I need to pass the "" to the mm.exe that run with nativeprocess. When I pass "In From MIDI Yoke: 1" even using " to the nativeprocess, it won't launch the application properly and caused it to crash. What wrong this the code?
var arg3:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>; var rescJar:String = File.applicationDirectory.nativePath + "/java/test.jar"; arg3.push("-jar",rescJar,"-n "a string"");
I have a Flex and Java application and i am using BlazeDS between flex and java. Generally my application works fine. I observed when ever i try fetch data little faster(not giving gap between two fetch commands) then i am getting the error "Server error :faultCode:Channel.Call.Failed faultString:'error' faultDetail:'NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Failed'"
I guess when ever load is increasing on BlazeDs, i am getting the error. I am calling the java service using following code
I have built a application that use a nativeProcess to open exe. The application into Flex Builder 3 run whitout errors. Then the problem come when I export the aplicaction AIR in .air and install the applicaction in the developer pc or other pc. When I push the button to open the .exe, appear the message "Native Process is not supported". The code in the main.mxml that I use:
I want to pass two parameter to nativeProcess. While i am running exe file using windows command with parameter, it is working. Command for window is "abc.exe a.txt b.txt"How can I pass two parameters to the exe in that format using flex nativeProcess?This is what I have so far:
The NativeProcess is having a big issue which would hang/sudden stop response after 1-2 mins of running. I wonder if anyone else encounter the same issue?I have tested on Windows 7 (64bit).If there any way to launch an exe and release the Nativeprocess handler from monitoring the process or other method will be appreciate.
How can I find the return value of a executable which has been invoked by a AIR app using the NativeProcess API? I am using Flash Builder 4. The following c++ generated executable
festival --tts "HelloSpeak.txt"
works fine on the Windows cmd line , but on invoking by the NativeProcess API like in the example article doesn't produce the desired result. I invoke the command with the arguments on a button click handler, but there is no TTS generated output.
Is AIR nativeprocess able to receive message from Java program and process every line of message as fast as possible in milliseconds? Does it has a miss read or delay?
I created a save button and added an eventlistener to run the saveAs() when the button is clicked but I'm getting Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on views::TxtView/saveAs(). Expected 0, got 1.[code]The debugger stops when the Save As button is clicked.
I would like to launch an external program on the server from a server-side ActionScript. My server-side scripting is in ActionScript 1.0 so I can't use the NativeProcess class, right? Can I use ActionScript 3.0 on the server? Is there another way?
I want to interact with a .jar-file in my AIR-project.I am using the NativeProcess feature in AIR2 for this, but it seems like I can't just define 'myJavaFile.jar' as the executable.On Windows, you can give 'java.exe' as the executable, the problem is Mac can't handle .exe-files.So my question is: how can I use .jar-files with the NativeProcess feature in AIR2. Or maybe there is an other solution to communicate with a .jar-files in AIR / AS3?
Any class common between flash swf file, loaded in swfloader turns our to throw error ypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert edia::PlayerContentView@12babac1 to media.PlayerContentView.My main swf has same class, since its been used by appplication all over, but when swfloader creates object of same name class, it adds 12babac1 to class name. and doesn't work for simple access of array values
public function get Current():media.PlayerContentView { return contentItems[VZPlay.CurrentIndex] as PlayerContentView;
I've recently had the need to use the managers compiler argument, because the project had an Open Type font embedded, and was generating errors at compilation. Now I need to use the same argument in my ant task, but for some reason it doesn't work. I'm using Flex SDK 3.2.
I've tried different variations, from using manager as a child element of mxmlc, to using it as an attribute, and combining it with prefixes (fonts, compiler.fonts). I've also tried to use it as sub-element of the element fonts, but nothing worked. I've considered using a shell task instead, but I'd rather not. For now I've changed flex-config.xml in the frameworks directory of the sdk, and it seems to do the trick, but I'm thinking there's got to be a way to do this in the task. Any exact elements I need to add to the task to make it work, without having to modify "flex-config.xml"?
I want to pass an optional data parameter to some callbacks, but only to callbacks that support a single parameter; right now, I have a moderately-sized code base of callbacks that cannot accept a parameter at all. How can I check what parameters a Function object supports?
I gave up on Python and wrote the stdout interface with a C++ Win32 Console .exe file. It works fine. Bleegghh.
Old post: I'm trying to communicate with a Python script. It is not going well. So, first off, I can't get the damned thing to launch for the life of me -- so I'm focusing on that issue. I can get CERTAIN .exe files to launch, but not all of them. If I bundle putty.exe (lol) in a folder called NativeProcess it works fine, but I can't launch python.exe from my computer.
I have a main application(app.swf) which loads a module(profiles.swf) and the profiles module loads another module(member_profile.swf). In member_profile I get member data from the server side where an object of type Member is returned. The object returned contains an array called Jobs holding objects of type MemberJob. In the member_profile module there's a function that takes a parameter of type MemberJob to display the job details. I have a loop that goes through the array returned and calls the function for each array item like this:
for(i = 0; i < member.Jobs.length; i++) addJob(member.Jobs[i]);
I am getting an error at the addJob line: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert components.classes::MemberJob@19107d81 to components.classes.MemberJob.
And I receive this error always on the second loading of the member_profile module. I mean this module gets loaded when I click a member's name from the profiles module which passes this name as the parameter for the sub module to load the profile of that member including his jobs. So if I chose to see the profile of member "X" the profile is loaded without any errors but if I then click on member "Y" (which causes the sub module to be reloaded with the new parameter) then I get the type coercion error. And if I did the opposite click on "Y" first then "X" the same happens, error in the second load.
i've just added air-sdk to ubuntu, and adl is working, but when im trying to use adt i have this:Failed to load the AIR RuntimeWhat i can do whit this?I need adt to make native installer from .air file to .dbm"adt -package -target native my-app-name.dbm my-app-name.air "
I am using remote object in flex to call a method in amfphp. I have project setup properly with a services-config.xml in d src, d end point uri pointing to the gateway.php. After testing on my localhost everything works fine but when I copied my files to a remote server repoint the uri in d servies-config and then recompiling the application gives a sending failed error.
I'm trying to write a custom fadeTo(component, x, y):void method, which takes an arbitrary Flex Component as an argument and moves it to a given location, but smoothly.
The problem I'm running into is the following.
I want to send the component itself as argument, like this: (using Button as an example only)
fadeTo(myButton, 200, 500);
(this should move myButton smoothly from its current position to the position indicated as parameter)
However, I don't really know what type an arbitrary Flex Component is. How should I handle that?
I am embedding a swf file into the parent swf file and my code in parent swf file want to call the function inside the embedded swf file. It always failed, below is the code. The error is in line:
var player:testflv1 = (loader.content as SystemManager).application as testflv1;
It can't be compiled because the testflv1 is not recognized as the known type.
I am trying to learn the new services method in flex 4. but i cant get it work. A test oparation near the service in flash builder 4 works. But when i run the code i get NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Failed.
<?php class AuthService { public function login($username, $password) {[code].......
I am using Flex and php to develop my project. Everything works great in my local machine.However, when I upload my files to my serverI got the error when loading my flex application.The pop-up error message is
I trying to integrate Flex with Grails through BlazeDS but I am stuck with the very first step i.e installing BlazeDS plugin ... it fails everytime i try to install. Following is the complete stacktrace
Resolving plugin JAR dependencies ... Warning module not found: com.adobe.flex#flex-messaging-opt; grailsHome: tried D:PlatformsGrailsgrails-1.3.7lib/flex-messaging-opt- [Code] .....