Flex :: Error - Metadata Requires An Associated Definition
Oct 5, 2009
I'm trying to embed a font in Flex and the code I'm using looks the same as the example, but throws an error. This is the code I've written:
fontName = "fontGraffiti",
fontWeight = "bold",
private var funFont:Class;
But I get the error, "Metadata requires an associated definition." I can't seem to get rid of it.
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I identify my current installed debug version? Basically, I am using Flex 3, for past 2-3 days whenever I launch any Project or debug it, I get the message box saying "Flex Builder requires a more recent version of Flash Player." It says my curent FP as and debug version as However, my actual FP version if FP I don't understand why this confussion! I don't know how can I know my actual version of Debug player.
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Sep 7, 2011
Some people reported this error when using Flash Builder, but I am using Flash Pro CS5.5 on a PC with Windows XP. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Flash Pro and Flash Builder but it did not resolve my problem. I was able to publish the same FLA files about a month ago and did a successful test of my app on an iPad. I made a small change to the size of a slider. This error occured when I tried to republish.I don't know what files are missing but I'm guessing it is something to do with installing AIR for iOS. After reinstalling, my Flash CS5.5 folder includes an AIR2.6 subfolder but not AIR2.7
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Jul 25, 2011
I am encountering some very strange behaviour with a Flex 4.1 app I am writing which gets in the way of testing. It seems that I can reload the app 16 times and then on the 17th, the loading process fails withError #2046: The loaded file did not have a valid signaturet seems to be consistently happening on the 17th reload on both Firefox 5.0 and Chrome 12. I am not sure if it's relevant, but I am running Flash Player v10.2.159.1 (also happens with on Ubuntu 10.04. Happens with both regular and debugger versions of the player. When I run the app on Windows FF5, it doesn't seem to happen. Closing the current browser window does not seem to fix it. The only way around it is to completely close all browser windows and restart the browser. And then again after 16 successful loads, the 17th fails.
At this point I'm thinking of chalking it as a Linux Flash bug but I'd like to make sure and check if anyone knows if there's something I should be doing to prevent this.The user from this post seems to have had the same problem but I guess he didn't notice the pattern I have.== UPDATE ==I just realized that after my app starts throwing the 2046 error, trying to load any other Flash that uses signed RSLs also shows the 2046 error (e.g. this app), which means the problem is not specific to my app and most likely related to the Flash cache or something of the sort.
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Feb 17, 2010
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Does not work. The difference is that the HeaderBackground is a class in the same project as the css file. That does compiel fine if I move the style into my mxml file though.
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Jun 2, 2010
I'm having a particularly frustrating issue with the BulkLoader API [url] that I thought perhaps someone here might be able to help resolve. What I'm trying to do, is to capture the metadata from a loaded .flv (through Bulkloader) so that I can check its duration. In all my efforts to facilitate this, Bulkloader either misfires once the video has loaded and/or returns null. For the sake of preventing redundancy, here is what I've tried/checked so far...
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-I've encoded/re-encoded the video(s), and have also injected custom data. Still no luck.
-I've changed the loading parameter "pausedAtStart" to true, as suggested, and have used netStream.seek() to jump to later frames or back to the first.
Needless to say, this is a very frustrating issue that I just can't seem to find a way around. Here is a link to my source files w/Bulkloader library: [url].
Here is a look at the code:
ActionScript Code:
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Jun 13, 2009
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A file found in a source-path must have an externally visible definition. If a definition in the file is meant to be externally visible, please put the definition in a package.I do declare the package in these classes - I think failure to declare the package is the usual reason for this error.To add to the mystery, many classes in this project compile without errors.
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Aug 5, 2007
I get this message "This page requires AC_RunActiveContent.js." when viewing my .swf file which is loaded into a dreamweaver page and uploaded as a html file. so, I downloaded the java script fix for this and uploaded it to my server, it got rid of the pop up message brilliantly, however ..... it has pushed my home page down to the bottom of my page when I view it (about the same hight as my .swf file approx 15cm). As soon as I take the java script off the server it aligns to the top again which is great but the Warning message appears again.
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May 4, 2011
I have several buttons in my project which I have coded like the one below, I had them all working but have come back to my project and are receiving the error:1021 Duplicate Function Definition
btn_start_session.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUS E_DOWN, myBtnHandler13);
function myBtnHandler13(event:MouseEvent):void {
gotoAndStop(1, "Open_Live");
EDIT - I forgot to mention I have multiple scenes.
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Apr 13, 2009
I have downloaded the trial version of Flash CS4. I have always been able to quickly learn and execute new programs, and after watching a bunch of great videos from this site and some tutorials, I was able to create nice Flash animations within hours. I thought that this was amazing... until I tried to make a few functions in AS3 to add hyperlinks.
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Apr 22, 2009
How should I change the code below in order to avoid getting an error? It is giving me a 'duplicate function definition' error. Obviously I am not learning fast enough and made some mistake.
thumpy.addEventListerner(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
function onClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
var url:String = "[URL]";
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
navigateToURL(req, "_blank");
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Jan 23, 2011
What I'm looking to do is create a banner that transitions between different photos while there are small square buttons on the side that when the user clicks on them, it jumps to the corrosponding frame where a new photo begins showing. I've seen it a bunch of times on other websites.After following the advice found here: http:[url]....Everything was going well until I hit a snag. When trying to preview my movie I got the following error:1021: Duplicate function definition
Now, I know there is a very obvious error here in my button scripts, but as I said, I have no idea what I'm doing. Can someone look at my code and tell me what's wrong and what I should change? I'll post all five scripts.The instance names by the way are "sidebutton1" thru "sidebutton5" if that's any help.Here's my codes for each of the five buttons (one of these code bits per button)
function f(e:Event):void{
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May 4, 2011
I have several buttons in my project which I have coded like the one below, I had them all working but have come back to my project and are receiving the error:1021 Duplicate Function Definition stop(); btn_start_session.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, myBtnHandler13); function myBtnHandler13(event:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop(1, "Open_Live"); }
I also have multiple scenes within the project some with multiple buttons per page.
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Jan 21, 2010
I've got a truly bizarre undefined error going here in my ActionScript (code simplified here):
package {
public class Main extends Sprite {
private function Test() {
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Apr 4, 2011
I have made....Two shining stars (with different names) and they flicker at different rates finely.On top of each individual star (each) has an invisible button (with different names) to make (two) events happen.(each invisible button have different label names).One invisible button starts....a (tweened) little pink ball to go to certain points and return to its original starting point (signifying a journey)The second invisible button opens a drop down box.When I put in the action script for one it works fine.but when I put the other Action script code in the pink ball goes round and the Drop Down Box opens(which continues).Either way round one works but together they don�t.
Scene 1, 'Layers Actions ', Frame 1... 1021: Duplicate function definition. function nClick(event:MouseEvent):void{gotoAndPlay(25);}or if I do the pink ball thing first and then put the Drop Down Box action in it will say:- Scene 1, 'Layers Actions ', Frame 1... 1021: Duplicate function definition. function nClick(event:MouseEvent):void{gotoAndPlay(1);}
Here are all the action commands.....
actions frame 1.....
openAfricaarabia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK , nClick);
All of which (this way round) leads to....
Scene 1, 'Layers Actions ', Frame 1... 1021: Duplicate function definition. function nClick(event:MouseEvent):void{gotoAndPlay(25);}
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May 1, 2011
Two shining stars (with different names) and they flicker at different rates finely.On top of each individual star (each) has an invisible button (with different names) to make (two) events happen.... (each invisible button have different label names).One invisible button starts....a (tweened) little pink ball to go to certain points and return to its original starting point (signifying a journey)The second invisible button opens a drop down box.When I put in the action script for one it works fine.... but when I put the other Action script code in the pink ball goes round and the Drop Down Box opens (which continues).ayers Actions ', Frame 1... 1021: Duplicate function definition. function nClick(event:MouseEvent):void{gotoAndPlay(25);}if I do the pink ball thing first and then put the Drop Down Box action in it will say:-Scene 1, 'Layers Actions ', Frame 1... 1021: Duplicate function definition. function nClick(event:MouseEvent):void{gotoAndPlay(1);}
Here are all the action commands.....
actions frame 1.....
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Nov 9, 2011
getting this error:1021: Duplicate function definition.on this code
ActionScript Code:
package com.asgamer.basics1
import flash.display.MovieClip;[code].....
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Feb 21, 2012
import fl.video.*;It gives an error : 1172 Definition fl.video could not be found. where the fl.video package should be hiding out.
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Mar 31, 2012
I had my movie working until I added another button and got the error below:
ActionScript Code:
Symbol 'Comic-Area', Layer 'Actions', Frame 1, Line 9 1021: Duplicate function definition.
Below is what I have done:
ActionScript Code:
ComicSubmitDetails.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, release);
function release(evt:MouseEvent):void
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Oct 4, 2009
I have movieclip in the library with export name: TxtPreloader in my document class (of that fla which is in the same package as the fla file) i have written this:
import TxtPreloader;
but when I try to instantiate that document class from somewhere else i get an error :
1172: Definition TxtPreloader could not be found. import TxtPreloader;
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Jul 22, 2011
overriding clone() while creating custom events?I read in the Flex cookbook that we need just in case we want to redispatch this event. Does this exactly means that when we want event to be bubbled up the display hierarchy , at that time our custom cloned event should be dispatched and not the Event object.
second - whats the need of metadata tag -
[Event(name="modelEvent", type="com.abc.data.model.ModelEvent")]
public class LoginModel extends EventDispatcher
I understand we need to extend EventDispatcher in case we want to dispatch evnet from class.. but In what cases i would need to specify the MetaData TAg
Third is.. If i write -- "dynamic customEventClass extends Event".. Is there any use of Dynamic i can make?
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Apr 1, 2009
I was following this tutorial and getting this error message. I think I have the same the guy in the tutorial has, but I am getting an error message. Why? I have this in my AS: import fl.controls.*; The error reads: 1172: Definition fl.controls could not be found.
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Aug 30, 2011
I have inherited a website maintenance project that has a Flash rotating image banner.I have managed to get the images to fade-in and fade-out correctly, but now I need to make these images clickable - linking images to pages in the website.I have read many posts here and have reviewed the video tutorials. I have been able to get the first image clickable using this AS3 action:
mars_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClickHandler);function buttonClickHandler(event:MouseEvent) :void { navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://somewebsite/mars.php")); trace("I'm clicked"); }
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