Flex :: Get Users From An ArrayList & Another Field For Creating A New User?

Aug 21, 2011

I'd like to create a combobox which will get users from an arrayList & another field for creating a new user. for example when i open the combobox i'd like to see the rows :

Create new user
User A
User B

where the users come form an arrayList and the "create new user" option is always there.

How can I do it?P.S I don't wan't to add "create new user" obj to the arryList - so this is not a desired solution.

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Here's what I have right now, which works:

<s:List id="list"

but since there is no name property on the BitmapImage object, I get errors.I guess I need to put each BitmapImage in an Object and also put in a string as a property of the object, but I can't figure out how to do this. This is my best guess, but then I don't know how to specify the property name for the BitmapImage:

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Flex Code:
package com.example.vo


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The best option for me would be something like that of www.zip-codes.com/zip-code-radius-finder.asp. ie, if I should be able to get all the zip-codes available in the specified radial distance. So i can compare this zip-codes to the users zip-codes in my database. And select the ones with a match.

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// Define the shared object using a "sublevel" for each users data array...
_root.savegame.sublevel = sharedobject.getLocal("savegame"; "/");
// somehow dynamically change "sublevel" to the contents of the var "currentUser" as defined when the user logs in when the game loads up.


//Define the shared object but using a variable title for the actual SO...
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AS3.0 :: Java - Flex - ArrayList Of Custom Java Objects Over BlazeDS

Dec 7, 2010

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Then i got a Flex service class calling BlazeDS and executing the getCategories java method. Since Flash dosn't seem to understand typed arrays, the result from that method which i get back in flex is a simple array of untyped objects (the mapping dosn't seem to work here, even tought the class category exists in flex and has the same properties).
thats the first thing. but however, i'm converting the untyped objects manually into objects of the category.as class. the second thing is that categories have child-categories within the java object, which are also ArrayLists of the type category.java. the problem about that: my result event object only contains the first level of categories, looking into them the children are allways null. i dunno why they are empty, since they ARE part of the java object category.

and the third thing (the strangest by fast), you maybe noticed i named the properties of the category.java class strange, like idCat and nameTest instead of simply id and name. why that? because the property names of my flex result objects dont seem to change when i change the java objects properties names (result object properties are named "id" and "name" but the java class object properties are named "idCAT" and "nameTEST"). that it REALLY strange, since if i set the properties, like you see at nameTEST = "TESTNAME" it IS recogniced by flex, only the proertyNAMES dont seem to be recognized at all.


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I've tried this:


But that only gets me the photos belonging to that user.

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Apr 13, 2010

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public function focusChng(e:Event) : void  var cTextField; //current Field  cTextField = e.target; switch( e.type )  case FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN: 
cTextField.borderColor = 0x0000FF; 


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Place Limit On User Input Field

Jan 15, 2009

I need to place a limit on my user input field. In this case I want one of the user input field to have a range of 0-10 and the other one to have a range of 0-59. So far all I have been able to do is this:
mins_input.restrict = "0-9";
The result is my user can only input numbers but the numbers have a range up till 99! How do I put the results of my input field into my actionscript? I'm making a timer with an input interface.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A User Generated Swf?

Jan 15, 2010

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Xml :: How To Convert XmlList To ArrayList

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Text Field Where The User Can Only Write Numbers?

Feb 6, 2009

I need to create a text field where the user can only write numbers from 3.0 up to 12.0 with any decimal. With any number he imputs i need another text field to store the number lowered to its nearest .5 number.

for example

input 3.1 result 3.0
input 3.4 result 3.0
input 3.6 result 3.5
input 4.6 result 4.5

By the way. im using Flash CS3

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Real-time User Generated Input Text Field

Mar 24, 2010

looking for a real-time user generated input text component like the one in this link:(not the whole functionality, simply the function that if you click on stage an input text field opens wherever you click with the ability to save/drag/delete it) URL...i have created a similar form for a client and im missing this part.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: User Can Drag And Drop An Input Text Field?

Mar 13, 2010

Currently I have an input text field in the middle of my stage "newtext01_txt". The user can obviously type whatever they wish inside of the textbox - however I also want them to be able to drag and drop the textbox wherever they want... incorporating e.target.StartDrag and e.target.StopDrag with the textbox.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check What The User Types In Input Text Field?

Nov 25, 2010

I have input text box. the user can place there answer to question 1 in the textbox. what is the capital of the united Kingdom.the answer is london. so i want a to be able to check the user has subbmitted and typed letters london as there answer. i want to check in iput textbox ( the letter keys "london")

ActionScript Code:
var score = 0;
if(question1 == "london"){
score +=1;

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I have created a simple Flash file using actionscript 2 (CS3) that allows a user to enter text into an input text field and then print the results. Now what I want to do is allow the user to save the information they've typed in a file of some sort. I would prefer a .pdf, but I'm not married to that format.

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Jun 16, 2004

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