Flex :: Dynamically Add LineSeries To CartesianChart?

May 4, 2010

the LineSeries is not dynamically added to my CartesianChart...What's wrong in this code:

private function chartComplete():void {
var ls:LineSeries = new LineSeries();
ls.styleName = 'timeline';


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Flex :: Charts - LineSeries InterpolateValues As ZERO?

Jan 22, 2010

In a LineChart in Flex you can set a LineSeries to interpolateValues="true" what this does is connect missing values so you do not have gaps in your line. But what I would like is for it to insert 0's for the missing fields instead of drawing a direct line to fill the gap.

Is there a way to set it to do that?

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Flex :: How To Find Max Value Of Group Of LineSeries

Jan 19, 2011

I need to recalculate the max value of lineChart according to the visible lineseries. In the application I have the ability to make visible or not the lineseries of the graph and if I make not visible the lineseries with the actual top value I want to zoom in and change the top value of the graph.

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Flex :: Flex - Creating Dynamic Lineseries In Linechart?

Oct 11, 2011

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[Bindable]private var Projects:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
{ Department: "Software", TotalProjects: 73,Completed:30,Inprogress:30,Approved:13},
{ Department: "XML",TotalProjects: 50,Completed:20,Inprogress:20,Approved:10},
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how can i create mx:LineSeries dynamically depending upon array collection values. Now only 4 line series is there but some times i have to show more as per the array collection values change ex: if one more status HoldProject added to array collection?

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Graph Flex LineSeries / Find Y-value Along Curve

Feb 27, 2010

I've created a Flex LineChart that shows high and low tide predictions over time. I'm using the LineSeries with form="curve", which produces a nice sinusoidal wave graph, representing water level over time. The X-axis represents time, and the Y-axis represents water level. The only data points I have to work with are high and low tide values, but I would like to figure out how to determine the y-values of arbitrary x-values along the line.[code]

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Flex :: Animation - LineSeries AnimateColor Not Working?

Jun 1, 2011

This is a fairly simple question I would think.here is the code (I cut it down for an easy read)

<s:AnimateColor id="rw"


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Create Custom Stroke On LineSeries?

Jan 15, 2010

You can easily set a stroke on a line series like this:


This will set alpha for the entire stroke to .8 But I want to be able to set a different alpha on the stoke for each plot based on something in the dataProvider. For example the yField in the lineSeries is "Apple" which is how it knows where to plot for the lineSeries. I want to be able to add something like alphaField which tells it what to set the stroke alpha for each plot.


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Flex :: Why Does The LineChart Legend Stop Displaying Colors When LineSeries's LineStroke Attribute Changes

Aug 4, 2010

I am implementing a LineChart in FLEX 4. I have the chart working well except I do not like the default colors and cannot use them, as they do not relate to my data very well. For instance, Orange is not a great default color for my data column "Outdoor temperature". I would rather override it and use a green color if possible.

When I explicitly specify the SolidColorStroke, like so, this breaks the LineChart Legend:

<mx:SolidColorStroke id = "s1" color="haloGreen" weight="2"/>
<mx:LineSeries yField="v1" form="curve" displayName="Indoor Temp" lineStroke="{s1}"/>

^ With this code, The LineChart Legend stops displaying the color for that specific LineSeries, and only displays in black.

How can I override the LineSeries stroke color and persist those colors to the Legend's display?

Is this a FLEX 4 bug? I noticed in FLEX 3 examples (even on Adobe's FLEX 3 Help website) you can override the stroke colors and it persists to the Chart Legend.

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Flex :: Charts - LineChart, LineSeries, DateTimeAxis Do Not Connect Points On Specific Time Distance?

Jun 21, 2011

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Actionscript :: Show All Datatips For A Single Lineseries?

Mar 24, 2010

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showAllDataTips will not work in this case as it will display all datatips on the chart.

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Actionscript :: Flex - Dynamically Populate The Options In A Combobox Inside Of A Grid Based On Another Row In Flex?

Sep 8, 2009

I'm trying to setup a DataGrid that contains a column of combo boxes. The values of the combo boxes are defined by data specific to that row. I cannot get this to work though, I'm asking for a solution to this, either fixing what I have below or a recommendation on a different way.One of the columns of my DataGrid has an object derived from a ComboBox for an ItemEditor. The itemEditor is set like this:

<mx:DataGridColumn editorDataField="selectedItem" dataField="type" editable="true" >


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Sep 26, 2010

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Flex :: Dynamically Create Axis Via ActionScript In Adobe Flex Charting Library; Adobe Bug?

Mar 21, 2011

Multiple axis creation via MXML works fine:

But when I'm trying dynamically create horizontal and vertical axis then I'm getting extra axes. I believe this is Adobe bug. How I can fix this behavior?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

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In my Flex application I am able to read the variables using something like /flexapp.html?name=josh with no problems. However, this is because I go into the URL and type in the variables by hand. Is there anyway in the code to dynamically append the variable part "?name=josh" ? For example, like retrieving the url and then adding that and then pointing to it?

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Flex :: Add Row Dynamically To AdvancedDataGrid?

Dec 14, 2010

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Jul 16, 2009

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Flex 3 :: Read Data Dynamically From XML

Oct 5, 2009

I'm new at Flex and I wanted to know how to read an xml file to pull its data into a chart, using Flex Builder 3.Even though I've read and done some tutorials, I haven't seen any of them loading the data dynamically. For example, I'd like to have an xml like the following:[code]and then loop through every "visitor" xml item and draw their values, and display their "fullname" when the mouse is over their line.

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Flex :: Create Components Dynamically?

Nov 18, 2009

I have requirement in AdvancedDataGrid.In Advanced Data Datagrid with columns checkbox,textfield, textarea,button,radiobutton. and ADD Button and SUBMIT Button. When i click on ADD Button, those above all fields are need to add dynamically in next row.If i click 10 times on ADD Button, 10 rows with all above fileds need to be added.

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Flex :: Set The DataGridColumn's ItemRenderer Dynamically?

Nov 27, 2009

I have this DataGrid:

<mx:DataGrid id="myDataGrid">
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="colA" headerText="Column A:" width="40"


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Flex :: Dynamically Generate ComboBox Name?

Dec 7, 2009

I have a script that parses some complex XML. When the XML element is of a certain type, it generates a comboBox using the XML element's children to populate the box. I then want to check all of the values of the all the generated ComboBoxes against their correct answers (which is also info stored in the XML file). When creating the ComboBoxes, I added an "id" property. However, it seems that I cannot them use:


to check the answers. However, I am able to get the labelField if I know the variable name used to create the ComboBox.


This indicates (to me) that I need to dynamically generate the variable name as I'm creating new instances of the ComboBox. But how do I dynamically generate a variable name? If I use

var thisBox:String = "box"+boxCount;
var newBox:ComboBox = thisBox as ComboBox;

I get an implicit coercion error. I also tried changing the creation statement to a function that accepted an argument, "thisBox," but this didn't work either. Conceptually, this seems quite simple, but I'm having a hard time putting it to practice. It seems that the comboBox's id is what is generated by created the box using script (e.g., var thisBox). How do I dynamically generate this name?

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Xml :: Dynamically Creating Flex Components

Feb 4, 2010

I have a XML and it has an attribute option or combo box, parsing that i need to create components in my flex dynamically. Viatropos has given a wonderful code, but i am not able to execute it... can anyone produce it.

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Flex :: Add A Form With 2 Buttons Into A Box Dynamically?

Feb 4, 2010

Let's say I have this function

function Do(x:String){}

How can I make so that each time this function is called, it will add a form into a hbox, and that form will have 2 buttons yes and no and put x into the text of a label.When the user is going to click on Yes I need to trace(x) and remove the Form from the hbox

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Flex :: Set Source Of S:BitmapFill Dynamically?

Apr 12, 2010

In Flash Builder (flex 4) I try to use next code to set selected by user (from file system) Image as a repeated background. It worked with mx:Image but I want to use cool repited capabiletis of s:BitmapFill.BTW: Technic I use also does not work with S:BitmapImage. Also FP does not return any errors. What Shall I do with my code to make it work?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" [code].....

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Flex :: Images Will Not Dynamically Refresh

Apr 23, 2010

I am writing a Flex application to receive xml from an httpservice. That works because I can populate a datagrid with the information. The xml sends image pathnames. A combobox sends a new HttpService call onChange. This repopulates the datagrid and puts new images in the folder that flex is accessing. I want to dynamically change the image without changing the pathname of the image.
<mx:Canvas id="borderCanvas"><mx:Canvas id="dropCanvas">
<mx:Tile id="adTile"><mx:Image></mx:Image>

This is my component. I assign my Image sources using this code:
var i:Number = 0;
while ( i <= dg_conads.rowCount){
var img:Image = new Image();
img.source = null;
img.source = imageSource+i+".jpg";
i++; }

My biggest problem is that the images are not refreshing. I get the same image even though I've prevented caching from the HTML wrapper and the ASP.Net website. The image automatically loads in the folder and refreshes in the folder but I can't get the image to refresh in the application. I've tried
And neither worked.

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Flex :: Load Images And Swf's Dynamically?

May 27, 2010

I'm building a slide-show like application in Flex and I'm trying to load images dynamically. The images are in a folder outside the application folder. This is the folder structure:



The problem is that the images never show up, I only get the icon for a missing image.

Edit to add: I've tried this both with and without the use-network flag set to false when compiling.

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Flex :: Air - Dynamically Change Image Id Value?

Mar 5, 2011

how to dynamically change image id value.ex:

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Flex :: Dynamically Add Component In Container

Mar 18, 2011

I want to dynamically add component in Container like Canvas(TileList constraints each child has the same size, GridList is poor in performance), for example


when I click the button, I hope add a component(whatever the component is, and maybe each component has different size), and if the total width of all added child is greater than myHolder, I hope the new child can begin in new line, and stretch the height of myHolder at the same time.(layout with custom code is better)

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