?

Sep 23, 2010

I really like the new tweens and motion panel that Flash added in CS4 but I'm having some problems with them that I cant find a solution to.

1. When I animate or apply a preset animation it changes the position slightly. I do work where I need things positioned exactly where I put them. For example X:70 Y:210 but when I animate it might for example change it to X:70 Y:210.5 and to make it more confusing even if I animate a group of them at the same time it only does this to some things and not all. Also if I try to change the position back manually it doesnt always let me in the properties panel. I have to go to the Motion Editor and change it there frame by frame.

2. Similar problem to above but with the Alpha property. I want to animate things where it fades on and then stays up for a few frames and then animates back off. When I try to do this using the properties panel it doesnt always let me. So for example I need my alpha values to be in this order for the 4 keyframes. 0, 100, 100, 0. But for the 0 it might force it to 3% instead of the 0 I need. Again I can only fix this by going to the Motion Editor and adjusting it frame by frame.

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Can't Get Motion Tween To Work At All

Jun 23, 2010

whether it be text, symbol, a shape that I drew. None of it works. When I create the motion tween the line arrow in the timeline doesn't show up like it should. Here is the extremely simple animation i'm doing. The problem are for the bottom 9 layers starting from frame 80. I converted all of those to graphic symbols and I'm just trying to do a very simple alpha 0-100 while resizing the letters. I've also tested motion tween on very simple shapes and it never works. I just don't get it.

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CS4: Move Motion Tween?

May 4, 2009

Does anyone can explain, why  on the timeline in CS4 I can move only those motion tween which have the same long? Yet, It's without sense.


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Can't Motion Tween In Mask CS4?

Jun 1, 2009

I'm building a drop down menu in flash CS4. I have followed the directions meticulously...3 times... and still I can't get a mask to accept a motion tween.

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