Flex :: Set Source Of S:BitmapFill Dynamically?

Apr 12, 2010

In Flash Builder (flex 4) I try to use next code to set selected by user (from file system) Image as a repeated background. It worked with mx:Image but I want to use cool repited capabiletis of s:BitmapFill.BTW: Technic I use also does not work with S:BitmapImage. Also FP does not return any errors. What Shall I do with my code to make it work?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" [code].....

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<object height="409" width="600"><param name="movie" value="http://fpdownload.adobe.com/strobe/FlashMediaPlayback.swf" /><param name="flashvars" value="src=rtmp://my-server/vod/flv:my-video" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><embed allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="src=rtmp://my-server/vod/flv:my-video"


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Nov 1, 2010

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I've got a simple rectangle sprite that fills with a bitmap from the library and a simple resize handler function that detects when the window has been resized.what I would like to do is have my rectangle resize to the height of the stage.stageHeight maintaining its bitmap fill, but not resizing the bitmap fill or any children within the sprite.

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stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
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Flex :: Link Against SWC When Source Is In Project?

Jun 22, 2010

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How can I get mxmlc to give precedence to the SWC over the Actionscript? Or, if this is not possible, is it more common to create a separate project for the Flash-compiled library, or to isolate the Flash source in the project so that it is not included in the project class path?

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Flex :: How To Isolate ProgressEvent Source

Sep 9, 2010

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Flex :: Tag Cloud Example Or Source Code?

Oct 9, 2010

There is such a wonderful source http[url]....but it does not get integrated into Flex. Are there other examples of an animated tag cloud?

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Flex :: Source In ArrayCollection And XMLListCollection?

Aug 29, 2011

What is the role of source for an ArrayCollection or XMLListCollection? Is it used just once - when constructing a new ArrayCollection or XMLListCollection object and is it copied to some internal data structure of that object?

Because nothing is updated when the source Array (or XMLList) is being modified and the documentation confirms it too: The underlying XMLList for this collection. The XMLListCollection object does not represent any changes that you make directly to the source XMLList object. Always use the XMLListCollection methods to modify the collection.

This property can be used as the source for data binding. When this property is modified, it dispatches the listChanged event.

I'm asking because Flex examples related to dataProviders always use some Array or XMLList as source of data for a data-driven component. And I wonder, if using Array or XMLList is necessary at all - when for example loading data from external PHP-script.

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Flex :: Make Source Path Dynamic?

Jul 29, 2009

i'm new in flex.Here is my problem [code]i want to make source path dynamic.i mean i collected userName and albumName from php and i could print in flex.But when i use in source like this this way source="../../user/{userName}/{albumName}/album/{data}".

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Flex :: Remote Object Source Not Found

Aug 26, 2009

Our flex project, which works fine in its current environment with coldfusion 7 single server. We moved this project to Coldfusion 8 multi server, and updated the remoteobject paths relative to the web root.

The error we now receive is
faultCode:Server.Processing faultString:'Unable to invoke CFC - Could not find the ColdFusion Component or Interface myProject.cf.main.' faultDetail:'For details, turn on Robust Exception Information in the ColdFusion Administrator'
The path to the cfc's from the webroot is is myProject/cf/main.cfc ...

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Feb 16, 2010

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Flex :: Using One Data Source For Multiple Datagrids?

Feb 25, 2010

I want to use one data source (e.g. an Array) for multiple Datagrids that have different filterFunctions attached and show different columns.First, I thought I use a very straight forward apporach:create the Arraycreate an ArrayCollection for every DataGrid and set the "source" property to the Arraycreate the DataGrids and set their dataProvider property to its designated ArrayCollectionSo now. every ArrayCollection can have its own filterFunction, sort state etc. but there needs tos are dispatched and I have to call itemUpdated manually on each of the ArrayCollections. While debugging into the code in order to get a deeper understanding for Flex, I tried to figure out, what this misterious "itemUpdated" method does, especially as it notes in the adobe documentation, that, if no "property" is given (e.g. it is null), a simple "refresh()" will occur.

I did not find any calls to "refresh()" in the whole debugging (and I went down the framework whole as deep as possible (btw: lots of funny comments right in the code :-) )he only thing I could find was a CollectionChangeEvent getting dispatched with a PropertyChangeEvent in its "item" property. Which was of the kind "UPDATE" (and not, as I would expect "ADD"). When trying to dispatch that event manually, it never worked (e.g. the datagrid did not update).

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Flex :: Open Source Alternatives To Builder?

Mar 15, 2010

Are there any open source (read free) alternatives to Flex Builder? I do not qualify for their student waiver (sad)

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