ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A User Generated Swf?

Jan 15, 2010

I am looking to build a Flash/Flex application that would allow users to edit certain portions of an application and then be able to download a swf when they are finished customizing. Is it possible to embed content in swf files and save them on the fly? Or would I need to have them download the generic swf that points to an xml file to load the custom data? I know you can save out generated images from a Flash app using server side scripting, but I'm unaware of anything similar for swf files.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Sending User-generated Info To The User

Feb 22, 2011

We have a sort of game, generated with Flash in AS3, on our website where the reader is invited to eliminate the California Budget Deficit. It's connected to a database where we keep track of the responses and print them in chart form and post the results on the website so everyone can see the most popular budget items the readers want to cut.

See the interactive in question here:


We've had many, many requests to have an option where the reader can get a copy of his/her choices that he/she can print out. I've thought about having a movieclip pop up that shows those choices (and that would be simple enough), but in addition to that, what I'd really like to do is have a way to download those choices to the reader's computer as a text file or maybe have a "Print" button on the movieclip showing the choices that would print just that movieclip. The database we have wouldn't really be suitable because it's set up to simply show which were chosen and which not, and the names of the submissions and choices are variables that don't really mean anything except to us when we put it all in an excel file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Large User-Generated Map Lags ?

Dec 28, 2010

I've been working on a top-down shooter.I have it set up so that a map can be generated using an array which is loaded from an external .txt file. This works perfectly fine... Until the map generated reaches a certain size.A map size 1850 pixels by 1000 pixels works perfectly fine. But if you double the size, it becomes nearly unplayable. The map is generated from a determined number of 50 pixel by 50 pixel movieclips (they are plain black), each one is created (using attachMovieClip) where ever the array contains the corresponding value.

I thought at first it was the fact that I was moving the entire _root when the player moved (there has to be a better way, suggestions?), but that was dumb considering that the lag exists before the player even starts moving (bullets lag).

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Php :: Html - Import Text From A User Generated Txt-file To A Div With PHP?

Feb 23, 2011

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$mailCount = $_POST['me_count'];
$senderName = $_POST['me_name'];
$senderEmail= $_POST['me_email'];


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Real-time User Generated Input Text Field

Mar 24, 2010

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Actionscript 3 :: Check The User Selections On Dynamically Generated Radio Buttons And Check Boxes In Flex?

Jan 27, 2011

The following is my codes. This is still work in progress; so, you will see some functions with empty contents. Plus, this is my first Flex application; please bear with me. This is a quiz application that gets the questions and answers to each questions from a ColdFusion web service. There are three types of questions, True or False, Multiple Choice with single selection, and Multiple Choice with multiple selections. So, based upon the question type, the application would dynamically generate the appropriate amount of radio buttons or check boxes for the users to select. I got these working. The problem that I am having is, I am not sure how to check what the users have actually selected. In some other forums and posts on other web site, it said that I can use event.currentTarget.selectedValue to get the user selection. But when I actually do it, I got a run-time error saying, "Property selectedValue not found on mx.controls.FormItem and there is no default value." My question is, what do I need to do to capture the user selections?


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Sep 18, 2009

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Media Server :: Creating Users List For Each User?

Sep 21, 2010

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Flex :: Get Users From An ArrayList & Another Field For Creating A New User?

Aug 21, 2011

I'd like to create a combobox which will get users from an arrayList & another field for creating a new user. for example when i open the combobox i'd like to see the rows :

Create new user
User A
User B

where the users come form an arrayList and the "create new user" option is always there.

How can I do it?P.S I don't wan't to add "create new user" obj to the arryList - so this is not a desired solution.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending User Details To PHP For Creating Session Variables

Jun 3, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Secure Login SWF - Creating Session For Valid User

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import flash.display.Loader;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Background Preloader To Load Stuff Of User Choice?

Apr 25, 2008

Its meant to be a background preloader, so it loads stuff in, but if the user selects something it stops, loads the choice item and removes it from the "to be loaded"...loadArray. so when it restarts it knows not to load it again

Setback/feature 1: if a user choices to select an item, it will continue to load whatever is loading and start to load the item they want.
Setback/feature 2: the preloader will not restart until the user calls userCont().... should I have a timer so after awhile it kicks back in?

Error: just realised I have to stop it when it gets the end of the list.

//loadArray = stuff to load
//targetArray = target for stuff to load into
//loader(loadArray, targetArray);
// call loader function
[Code] .....

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Media Server :: Creating An Interface With Several Video Windows Where A User Can Connect Their Own Camera To Window?

Feb 13, 2012

currently I use the following workflow for Live video streaming.I have FMLE on a computer streaming the Video feed to my FMS.I currenlty use  Dreamweaver to create window with a few instances of a video window and one of the windows is configured to rtmp to my server and the stream name of the stream I have setup in FMLE.This then streams to one of the windows.I then assign a different Stream name to the other windows.

I send an FMLE client to a user in the locations that want to have a video presence on the webpage.I send them instructions and running FMLE and the parameters to use to get their camera up and running.This works fine to a point.Most of the users are not technically minded and so often this leads to issues and delays to get these things to work.
I want to move on and improve this flow.I want to create the video instances on the page where:Below each video window is a text input field where a user can type in their name which will be used as the stream name.Below each video window is a button that the user clicks to connect their camera automatically without having to install FMLE.Once the video feed is running, only that user can click the button again to disconnect it. ( The button changes to "Stop Broadcast" etc).
I have looked at the structure of Ustream for example, and this seems to be the method they use as you can download the XML file of your channe,l and the RTMP URL and stream name can be copied and then used directly in FMLE and you can stream with more control of your camera that way.

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Jan 14, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Offline Flash Application Which Takes The User's Photograph And Stores It Into A Designated Folder?

Mar 20, 2011

I am creating an offline Flash Application which takes the user's photograph and stores it into a designated folder.My problem is how can i Store the photographs WITHOUT using any server side languages. (As its a standalone offline application).I know about the JPEGencoder classes and all.I can't use FileRefrence because it asks the user where he wants to store the image while i want to save the image in a pre-defined folder automatically.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A "Tea/Benefits Chart" That Allows The User To Search For A Type Of Tea?

Mar 4, 2007

I'm creating a "Tea/Benefits Chart" that allows the user to search for a type of tea and find out what problems it can cure, or search for a problem and find out what types of tea assist with it. For this I've created 2 arrays - arrTea and arrBenefits - to store a list of the possible types of tea and benefits a user can find.


PHP Code:

var arrTea:Array = Array("lemongrass", "chamomile");var arrBenefits:Array = Array("anxiety", "cramps", "indigestion", "PMS"); 

For example, if the user searched for "chamomile" the Chart might return "anxiety" and "indigestion". If they searched for "cramps" the Chart returns "lemongrass".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: User To User File Transfer Via FMS Or RED5 In AIR Application?

Jun 25, 2009

It is possible to make file transfer from air application via server?I think need to create like byte array streaming or somethink like this from sender and write the destination file on receiver user pc.

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Flash - Webcam Service For A Website: User To User Directly?

Mar 14, 2010

I wonder wether on a website like chatroulette for example, the streaming video is going directly from user to user or wether it is going through a server.

In other words I wonder wether it is possible to offer a webcam service on a website, so that the streaming video goes directly from user to user, without overloading the system.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Is There User Input Text Box For User To Type In A Box From A Keyboard

Apr 17, 2011

is it possible in actionscript for the user to type in a box from a keyboard like a user input text box..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: User Input Textfield - Get The Information The User Put In The Box?

Feb 25, 2009

I have some text that says go to page with a input textfield box and a go button. This is a flash cs4 file.I want to have the user input the page number and have it go to that frame.I am using actionscript 3.0 and have bought 4 books and researched online and still can't find what I am looking for.I can make the go button go to whatever page I want I just don't know how to get the information the user put in the box.

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Looking For Gallery Component W/ User Sign In & User Uploads

Nov 8, 2009

Id like to find a gallery with user sign in , and user uploads but how difficult would it be to put in a gallery component ,and make a button to allow users to upload straight to a folder on the server? once th epicture is on the server the gallery will do the rest auto

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Flash :: Approach For User To User Audio Communication?

Jul 2, 2010

For one of my projects I need users to be able to communicate with each other in an audio mode. The thing I'm concerned about is the scalability of the project if it even gets big in terms of bandwidth consumption.

What are the alternatives to passing the audio through my server to the users?Is it possible to create a link between two users so they can exchange their stream of data (audio in this case) so that it doesn't pass through me, while still being able to control the time they've been connected to each other and some other information?

As for now it's just an idea I have in mind but I don't really know what to look into. I think it will probably need to be some plugin dependant solution so that's why I tagged the question like that.

I'm not looking for a concrete solution, just a little push in the right direction from someone who has been through something similar.

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Actionscript 3 :: Object Pool - Create Ball Objects When The User Holds Down The Mouse Stops When User Lifts Up Mouse?

Dec 24, 2011

I've been reading a lot about the benefits of Object Pooling. Found some "tutorials" online, all above my skill level. Can anyone please show me an extremely simple example of an Object Pool. What my game does is creates Ball objects when the user holds down the mouse, stops when user lifts up mouse. I need to store these Ball objects in an array(or Vector), and hit test them with other objects, removing them from the stage when the hit another object. I'd like to create a pool of say 20 of so, created once, and recycle them.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: When The User Clicks The "exit" Button A Class File Is Called To Mark The User Complete In An LMS?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a problem with a dynamic video player that I have created in flash. The video player is "SCORM" compliant so that when the user clicks the "exit" button a class file is called to mark the user complete in an LMS.I have tested the SCORM Code previously and it works with out issue. Usually I have the completion code embedded in an Actions Layer of the movie. This is the first time I have attempted to call the completion status in a class file, I have added a "trace statement" when the movie is tested within flash it runs the trace statement properly, but when uploaded to the LMS environment the course does not complete properly

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load ASP Generated XML?

Dec 11, 2009

Keep getting this error when trying to load some asp generated xml into flash [code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: PHP Generated XML Into Flash?

May 14, 2011

I know as soon something with problem comes here in this forum it can get RESOLVEDNow what is my problem, well i will like to know how can i get this dynamic XML generated with PHP into flash.I want to create a simple gallery that reads this generated XML and adds movieclip childs.On the stage I have a large Movieclip with instance name mcDisplayLargeand a Movieclip with instance name mcImgThumbs

PHP FILE: dynamic_xml.php
header("Content-Type: text/xml"); //set the content type to xml// Initialize the xmlOutput variable$xmlBody = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>';$dir = "images/gallery1/";


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Flash :: Get A File Generated By SWF From URL?

Jan 7, 2010

I have a SWF file. It can generate Jpeg images. I want to get that images by url (for ex I want to get just clean image (no flash no sign of flash). So as if i was just calling my apache server to give me that image.

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