Flex :: Create An Event To Move To Next Screen Once Data Has Been Committed To Database?

Mar 4, 2012

I have been struggling to find a way to do this. Basically, I am committing data to a database that I have assigned all the variables to. However, when it has finished committing that data, I want it to then push to the next view. So far, I can get it to work if I program in another button to push to the next view but I want it to be automated with the one button.

So far my code is:

protected function btnClientSubmit_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
repID = RepID.toString();
CompPass = CompID.toString();


It works 100% for committing so that is not a problem and hence I did not include all the other code. My problem comes with the fact that the program is pushing to the next view too soon and it interrupts my data insert.

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<mx:TextInput id="stagInput" text="{acContacts}" width="170" x="120" y="74"/>

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<mx:TabBar x="10" y="10" dataProvider="viewstack1">


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Aug 31, 2011

I have updated the mxml code to only show the needed code for the program to run the update.

I am new to Flex and have an issue I hope you all can help me out with.

I have researched this issue all over and most people say use the .refresh() method to update a datagrid after updating or adding a new record. This does not do anything.

So, my issue is this. I have a mySQL database hosted on 000webhost.com, I am connecting via PHP, I have 1 mxml file and 2 php files (I know I can use just 1 but I am learning and this was easier for me to use for troubleshooting). The issue is no matter what I change on the datagrid the update does not show on the datagrid unless I close out of IE and reopen it. I can refresh or open the page in another window and the update does not show. I have to exit entirely and restart in order for any updates or additions to show.

Here is my licenseTracker.mxml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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OK I have an AdvancedDataGrid. The data I feed it is XML that looks like this:

<stat associate="Sam Smith" date="07/08/09" customer="James Frank"/>
<stat associate="John Doe" date="09-07-08" customer ="Amanda Jones"/>
<stat associate="John Doe" date="09-07-09" customer ="Henry Scott"/>

But I am grouping by associate so it ends up looking like a tree like this:


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Jan 17, 2011

I am planning on using Flash Builder 4/Flex to write an AIR application which is primarily based around recording, storing and analyzing data.I'll be creating charts etc that need to update in almost real time.It's essential to me that the application be able to function without an internet connection so I need a local database of some variety,but I would also eventually like to build in online synchronization of the data where either database can be update each other based on newer information. Moreover, some type of encryption would definitely be welcome, and speed is a large concern

Synchronization: Primarily updates/additions/deletions will be done on the offline database, but ideally I want to have a web interface that will allow the same updates/additions/deletions and will be synced (beyond that I'm not sure exactly how to do it as I can model that based on what is most achievable).I'm wondering if there's any prebuilt engine that could handle the synchronization of 2 databases. I may end up having the web interface only be for additions, which would be significantly easier to sync.. and I may start that way, but i want to build with technologies that will best allow me to implement full online crud at some point.

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login: mxxx


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