Flex :: Efficiently Fill Data Gaps In An Sparse ArrayCollection?
Aug 10, 2010
I have an ArrayCollection of Objects. Each Object with three attributes:CustomerID, Income and DateMy goal is to chart this data for each customer (or a couple together) in a Income by Date LineChart display. Selection of customers is done with ArrayCollection filters.Data is fetched from an SQL database, however, each customer has some data points missing.f there was zero income on August 8, 2010 there will be no entry for that.Charting the ArrayCollection as is, is misleading because there is no indication of the missing data points.One way to solve this is to artificially add zero points for the missing dates for each customer. However, this would explode the data set (and impact performance).
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{item:"dog", group:"Animals"},
{item:"orange", group:"Fruits"},
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
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protected function loadData():void {
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var list:String = grabFolderNames.data;
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The TestCase.mxml (just place it into a Flash Builder 4.6 project):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
The problem lies in the fact, that when the ArrayCollection _data is filtered (because the Checkbox "Even" is set), then the 2nd loop in the test case (for adding new items) adds items (the "35") again and again - because it's filtered and thus not visible.
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public var varSend_se:URLRequest = new URLRequest("DataProvider.php");
public var varLoader_se:URLLoader = new URLLoader;
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private var _questions:ArrayCollection;
private var questionsChanged:Boolean;
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" >
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Jun 20, 2011
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<mx:Canvas id="Card2" label="Card2" width="100%" height="100%" backgroundColor="#FFFFFF">
<mx:TileList id="tlCard2" x="10" y="10" dataProvider="{acCard2}" width="580" height="340" dropEnabled="true" borderThickness="0" maxColumns="4" maxRows="4" rowHeight="85" columnWidth="145" borderColor="#000000" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off" borderStyle="solid" dragMoveEnabled="true" dragEnabled="true" backgroundImage="{imgGuide}" themeColor="#BCBCBC">
[Code] .....
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Aug 14, 2009
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I have an array collection with articles in.
This array collection is filtered to a currently selected article category.
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May 14, 2011
linedataColl is an AC that contains 100+ of rows extract from CSV, I wish to add item into SuperDataCollection object by object but the only problem was I'm unable to see any data display in "S" which is a datagrid. What wrong with my code?
var superDataCollection:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var dc:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var di:Object = new Object();[code]......
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May 21, 2009
it would seem (and I guess I read Senocular's thing on this ages ago, but never really believed it)...
var a:Array = [];
a[0] = "a";
a[1] = "b";[code].....
But make it sparse and it all goes to hell... i.e. if a[0] isn't defined, cases where you're using it as a piece of useful information, there's no guarantee they'll spit out in the same order.On the other hand, if you make it an object, you can't get its length.Does anyone know an elegant way to poll an Array for the number of occupied addresses, and allow it to for/each or for/as in the right order? In PHP it's as easy as count() and foreach(... as $k=>$v). While the latter doesn't do much good for associative arrays, it always works in order on numerical arrays, whether sparse or not...
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Jun 24, 2010
I know this one might be easy but I couldn't figure out.I have a List control that retrieve multiply data from Mysql. When a use clicks the data on List, The datagrid will display the data and the product image will show.I can see the multiply data shown in my dataGrid, but I don't know how to get the individual data shown.
<s:List id="compList"
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Apr 13, 2010
How do I insert XML data into an ArrayCollection in AS3?
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Mar 11, 2009
I have been trying to populate a tree control via an httpservice that uses php to talk to a database. The queries work fine and the data comes back in the following format from php:
echo "<root>";
echo "<topic>";
echo "<sectioncode>$sectioncode</sectioncode>";
echo "<children>";
echo "<labtitle>$title</labtitle>";
echo "</children>";
echo "</lab>";
echo "</root>";
Flex can see this and interprets the heirarchy fine unless i try to format the resultformat in the httpservce (if i do that it goes a little nuts). The results from the php query to the db come back as an ArrayCollection with each containing a "root->topic->sectioncode->title" type of structure (which is what I want). When I go and try to use this Arraycollection as a dataprovider for a tree control, it doesn't work at all. When I use the arraycollection as the dataprovider I get [object,object] for every row in the tree and there is no parent/child structure.
Ideally I would like the title to be a child of the numbercode, but when i try and format the return from xml like that the number becomes and object without a value and the title becomes a child. I have a feeling that I am missing something in the php return to show the structure to flex more clearly and also something in the tree to implement it as the data provider better. Here is the code that I am using in the tree:
<mx:Tree x="25" y="48" height="451" id="ilabtree" dataProvider="{labarray}" labelField="@title" width="152" textAlign="center"></mx:Tree>
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Jun 23, 2011
I have a somewhat complex parent/child hierarchy object that I need to display in a tree format that dynamically updates. To pass it into the tree as a dataprovider I convert the top level parent into an Array and then into an ArrayCollection. The problem there is if anything changes in the hierarchy the tree isn't dynamically updated unless I regenerate the dataprovider.
EDIT: I didn't have much code shown so I just tried to include the skeleton version of how everything is being used below, the tree works fine and even when I remove/add nodes the changes are evident but the vertical scroll bar isn't updated(doesn't resize) and if I scroll the tree will get out of whack and may display whitespace at the bottom of the tree where the item was just removed.
I tried just a plain bindable ArrayCollection test object with multiple levels and it updates properly so I think my tree is fine it's just how I'm trying to bind the dataprovider that I'm having the issues.
AS3 Class 1 - Object that can have plenty of child objects of itself by calling insertCustomObject()
public function CustomObject() {
public function insertCustomObject(customObject : CustomObject) : void {
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Mar 11, 2012
I know how to display data in a List control using dataProvider but what about control that don't have dataProvider e.g. TextInput, Label contorl?[code]Try to use {dp.ID} and {dp.getItemAt(0).ID} on TextInput but nothing being display?How to make TextInput id=" first Name" able to display the SQL data?
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Apr 8, 2009
i want to fill a listbox with data from a MySql table. the code ive gotten working is for static data from an xml file. here it is:
var options:XML = new XML();
options.ignoreWhitespace = true;
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(new URLRequest("fillRegions.xml"));
this creates an echod file that looks just like the above xml example. so, how do i change my original AS3 code to pull data from this php file rather then the xml file?
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Dec 17, 2009
I am brand new to this and am clearly doing something wrong and could very much use some help.Here is what I've been tasked with doing. In one row, I will have 3 columns of information being populated with XML data. I will then move to a 2nd row and do the same thing. This will continue until all the information has been added.
I have made it so that I can access the XML data and can manually add the information to a textbox inside of a movieclip, but because I have so much information to work with, I want to be able to dynamically add the movieclips, assign them an instance name, fill them with XML data and then repeat the process 50 pixels under that row. Does that make any sense?
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Oct 7, 2011
I have a advanced datagrid and populating some data by using arraycollection. And i am filtering the arraycollection, the arraycollection index got changed.
Arraycollection:- [0] - name: abc
[1] - name: hello
[2] - name: hello1
[3] - name:hai
after filtering the arraycollection as 'hell' , the array collection is displaying like the below:
[0] - name: hello1
[1] - name: hello
Can i know the reason why the index got changed after filter it?
* no server side code for filtering. it is only flex side filtering.
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Feb 4, 2011
i have a problem using the itemRenderer functionality. When using an ArrayCollection the visible Data in the DataGrid using the itemRenderer will be rendered just fine. But if i start scrolling the entries are repeating in the cells using the renderer. The cells are not filled with date according to the id. What mistake i'm doing here.
I read a lot of the explainations like:
here is the code for the set data function (itemRenderer is extending HBox):
override public function set data(value:Object):void {
_data = value;
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