Flex :: Datagrid Not Updated Properly?

Jul 19, 2011

I have two tables: Person {pID, pName, deptID} and Departments {deptID,deptName}An SQL statement like this gets me the name of a person and the department name:

SELECT pName, departments.deptName FROM people INNER JOIN people.deptID = departments.deptID;

The above works fine. I have a Flex DropDownList that is populated with deptNames. When I click the submit button, I am able to obtain the ID of the selected department without problem:

protected function button_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
person.deptID=pDepartmentDropDownList.selectedItem.deptID; //ID of selected department obtained correctly.
if (person.pID == 0)


From the comment above, I see that adding person will indeed add the attributes of the person object to the datagrid, except that one attribute is a foreign ID (deptID) from departments.

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import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;[code].....

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[Code] .....

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Aug 14, 2009

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"


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I am working on a problem since a week soon, but I still couldn't make it work as expected. I have a DataGrid which has HBox with a CheckBox an a Label as itemRenderer (see Code below). When I tap in to the Cell the standard itemEditor pops up and lets you enter the content of the label. Thats the standard behavior. I works fine except for 2 problems:

If I enter to much text, the horizontal srollbar pops up, and the cell is filled with that scrollbar. As you see I tried to set the horizontalScrollPolicy to off, but that doesnt work at all... I tried to do that for all the different elements, but the failure is still existent. When I have filled more than one row, there is an other mistake happening. If I tap on a row, the datagrid selects the one below that row. That's only if one line is already selected. If I tap outside the datagrid and then, tap at any row the itemEditor of the right row will show up... Is there anything now wright in the setup of my set data method?

package components
import mx.containers.HBox;
import mx.controls.CheckBox;


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- Division
- Members

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Following are some snippets of the related code. Hope someone can spot an error in it.


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May 31, 2010


I am presuming this is because the image hasn't finished reading the png file off the disk yet. What event can I monitor to know when it's width and height will have the right values? The 'Complete' event only seems to work for DOWNLOADED images. The 'Render' event happens EVERY FRAME. The (undocumented?) 'sourceChanged', happens as soon as source changes, and has the same problem! What event do I watch that will let me know when the image's width and height properties will have valid values? Or is there some Synchronous version of I.source='xxx.png', that I don't know about?

P.S. Yes, I know I shouldn't use "C:" in an Air Program. This was just for illustrative purposes, so that you won't suggest I use "Complete", which never even seems to fire when the file indicated by source is local.

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Flex 3.5 :: Flash HSlider Event Listener Not Triggered When Value Is Updated

Aug 16, 2010

I am writing a web application that will serve as a configuration for a random data generator that I have written in Java.The values that I set in this application will write to xml. The xml data is updated by a file called simulationParams.as and that file is added to each child in the "viewStack" so that when I change any of those values the simulationConfig file will be automatically updated.The problem is that when I press the randomizeBtn the proper events are fired and the listeners grab those events.My problem exists when I uncheck the randomize button.For some reason an event is triggered or the listener isnt listening so that when I uncheck randomizeBtn the values go back to their last position or value on the slider. Ex. if my initial value is 0 then press randomize the slider will go to 100. The config file updates and all is well.When I uncheck the randomizeBtn, the sliders value goes back 0 but the config file isnt update.The same thing happens when I press the useDefaultBtn for both selected/unselected, nothing gets updated.[code]

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Flex :: Improve Datagrid Performance When Using Itemrenderer With In Datagrid?

Jul 31, 2009

For poor performance reasons, the DataGrid will cache checkboxes and reuse them for different rows. If you have 50 rows, it won't create 50 checkboxes. It will create as many checkboxes at are visible, plus a few more for padding, and then reuse them as you scroll. This is why you need to explicitly manage their state. How can improve it ? How can fixed checkbox value ? i used checkbox like below But checkbox doesnot remembering the values


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Flex :: Flash - Programmatically Select An Item In A List After DataProvider Is Updated?

Jan 2, 2011

I have a Spark List container whose dataProvider is bound to a result set coming back from a RemoteObject call. Pretty standard stuff.

<s:List id="list" dataProvider="{model.stuff}" width="100%" height="100%"

The selectedIndex is associated with an HSlider, but that is not the problem. My issue is that I would like to automatically select a certain "preferred" element from the list (only initially...to guide the user).

I tried to do that in a creationComplete event but my data hadn't shown up yet...setting selectedIndex didn't work..

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Flex :: Select Tree Node Right After The DataProvider Is Been Assigned / Updated / Replace?

Jan 26, 2011

i have a Flex tree control and im trying to select a tree node 3 levels down right after the dataProvider is assigned with a collection object like the following.basically treeItem1, treeItem2, treeItem3 are the nodes in the tree and treeitem3 is a child of treeItem2 which is a child of treeItem1. Assume these treeItem(1,2,3) are referenced correctly from the collection items.

my problem is that if i wait for the whole component to load completely then select the nodes, it open/select/scrolltoIndex correctly. However, if i were to select the node right after the dataProvider is assigned, then it doesn't even open or select (basically the this.treeService.selectedItem is always null).

this.treeService.dataProvider = oPricingHelper.getCurrentPricingSercicesTreeSource();
this.treeService.expandItem(treeItem1, true);
this.treeService.expandItem(treeItem2, true);
this.treeService.selectedItem = treeItem3;

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Flex :: "Type DataGrid In CSS Selector 'DataGrid' Must Be Qualified With A Namespace" - Warning

Feb 4, 2010

I am attempting to style the headers in a flex datagrid and I keep getting the warning:

Type DataGrid in CSS selector 'DataGrid' must be qualified with a namespace

What does this mean? I have gone through a bunch of tutorials and none of them have worked. It seems like changing a the colors in a datagrid should be relatively simple.

Here is a code sample:

fontWeight: "bold";


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Flex :: Get Updated Image In Flex Image Control After Changing Source Not Name Of File (image)?

Jan 25, 2012

I am changing image through flex every time i change it saved into server directory with same name(which i am referring to show). So when i refresh my page my browser didn't send new request to server since it's already in request.so didn't getting new image.Tip:- when i clear browser history it will come with new image

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Flex :: Assign DataGrid To Other DataGrid In Flex

May 13, 2011

in Flex I have something like that: [code]and dg is ALWAYS pointing at DataGrid (even if dg1 has name DataGrid_test and dg2 = DataGrid_test2) and finally action is made on my first DataGrid (DataGrid_test).[code]and search still points at ColorColumn :/ My problem is really easy- I just want to pass to search different dataGrid on each state.But still I don't understand why it doesn't work. My search function uses algorhitm Boyer-Moor for searching through dataGrid.dataProvider for some text. If it find something then it is pushed into new array and after passing whole dataProvider I colorize rows with searched word.

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Flex :: Creating Ant Build Script To Build Only When A Dependency Was Updated?

Apr 14, 2011

I just started working with ant a few days ago. Right now I have a general buildall.xml which should call each project's build.xml. Because some projects depend on each other, I need to rebuild some other projects which depend on it. This isn't a problem--I'm just setting the depends property of the target. However, ant is always building the dependencies, even when the files haven't changed.Let's say project1 has no dependencies; project2 depends on project1; project3 depends on project1, 2; project4 depends on project1, 2, and 3; and so on.I could hack a solution which looks at project K, and checks if project 1 .. project K have updated files using uptodate. If so, then run the target. This is messy and appears unnecessary.

What is the cleanest way to implement this?EDIT: So I decided to just hack in a bunch of targets, "check_projectK" where it does the uptodate checks on all of its source files, its build file, and the build files of the 1 .. K-1 projects. Due to dependencies, this is always handled correctly. However, this is still a large amount of copy and paste for a large workspace.

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