Flex :: Why Does The LineChart Legend Stop Displaying Colors When LineSeries's LineStroke Attribute Changes

Aug 4, 2010

I am implementing a LineChart in FLEX 4. I have the chart working well except I do not like the default colors and cannot use them, as they do not relate to my data very well. For instance, Orange is not a great default color for my data column "Outdoor temperature". I would rather override it and use a green color if possible.

When I explicitly specify the SolidColorStroke, like so, this breaks the LineChart Legend:

<mx:SolidColorStroke id = "s1" color="haloGreen" weight="2"/>
<mx:LineSeries yField="v1" form="curve" displayName="Indoor Temp" lineStroke="{s1}"/>

^ With this code, The LineChart Legend stops displaying the color for that specific LineSeries, and only displays in black.

How can I override the LineSeries stroke color and persist those colors to the Legend's display?

Is this a FLEX 4 bug? I noticed in FLEX 3 examples (even on Adobe's FLEX 3 Help website) you can override the stroke colors and it persists to the Chart Legend.

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{ Department: "Software", TotalProjects: 73,Completed:30,Inprogress:30,Approved:13},
{ Department: "XML",TotalProjects: 50,Completed:20,Inprogress:20,Approved:10},
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// Use a counter for the series.


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<mx:Legend id="legend" width="100%" direction="vertical"
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Simple example to demonstrate the DateTimeAxis class. -->
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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var actualValues:XMLList=flowChartDP.upFlows;
var localSeries1:LineSeries = new LineSeries();
localSeries1.dataProvider = actualValues;


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public var stockDataAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
{date: "2005,7,27,22,15,30", close: 41.71},
{date: "2005,7,27,22,16,30", close: 42.21},


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