Flex :: Dynamic Flex ToggleButton / Toggle Dynamically?

Nov 21, 2011

I have a four ToggleButton buttons that I want to behave as a group, so when one is clicked the others toggle off. I know you can do this with mx:ToggleButtonBar but I want to to use a spark skin-able component (ToggleButton). Is there a way to toggle a ToggleButton on and off programmatically or is there another way I can achieve my goal?

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Flex :: Toggle A Mask To A Group In Flex (works For BorderContainer)?

Oct 6, 2011

Here's my test application:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"

I would expect the mask to be applied when the checkbox is selected, and removed when it issin't. But it doesn't seem to work.However, when you change to , it works like a charm. Can anyone explain to me why?

Note: In my actual application, i'm applying this in a skin to a component that is extending SkinnableComponent which can't use BorderContainer so a solution to this would be great.

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Feb 12, 2011

I have a viewstack with two tabs.In one of them there is a data grid shows a list of notes. The other one is includes a form that can edit notes or crates new note. I want the user to be able to add new note or edit existing note when clicks an item in data grid. I mean when user clicks an item the viewstack must become editor.

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Flex :: Change The Background Color Of A Toggle Button?

Jun 18, 2010

What is the easiest way to change the background color of a toggle button when it is selected?I've tried creating a custom skin for the button and applying it to the downSkin property, but I can't figure out how to change the background color from within the skin. Also I'd like to avoid using an image as a background if possible.

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Aug 15, 2010

how to remove the border of a togglebuttonbar button, with keeping the theme color??

i want to put the style in css file

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Adobe Flex Toggle A Component Full Screen?

Aug 25, 2010

I have 5 components on my Flex application(actual view) and they are:

x = main panel
y = bottom panel
z = left panel
a = right panel
b = top panel

I have a toggle full screen button. When clicked I want the main panel(x) to become full screen. At this point only main panel(x) should be visible. when I click on the toggle button again, it should become normal displaying all 5 components(the actual view).

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Flex :: Deselecting Toggle Button Through UIComponent Reference

Nov 2, 2010

I've got some buttons that have toggle set to true. I'm trying to re-set the button's state to unselected. But, I can't access the button directly like:
I'm accessing the HBox's children which are the buttons. UIComonent doesn't have a selected property.

So, how do I de-select the toggle in this bit of code below?
for (var j : int=0; j < theHBox.numChildren; j++){
var child : DisplayObject = theHBox.getChildAt(j);
var myButton:UIComponent = child as UIComponent;
myButton.setStyle("borderColor", "blue");
myButton.visible = true;

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Flex :: Stop A Toggle Button From Changing State?

Nov 12, 2010

I'm trying to stop a toggle button from changing state when clicked, based on some conditions, but I'm not sure how to do it.

I don't want to disable the button, because flex 3 styles don't allow me to get the visual effect I need.


I've tried this but it does not work:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute"


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Repeater - Toggle Sibling Component Visibility On Checkbox Change

Jun 2, 2010

I have a Flex repeater that has a complex item template. When a checkbox is clicked, I need to toggle the visibility of a sibling button contained in the same repeater template. Since I can't add binding expressions to event handlers, I can't pass in the repeater item's index.

How can I access sibling components inside a repeater item?

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Flex :: Make A DataGrid Component With Some Mechanism Where The User Can Toggle The Visibility Of The Columns?

Jan 5, 2011

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In the upper right, there is an icon over the scroll bar. If there is no scrollbar, the icon remains in the same place. When clicking the icon, it opens up a menu that shows all the possible columns, with the visible ones having a check mark next to them, like this:

Also, the scroll bar always appears under this button, never "pushing" it over into it's own column.I'd like to re-create this in Flex. I believe the menu part and creating a column with a button headerRenderer is easy enough. But I can't figure out how (if at all possible) to do this with the scrollbar, because the scrollbar always seems to be "its own column".

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Flex :: Dynamically Adding Container To A Dynamic Container

Sep 21, 2011

I have a loop that goes through data from a book and displays it. The book is not consistent in it's layout so I am trying to display it in two different ways. First way(works fine) is to load the text from that section in to a panel and display it. The second way is to create a new panel (panel creates fine) and then add collapsable panels(nested) to that panel. Here is the code from the else loop.

else if (newPanel == false){
// simpleData is just for the title bar of the new panel
// otherwise the panel has no content


The error I get is: ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property panel4.4 not found on components.readTest and there is no default value.

I have tried setting the "name" property instead of the "id" property.

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Sep 8, 2009

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<mx:DataGridColumn editorDataField="selectedItem" dataField="type" editable="true" >


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for(var i:int=0;i<10;++)
toggbtn.label = "Power "+1;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader - Place Another MC Between Content_mc And The Togglebutton

Sep 20, 2011

i have a preloader which loads everything up to the main page next i wish to start preloading the games also, but not into content_mc (which holds the main as it takes a while to preload as it is, so i hide it and want to place another MC, between content_mc and the togglebutton, into which i can start loading the games, unsure how to go about this, here is the code which loads each page in turn into the content mc movieclip


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Javascript :: SWF Video With Controls (toggle Sound On / Off And Toggle Play / Pause)

Jan 10, 2011

I'm new to flash and just need to do a simple task but I can't manage to get it to work. I'm trying to import a video (flv) into a SWF container and need to AS functions which should be exposed to JS (using liveconnect or anything else). These two function should toggle sound on/off and toggle play/pause. I dont need any user interface or a full featured player, just these two functions.

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Flex :: Read Dynamic Form Child Data In Flex?

Jul 20, 2010

I created a form dynamically by adding each component in action script,now i want to get back the text/data entered in to that each component dynamically?[code]...

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Flex :: Generate Dynamic Flex-ComboBoxes By Class-Properties

Jul 6, 2011

I have an Flex-Object with for example 3 properties.


I like to generate 3 Comboboxes to show the data.
No problem if I do it hardcoded in sourcecode.

But how can I find the prop1 to prop3 at runtime?

If next time I have 5 properties with different name it should generate 5 combos.

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Flex :: Flex - Creating Dynamic Lineseries In Linechart?

Oct 11, 2011

This is my array collection

[Bindable]private var Projects:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
{ Department: "Software", TotalProjects: 73,Completed:30,Inprogress:30,Approved:13},
{ Department: "XML",TotalProjects: 50,Completed:20,Inprogress:20,Approved:10},
{ Department: "Publishing",TotalProjects: 25,Completed:5,Inprogress:10,Approved:10},
{ Department: "Indesign", TotalProjects: 70,Completed:30,Inprogress:30,Approved:10},
{ Department: "Imaging", TotalProjects: 42,Completed:30,Inprogress:10,Approved:2}]);


how can i create mx:LineSeries dynamically depending upon array collection values. Now only 4 line series is there but some times i have to show more as per the array collection values change ex: if one more status HoldProject added to array collection?

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Flex :: Dynamic - Flex Repeater Horizontal Scrollbar?

Dec 7, 2011

In my application I'm using a canvas and repeater inside HBox it is Dynamic,..now I want to keep a horizontal scrollbar for the same, I may display more than 50 canvas addresses inside that Hbox and repeater.Here is my code:

<mx:HBox id="addrBox" x="42" y="161" width="1000%" styleName="ContextPanel" resizeEffect="resize" horizontalGap="5" height="0" paddingLeft="15">
<mx:Repeater id="rpt" maxWidth="1000" dataProvider="{ customerAddress }" >[code]....

Kindly give some idea for getting horizontal scroll bar for the Repeater.

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IDE :: Make A DYNAMIC TEXT Invisible At The Beginning And Toggle The View Accordingly?

Jul 25, 2009

How to make a DYNAMIC TEXT invinsible at the begining and toggle the view accordingly.The Important thing is - I need the text to be invinsible at the begining. The main thing behind my need is WHEN the user GO FORWARD and BACKWARD in the main timeline the visibility of the text box should be unchanged unless the user decide to change it's visibility by clicking "chk_tbtn1" button.

In the code below every time the user go backward in timeline, it makes the txt box invinsible.

_root.my_Dyn_Txt1._visible = false
this.chk_tbtn1.onRelease = function() {
_root.my_Dyn_Txt1._visible = !_root.my_Dyn_Txt1._visible;

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Flex :: Dynamically Create Axis Via ActionScript In Adobe Flex Charting Library; Adobe Bug?

Mar 21, 2011

Multiple axis creation via MXML works fine:

But when I'm trying dynamically create horizontal and vertical axis then I'm getting extra axes. I believe this is Adobe bug. How I can fix this behavior?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

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Flex :: How To Create A Dynamic Flex Datagrid

Aug 31, 2009

I'm trying to create a dynamic datagrid in Flex. The data is coming back fine and I can add the column headings. I need to do it this way as the column names are dynamic and coming from a mysql database.he values from re.result.resultSet.results[j].notes into the data fields?

import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;


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Flex :: Dynamic Flex Form Duplication

Feb 3, 2011

I'm designing a data entry app that allows multiple entries to its subject. For example, a person might have received education from multiple institutions. Each educational entry is a form and app user can click on a button to add another entry, which is a blank but identical form.I figure it involves states and custom form components but not sure how everything fits together.

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Jul 18, 2011

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Jul 22, 2009

In my Flex application I am able to read the variables using something like /flexapp.html?name=josh with no problems. However, this is because I go into the URL and type in the variables by hand. Is there anyway in the code to dynamically append the variable part "?name=josh" ? For example, like retrieving the url and then adding that and then pointing to it?

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Flex :: Add Row Dynamically To AdvancedDataGrid?

Dec 14, 2010

I would like to add new row on the fly (runtime) to my AdvancedDataGrid.I can add it to the data model, but couldn't find a way to make the table render and show the new row.What i am seeking for is to create an effect of expandable item, where clicking on row will show "additional information" (like a drawer) and clicking on row expand button will reveal it's children.I saw examples of this for dataGrid (http:url...), but not for AdavancedDataGrid.Only way I found to do this is to add a new child and use openItem, but this cause the other children to be visible as well.

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Flex :: How Content Dynamically Updated?

Jul 16, 2009

problem-1:In php we can easily move one page to another and easily use different type of function from those pages.In flex3 how i can use different type of .mxml pag

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