Flex :: Drawing This Line At (0,0) Doesn't Really Draw It At (0,0)?

Apr 13, 2010

Update: Once and for all, how can I draw a line that goes from (0,0) to the opposite corner of the stage?Here is what I have:

import flash.display.Sprite;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Line Drawing Script On Stage Doesn't Work In MovieClip?

Jul 28, 2011

I have a little snippet of code that allows the user to create a line with the mouse, and clears the line if they end up touching the hitbox with the mouse, while they're drawing the line. It works fine when it's just thrown onto the main timeline. However, when I try to encapsulate it within a movie clip, it suddenly doesn't work. At all. Are there any suggestions as to why this is happening? Here's the code.


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Flex :: Drawing Line Without Mxml ?

Feb 16, 2011

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"

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Flex :: Draw Line On Top Of Column Chart

Aug 3, 2010

Apparently, it is not possible to have a chart with several independant horizontal axis. What I am trying to achieve is :
Display a bar chart, organized by any category
Overlay a line (actually a single horizontal line) on top of it (to display some sort of threshold)

I tried doing the following :
[Bindable] public var columnsDataProvider : ArrayCollection =
new ArrayCollection([{"Category" : "Cat1", "Value" : 10},
{"Category" : "Cat2", "Value" : 20}]);
[Code] .....

This is the closest to what I want, except that the line does not start span all the graphs vertically (it is drawn only between the two columns of my bar chart). Is it possible to define a completely independant horizontal axis? I also tried drawing directly on the canvas, but the canvas.lineTo() method only works in "data" coordinate; I would need something that works in "chart/canvas/absolute/whatever" coordinates.

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Drawing - Erase Line In Flex Canvas Drwing?

Dec 8, 2011

I am making a flex whiteboard application where lines are drawn over an image here is the scenario:

1: main canvas holding the background image and drawing canvas
2: user can move image by dragging image
3: user can draw over image, which is actually drawing on canvas over image.

I'm having problem on erasing lines like it eraser in paint. Searched evry where but didnot find a way to erase drawn lines


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Flex :: Why Doesn't App Draw A Simple Rectangle

May 6, 2011

the code is straightforward and my Intention should be clear. Still i can get this to work:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Flash - When Drawing A Freehand Line With The Cursor, How To Make It A Dashed Line

Nov 23, 2011

I am using Flex 4 and AS3 and I am trying to make it so that the user can draw a freehand line with the cursor - I have this part done.However, I also need the line to be a dashed line instead of one solid line like it is now. below is my code I am using. I have found some examples on how to do this, but they are all for straight lines, not for a freehand line.

Class File (DrawingArea):

import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;


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Actionscript 3 :: Drawing An Arrow At The End Point Of The Line Using Line Slope?

Jan 9, 2012

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Actionscript 3 :: Movieclip - Draw Line Without Using The Draw API?

Apr 5, 2012

I need to be able to draw a thick patterend line between 2 points in AS3, I can't use the draw API because it doesn't all me to actually put detail (pattern etc) into the thickness of the line, I thought about perhaps using the line to create a bitmap version and then using that as a mask, but I remember many years ago seeing some examples that use a movieclip as a source for a line.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Draw A Line On Mouse Movement, Not The Static Line?

Jun 24, 2009

draw a line on mouse movement, not the static line.

I am attaching a sample which is 90 degree bounded as it has been given in animation, I want to make this or such type through mouse movement.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Draw A Straight Line Then Drag Out A Dotted Line?

Feb 3, 2012

I'm trying to produce a game that on mouse down a dotted line (or just a line) gets dragged out following the mouse until it is realized then it disappears.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Draw Line Like Flash Line Tool?

Mar 12, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: API-draw: Check If Line Intersects Another Line

Apr 13, 2005

I'm making a very simple game that lets you draw a curve by hand (using lineTo to the mouse position on mousemove) but now, I need to check wether the line intersects wiith another part of the same line (e.g. a loop)

I first used an onrollover command, and that worked, but not always because the mouse moved too fast (same with hittest with mouse). Then I pre-drawed the line in another mc, used hittest on it, and if it wasn't intersecting, draw it in the real mc. But that didn't work because it used the bounds to test. I guess the best way is to use some mathematical formula, but that would mean I have to save all my coordinates in an array..

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IDE :: Draw A Line Through A Path Line?

May 2, 2006

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Flash :: Debug - Flex App Compiled With Eclipse Fdt Doesn't Show Line Numbers On Errors

Mar 28, 2011

I have firefox 3.6.15 with flash debug version 10.3. whenever an error occurs a popups comes up with the error and a stack trace but it does not line numbers of each leaf in the stack trace which makes it more difficult to debug. how to configure it to actually show line numbers ?

I think it may relate to how I compile my flash application. (i think!) i use eclipse FDT 4.2 to compile and i added the following compiler flags: -debug=true -compiler.verbose-stacktraces i think these parameters should be enough but I may be wrong.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Flash Drawing Board With Erase Function / Erase Line By Line

Jan 9, 2009

Im building a pretty simple drawing board in flash, i got this code from this forum and it works fine (there is more to it but this is the drawing part)[code]This works fine. But i want to be able to erase the drawings, step by step this is ths tricky part, ive looked everywhere(ok not everywhere) but in a whole lot of places but the only thing i found is how i could delete everything with removeChild and that in not what i want. Maybe i need to change the function abowe? Please help me to get in the right direction. What should i read about /look at?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Draw In Particular MovieClip Using Drawing API

Oct 7, 2005

How can I draw only in a particular mc using drawing API...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drawing App Can't Draw After RemoveMovieClip

May 14, 2009

I've been working a flash drawing application with an undo button function so you can delete the last line you drew. Everything is working ok except when I use the clear_btn removeMovieClip(shapes[sc]); deletes all the lines so far but afterwards you are unable to draw again[code]....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Draw An Arrow Dynamically With Drawing API?

Feb 11, 2009

I would like to draw an arrow dynamically with the drawing API.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drawing Board Stop Draw?

Jun 14, 2004

This code is from a drawing board, the problem is:

1- When you click outside the drawing area, a dot is drawn (thus you cant click anything except inside drawing area because it will result in undesired dots)

2- When you drag outside the drawing area the dot is drawn (bad), the pencil doesn't draw (good), but if you drag until reaching the drawing area draws (undesired, because it should only draw when you started to drag from inside the drawing area) how to tweak the code or simple add a "deselect" tool option ? That's a link to the fla file ziped, and that's the code of the drawing board: [URL]

_root.P = 0;
_root.level = 1000;
_root.tmpx = -1;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Save Drawing On Swf Then Reload To Draw Again

May 27, 2007

i'm working on a class project that allows people to draw on a square, save it, display it for others to see, and then lets anyone to continue drawing on that square.how do i script that? i need to use flash and AS2.0, and i'm trying to do some research on how to do this whole thing, and i'm hearing a lot of things: some say xml, some with php and mysql? whatever it is, i believe this has to be a server-side thing? i don't mind learning light scripting of other languages, but the primary scripting should be AS, since it's a flash class.i'm not sure if this is true, but i think xml, php, and mysql are only text-based? for my project, i imagine that people would be saving an swf and then loading that swf and continue adding. is there a script in AS that generates an swf? maybe jpg is fine too. i just need to be able to save and load something that's image based and not text-based.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drawing Board Stop Draw

Jun 14, 2004

This code is from a drawing board, the problem is:

1- When you click outside the drawing area, a dot is drawn (thus you cant click anything except inside drawing area because it will result in undesired dots)

2- When you drag outside the drawing area the dot is drawn (bad), the pencil doesn't draw (good), but if you drag until reaching the drawing area draws (undesired, because it should only draw when you started to drag from inside the drawing area)[code]...

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Professional :: Draw, It Keaps Convert To A Drawing Object

Aug 24, 2011

how to turn that "Drawing Object" thing off! I cant even fill it in! (the thing i draw) Im using Flash Pro CS5

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Draw Over Swf Movie And Save The Drawing To The Database

Jul 21, 2009

im new to this forum and kinda new to flash and php together...i have this project that would load a swf movie on a drawing board and user could draw something over then swf movie. It should be able to save the drawings to the database, so that the user could just load it for later use. for example if the user draws a zigzag line at frame 5 of swf movie and on frame 10 of the swf movie deletes the zigzag line and draw a circle and then saves it. then loads it later, from frame 1 to 4 of the swf movie the zigzag line should not show but on frame 5 to frame 9 it would show and on frame 10 shows only the circle. or just on the specific frame number of the swf movie it will show. like when user draw on frame 6 then on before or after frame 6 it wont show..the second one might be a bit easier to implement.

how do i save the user drawings over the swf movie? and how do i load it? do i have to save everthing (like x and y coordinates, movieclip names) in a textfile? and use that textfile to recreate the swf file drawn? what ways could i implemnt this? hopefully someone to could point me in the right direction.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Drawing API Draw The Curved Lines?

Jun 17, 2011

I made this one poor class that has a public function which draws with a single loop a shape with curveTo() function (I tested one option to draw straight lines with lineTo() and only curved lines with curveTo() function but in my opinion, that lineTo function where a bit slower, at least in my implementations of testin speeds).I sent to it four parameters (anchor points and the control points) as many times as there were some corners to draw and everything seemed to go well untill I checked which way is faster to draw single rounded rect. Flashs own way beats my version up with huge 120 m/s distance already in some 100 000 iterations. The format of data I tested to send to my class function to draw that goddamned thing were numbers in arrays, numbers in objects and numbers in my own class objects like linked list and the file that holds just four numbers included in arrays or linked list. And two separate arrays, one for anchor points and one for the control points, with just Point Objects were fastest (if I remember correct) way but still that 120 m/s slower than Drawing API in Flash.My function in the class where something like:

ActionScript Code:
public function drawShape(points1:Array, points2:Array, lineOn:Boolean = false, fillOn:boolean = false, lineThickness:Number = 1, lineColor:uint = 0, lineAlpha:Number = 1, fillColor:uint = 0xff, fillAlpha:Number = 1):void{[code]..........

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