Graph Flex LineSeries / Find Y-value Along Curve

Feb 27, 2010

I've created a Flex LineChart that shows high and low tide predictions over time. I'm using the LineSeries with form="curve", which produces a nice sinusoidal wave graph, representing water level over time. The X-axis represents time, and the Y-axis represents water level. The only data points I have to work with are high and low tide values, but I would like to figure out how to determine the y-values of arbitrary x-values along the line.[code]

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private function chartComplete():void {
var ls:LineSeries = new LineSeries();
ls.styleName = 'timeline';


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Flex :: Flex - Creating Dynamic Lineseries In Linechart?

Oct 11, 2011

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[Bindable]private var Projects:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
{ Department: "Software", TotalProjects: 73,Completed:30,Inprogress:30,Approved:13},
{ Department: "XML",TotalProjects: 50,Completed:20,Inprogress:20,Approved:10},
{ Department: "Publishing",TotalProjects: 25,Completed:5,Inprogress:10,Approved:10},
{ Department: "Indesign", TotalProjects: 70,Completed:30,Inprogress:30,Approved:10},
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/*var orig_x:Number;
var orig_y:Number;
orig_x = (plane_mc._x)+(plane_mc._width/2);


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Find Any Other Reference To "graph" Other Than The Calls?

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Aug 4, 2010

I am implementing a LineChart in FLEX 4. I have the chart working well except I do not like the default colors and cannot use them, as they do not relate to my data very well. For instance, Orange is not a great default color for my data column "Outdoor temperature". I would rather override it and use a green color if possible.

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<mx:SolidColorStroke id = "s1" color="haloGreen" weight="2"/>
<mx:LineSeries yField="v1" form="curve" displayName="Indoor Temp" lineStroke="{s1}"/>

^ With this code, The LineChart Legend stops displaying the color for that specific LineSeries, and only displays in black.

How can I override the LineSeries stroke color and persist those colors to the Legend's display?

Is this a FLEX 4 bug? I noticed in FLEX 3 examples (even on Adobe's FLEX 3 Help website) you can override the stroke colors and it persists to the Chart Legend.

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Is there a way to export a flex graph to excel?

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Actionscript :: Creating Network Graph In Flex?

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The nodes must be click-able to show which other nodes it is connected to.

Can a bubble chart be modified to do this?

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Flex :: Display AxisRenderer Outside Graph Without Overlapping?

Sep 7, 2009

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See that screenshot of what I have:
I need to get something like:

Or I should create a custom axis renderer component that get data from this graph and display it outside?

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Our app implemented on Flex and uses REST API. And previously it used notifications.sendEmail. App has publish_stream and email permissions (checked with users.hasAppPermission).

I tried users.getInfo for get proxied_email address. But this function does not return email address of the friend.. Then I performed the following test using Graph API and web browser: Opened the following link for authorization with extended permissions:


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Flex3 - Customize Data Points On A Flex Graph?

Mar 20, 2010

I have an area graph and I'm looking to have the data points to be shown. I have a CircleItemRenderer, but this shows all of the datapoints in the default stroke and fill. 1) How do I customize the display of my CircleItemRenderer? (instead of it having an orange fill, how can I change the color?

2) How can I decide to show the node for specific data points but not for others? For example, in my .XML file that imports the data for the graph, I may have a variable show_data_point which is true or false.


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Flex :: Add A Single Horizontal Line In A Chart/Graph?

Jun 1, 2011

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<mx:ColumnChart id="cvpaOpenCloseRatio" x="79" y="107"


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Flex :: Force DataTips To Display On Graph Permanently

Nov 1, 2011

I assume I need to override the mouse over and mouse off event so that they don't do anything and then trigger the mouse over event for each column on the graph.

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Flex :: Remove Thin Origin Line From Background Of Graph

Nov 1, 2011

I wish to remove the thin origin line from the background of a Flex graph. I have converted one of axes to a Category axis and an origin line remains, that is now unwanted. The following seems to remove all the vertical lines as well as the origin

<mx:GridLines verticalShowOrigin="false"/>
Removes all background lines1

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Flex :: Export Chart/Graph/component Into Xls File Without Using Server Side?

Apr 15, 2012

Flex: - Is it possible to export Chart/Graph/component with dataGrid data into xls file without using server side?

(Web Application)

I have gone through number of article but could not find any hind to do. As per few article it is possible to export data of dataGrid into xls by using as3xls-1.0.swc but not Chart.

I am looking to export data from dataGrid as well as Chart.

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Actionscript :: Show All Datatips For A Single Lineseries?

Mar 24, 2010

show all datatips for a single lineseries in a Flex 3 linechart. This chart will have multiple lines and the functionality we're looking for is when a user hovers over a line, show all datatips associated with just that series.

showAllDataTips will not work in this case as it will display all datatips on the chart.

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Flex - Can't Find Huge Memory Leak In A Flex 4.6 Web Application?

Mar 16, 2012

I have a Flex 4.6 web game which displays 2 Lists with virtual layouts with 2 custom item renderers. The renderers consist mainly of BitmapImages displaying user avatars + few Labels.

The Lists are being updated often over TCP socket with gzipped JSON data. I merge that data into 2 ArrayCollections serving as dataProviders for the Lists. This seems to work well, the Lists do not flicker and are updated correctly (I've monitored debug traces a lot to get it right).


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