Flex :: Context Menus Don't Allow "About" Any More

Jul 20, 2010

We've got a Flex application (using 3.0) which has some custom context menus. One thing we add is an "About..." entry which pops up an Alert with the application's version string and copyright information. Unfortunately, Flex seems to have recently taken a dislike to our caption -- supplying "About" or "About..." leads to the menu item not appearing (with no errors or trace output) while supplying (apparently) any other caption makes things work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Enable And Disable Context Menus At Will?

Aug 29, 2010

I have custom context menus that I wish to disable when I do a certain action in the application, and re-enable them again once the action is finished. Kind of like using save as in a program. When the save window comes up all parts of the program is disabled except the save window.

When the window appears in my application, it doesn't cover the movieclips that I want to disable context menus for. So can I do this with Flash alone?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Custom Context Menus In Flash?

May 28, 2010

how to create a custome context menu (right click menu) in Flash?If it's not possible, wouldn't it be a good idea for Macromedia to put some kind of event or something in there?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Enable And Disable Context Menus?

Mar 17, 2009

I have custom context menus that I wish to disable when I do a certain action in the application, and re-enable them again once the action is finished. Kind of like using save as in a program. When the save window comes up all parts of the program is disabled except the save window.When the window appears in my application, it doesn't cover the movieclips that I want to disable context menus for. So can I do this with Flash alone?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Xml Accordion Menu That Has Main Menus / Sub Menus Buttons With A Mask

Feb 3, 2009

I'm trying to create an xml accordion menu that has main menus and a sub menus buttons (movieClips) revealed with a mask. Simple question, How do I stop the mask area which reveals the sub menus catching mouseEvents on the submenus?The main menu button is a movieClip, it has the mask sprite attached to it as a property so it can scale dynamically to reveal the subMenus. They are set as children of the main menu button container. In my code I've set mainMenu.mouseChildern = true. But when the mainMenu is clicked I change mouseEnabeled = false to help prevent the main menu receiving events. This helps on rollOver rollOut events, but when I click or mouseDown on the subMenu the mask catches the event also and activates the main menu again. I've tried the obvious mask.mouseEnabled = false; mask.mouseChildern = false; mask.hitArea = null; and even setting mask.alpha = 0 but this has no effect at all.

I don't understand why the mask has to extend the hitArea property of the mainMenu and why this can't be set to null. It also seems crazy that when mouseChildren = true the parent clip also has to receive notice of the event.

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Flash :: Creating Menus In Adobe Flex

Jul 9, 2011

I am working on a game in flex, and I am trying to figure out how to create menus in the game. I am was thinking it would be easy just to add and remove a child for the menu, but then it would be a pain to make interactive.I am trying to do both a pop up menu and an always on screen menu, like a bottom menu bar, so if anyone has any ideas please let me know. I am completely new to flash and flex and don't really know where to start past making the actual game.

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Flex :: TabNavigator - Gap Between The Top Of The List And The Bottom Of The Tab Menus?

Oct 23, 2011

Apologies for the rookie Q - trying to learn Flex/Actionscript and just having some basic layout issues. (Using FlashBuilder 4, with Flex 4.5 HERO SDK) I have a TitleWindow, and have embedded a mx:TabNavigator within it. I have then placed a list within the first tab and set its width/height to 100% However, there appears to be a gap between the top of the list, and the bottom of the tab menus. Why is this happening and what is the best way to ensure the top of the list aligns up flush with the top of the VBox?


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Flex :: Context Menu For Loaded SWF

Oct 14, 2009

I have a Flex app with a viewport that loads a series of other swfs. I would like to place a context menu over top of the SWFs when the user right-clicks. To that end, I have set up a fairly standard context menu where each item has a ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT event handler. One problem: The eventHandler never gets called.

If I place the context-menu code anywhere else in the app, i.e. not on top of a loaded SWF, everything works fine. However, when I place the exact same code on the SWF viewport, the context menu items appear, but the eventHandlers are never called.

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Flex :: Add Context Menu In Datagrid?

Feb 3, 2010

How we add context menu in datagrid column header.

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ActionScript :: Flex - What Does Mean By 'antiAliasType' In The Context?

May 26, 2010


From My Point Of View, As Useless Errors Go, This One Is Unsurpassed.

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Flex :: Use / Purpose Of Font Context?

Nov 29, 2010

What is the use Font context in Flex?

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Flex :: Remove The 4 Context Menu?

Feb 20, 2011

On my web app, I want to be able to remove the Flash context menu and only leave the ones really needed like the textarea contextmenu.

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Flex :: Cannot See Context Menu On UI Component

Mar 22, 2011

I have a UIComponent (tried it also with Canvas) and some icons in it (sub views). On the UIComponent I defined some extra ContextMenuItems. Now when I'm testing it, the context menu appears only on the subviews (icons) with a right-click. I've checked the documentation but found nothing about required properties for using context menus. Why it's only on subviews?

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Flex :: Get Parent Of Context Menu?

Jul 27, 2011

Is there any way to know the parent/component which initiates context menu? I have a panel which contains different custom components. i want to open respective popup window of custom component from context menu when user right click on the respective component.

How can i find the parent custom component which initiates context menu?

for ex:

custom compoent: 1. Label, 2. Buttom

context menu Item: properties

On right click over 'Label' opens a context menu which has item 'properties', on clicking properties it should open custom popoup window showing properties of Label. similarly, for Button.

I am trying to listen Event on click of context menu, but it is not useful.

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Flex :: Create Submenu In Context Menu?

May 27, 2010

Is it possible to create submenu in context menu (right click menu) in Adobe Flex?

Menu1 >
- Menu1.1
- Menu1.2


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Flex :: Create Submenu's In Its Context Menu?

Feb 2, 2011

Is there any workaround to create submenu in a flex context menu other than stopping right click from javascript.

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Flex :: Custom Context Menu For A Component?

Mar 21, 2011

I have a Flex application, running with Flash Player, not AIR, that contains a Tree that I would like to put a custom context menu on.

Tried just doing <mx:Tree ... contextMenu="{MyClassWithStatic.menu}">, but that didn't do anything.

Went searching, and found this quote from some Adobe docs somewhere

In Flex or Flash Builder, only top-level components in the application can have context menus. For example, if a DataGrid control is a child of a TabNavigator or VBox container, the DataGrid control cannot have its own context menu.

so went upwards, trying each parent element until I reached my <Application>-element, which is consistent with what they wrote.

Tried making a Flex component, based on Group (the default) which contained my tree, and the context menu on the top-level element there, hoping it would work, but to no avail.

Is there any other way to manage this that I haven't found yet?

The code I use to create the menu:

var menuItems:Array = [];
var rename:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Rename");


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Flex :: Compiling Application With Unknown Context Path

Jul 22, 2009

I would like to compile my flex application with a services-config.xml file. However, I am forced to supply a context.root. In my setup, the context root (context path) isn't known until my .war file is named and dropped into the webapps directory.

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Flex :: Add Custom Component In Context Menu Of Datagrid?

Feb 22, 2010

How to add custom component in context menu of datagrid.Here custom component like one text box with formatting details.

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Flex :: Relative Context-root Fro Flash Application

Jun 7, 2010

In services-config.xml we got following configuration of endPoint.

<channel-definition id="any-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">
<endpoint url="http://{server.name}:{server.port}/{context.root}/messagebroker/amf" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/>

Before compiling flash application i set up context-root as compilaction option.

binmxmlc -context-root / -services "flex/services-config.xml" -optimize=true -o ....inMessenger.swf Messenger.as

In my case this is "/"

And the problem is that messanger.swf is able to pull request if the web application is started as ROOT in tomcat webapps. I mean it can only be access by this url localhost:8080/. If i try to move webaplication to another folder - for example to localhost:8080/myApplication messenger.swf would not work properly sinse i have to change root_context as well.

So my question how to dinamicly determine context-root in run time, without hardcode it as option of compiler ? I want my .war application work properly regardless of it position in webapps folder(url).

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Flex :: No Active Security Context When Doing LocalConnection Between 2 Local Swf's

Mar 28, 2011

I just dont get it - the swfs are in the same folder, hows that possible?

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Flex :: Copy And Paste Missing In Context Menu?

Mar 31, 2011

I'd like to add copy and paste functionality to context menu in my Flex application. After creating a separate dummy project for testing, I realize that such options (cut, copy, paste, and delete) are already available in this dummy project without any coding. Both projects are compiled using Flex 4 SDK, run in the same brower (IE) and have the same version of Flash Player ( However, different context menu are displayed. Here are the difference:

Orig Project: Print, Show Redraw Regions, Debugger, Settings, Global Settings, About Flash Player...

Dummy Porject: Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Select All, Settings, Global Settings, About Flash Player...

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Flash :: Determine The Location Of A Context Menu In Flex?

May 13, 2011

I am trying to find the best way to improve the user experience when interacting with a context menu in a Flex application. I already know that the context menu in Flex is quite limited in terms of how it is constructed and what it can show.

What I was hoping to do was to implement something similar to what Microsoft Word does in 2010 or later, where when right clicking a little floating palette is displayed above the common popup menu. I was hoping that there was a way to 1) listen for an event that is triggered when a context menu is displayed, and 2) determine the location of the context menu so that I could display a floating palette above the context menu as in Word. So far, I have not found out how to accomplish either of these things.

I suspect that there might be some focus and stage management issues with this approach generally, but I was hoping to at least get to the point where those issues were discovered.

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Flex :: Context Menu Not Working In Flash Player 10.1

Jun 23, 2011

I write a flex application. I added some custom menu items in context menu. when I compiled this code using flashplayer 10.0, it works fine and my added context menu items are shown when I Right-Click. But when I compile same code for flashPlayer 10.1, menu items that I added in context menu are not shown when I Right-Click. I am using sdk 3.5.

I am doing this;
private var cm:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
var versionMenu:ContextMenuItem = null;
var dateMenu:ContextMenuItem = null;
if(model.appVersion.length > 0) {
versionMenu = new ContextMenuItem(model.appVersion);
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Custom Context Menu WITH Selectable Enabled In AS3

Jun 6, 2009

I have a Label in AS3 that I want to be selectable (.selectable = true) AND I want the clipboardMenu to show up on right-click ALONG with custom menu items.

If I do THIS:

var label:Label = new Label();
label.text = "test";
label.selectable = false;


The label IS selectable - however ONLY the clipboard menu items are present.

How can I both make the label selectable AND have a menu with my custom items + standard clipboard items?

BTW - this is with an AIR application using the 3.2 SDK.

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Flex :: Hyperlink - Control The Context Menu On A Link In HtmlText When?

Jul 16, 2009

I created a Flex application with a textArea. I'm populating the textArea's htmlText property.I have a context menu on the textArea, but I don't see how to make a different context menu when the user right clicks on a <a href...>link</a>. Can I control the context menu for a link displayed inside of the htmlText of a mx:TextArea?

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Actionscript 3 :: Add A Custom Context Menu With Line Separators In Flex

Mar 18, 2010

I would like to add a custom context menu with line separators, but can't really figure out how. What I need:


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Flash :: Hidden/show Particular Context Menu Item In Flex?

Apr 26, 2010

var contextMenu:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
var contactList : ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Add to Existing List");


All coding on contactListItemRenderer.as and call to datagrid like

<mx:DataGridColumn itemRenderer="com.view.Contact.ContactListItemRenderer"
dataField="fullName" headerText="Full Name" />

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Flash :: Custom Cursor And Customized Context Menu In Flex

Jun 24, 2010

My Flex 3 application uses a custom cursor and has to show a customized context menu when the user performs a right click. The problem is the customized menu is shown only when the default arrow cursor is shown. When I change it to the custom cursor, the standard context menu appears instead of the customized one.

Is there a way to have both custom cursor and customized context menu in a flash application?

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Flash :: Flex - Debugging Through Via Browser - Security Context Error

Mar 14, 2011

I am trying to use a browser to debug my flash app as it needs External Interface. But whenever I try to attach the Flex Debugger to the browser running Flash app, it shows

SecurityError: Error #2000: No active security context.

I already checked the other question with same title as my error but changing code is not the solution here as it is an existing code and I don't get this error while using a debug version or when I am not running connected to a debugger.

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