Flex :: Change The Color Of A ChartItem On Rollover?

Jan 5, 2010

Is there a way to set a rollover color for each series in a chart?For instance, I have a column chart with two series: one series is set to blue and the second series is set to gold.

When the user mouses over the blue series, I would like the blue to turn to bright blue. And when the user mouses over the gold series, I would like the gold to turn to bright gold.Also, is it possible to change the color of the chart item when a chart item is clicked?

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Flex :: Change The Color Of An Mx:PieSeriesItem Slice Dynamically?

Feb 15, 2011

I am creating a program where a change in a value causes the color of a pie slice in an mx:PieChart to change dynamically.the code that is supposed to change the color is similar to this:(pieChart.pieChartSeries.items[i] as PieSeriesItem).fill = new mx.graphics.SolidColor(0,0.2); // black, almost opaquetracing out the results of this appears to apply the color to the particular PieSeriesItem, but the color does not change visually. I checked the AS reference and the fill property is of type iFill and should accept a solidColor instance. (note: I have also tried 0x000000 as a valid color, the first argument of SolidColor takes an uint)edit] Since I posted the question originally, I've added a few changes to clarify the question. am actually using an MXML component that extends < mx:PieChart > . Originally I was trying to set the color as listed above within an event handler in the main application. What I have done since then was invoke a method in my extended PieChart component, like so:

(in main applicaion)
private function someEventHandler(evt:someEvent):void{
pieChart.setPieSliceColor((pieChart.pieChartSeries.items[i] as PieSeriesItem));


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