Flash :: Get A File Generated By SWF From URL?

Jan 7, 2010

I have a SWF file. It can generate Jpeg images. I want to get that images by url (for ex www.my.com/file.swf#image.jpeg) I want to get just clean image (no flash no sign of flash). So as if i was just calling my apache server to give me that image.

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Professional :: In Flash CS4 A Generated Html With Swf File Won't Play Swf

Apr 14, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Store And Array Generated In Flash In A XML File?

Oct 10, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Filling Flash Page With Pictures Generated From PHP File?

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i've created a php file which grabs ID, name, URL1, URL2, and Price from a table and puts it into an array called 'loadpics'.Now here is where i'm lost.How can i then put pictures into flash from the URLS in the variable? how to tell flash to create the pictures... Do i need to use a component or something? Or do i create a movieclip and somehow load them in there? if someone has an xml script example of putting images from the urls in the variable created by the php.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWF Can Be Generated Without A Corresponding FLA File?

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Browser Detection - Open The Html File That Is Generated Along With The Swf

Jul 11, 2009

Whenever I publish a Flash project, when I open the html file that is generated along with the swf, I am never able to see the swf embedded in the html file (when I open it in Dreamweaver, for example.) This is frustrating as far as manipulating the html file is concerned. All I see is some text about "Place alternate content here for those w/o Flash Player installed, etc." Why can't I see the swf file? It is there as expected when I upload all the proper files and/or view them in a browser locally. Alternatively, what I am having to do in order to design the html file properly is open a new file and embed the swf manually. But this approach is not good as I am missing out on all the other browser detection features that the html file that is published by Flash includes naturally. How can I preserve this benefit and still get into the details of designing the html file?

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Flex :: Get The Position Of A Swf Generated From A Fla File That Had A Larger Stage?

Jul 16, 2010

I have assets in external swfs which I load. I would like to know the exact size of the stage and the position of the asset in the fla that created it. If I try to ask the resulting MovieClip for it's size, it turns out it gives me the size when it is trimmed down to the tightest box around the non-transparent pixels. Looking at the contentLoaderInfo, I can get the original width/height that was used by the fla file, which is great. However, I still need to know where to place the asset within the stage.. basically I need an x/y offset for it.

The reason I need this is for a customizable avatar - it has many parts, which are placed in different areas on a stage to create the full avatar. I would like to be able to combine the individual swfs for each part to achieve this.

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Php :: Html - Import Text From A User Generated Txt-file To A Div With PHP?

Feb 23, 2011

This is my first experience with PHP, so bare with me. I've made an Ecard using Flash and Dreamweaver. On the Ecard is a form to fill out, your name, your email, a comment, and the name and email to the person you are sending the ecard to.[URL].. When you push the "Submit"-button it sends an email to the receiver, and it creates a .txt file on my server with the info.

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$mailCount = $_POST['me_count'];
$senderName = $_POST['me_name'];
$senderEmail= $_POST['me_email'];


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save Generated Drawing As Image File?

Jan 7, 2010

my saving part, where user select the necessary equipments & draw the connections. user are also able to generate the cable connection list in datagrid component.

I understand that flash doesnt provide saving to image technically, have seen some websites on the teaching & i tried to apply on my flash.

I have this error: 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method save through a reference with static type flash.net:FileReference. at source: fileRef.save(ba,"EMC"+i+".jpg");

I want to save the file locally inside harddisk, without any server script.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Generated Dynamically Vertical Tree Menu With Xml  File

Apr 15, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Input From Generated Text File?

May 10, 2008

I�m currently doing work for a local cinema that wants session times to be displayed as .swf's on a few monitors in the foyer, but I�m having difficulties writing the script for it, here's the situation:The session times are generated daily as a text file by the ticketing software, it looks like this:

12 1 0950 101 0 330 0 M MADE OF HONOUR
1 1 1000 95 0 400 0 M WHAT HAPPENS IN
6 1 1000 95 0 154 0 M SMART PEOPLE
9 1 1010 92 0 300 0 PG MISS PETTIGREW


Additional requirements are the times disappearing after the session has started as well as session times 13-16 being displayed as a separate .swf (first class seating)So i guess my main question is "can i dynamically load text from a multi-line txt file without editing the txt file to include variable assignment? ('content=' etc)" the txt file generated is intended for an led display and is apparently a Texas Instruments standard.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: PHP Generated XML Into Flash?

May 14, 2011

I know as soon something with problem comes here in this forum it can get RESOLVEDNow what is my problem, well i will like to know how can i get this dynamic XML generated with PHP into flash.I want to create a simple gallery that reads this generated XML and adds movieclip childs.On the stage I have a large Movieclip with instance name mcDisplayLargeand a Movieclip with instance name mcImgThumbs

PHP FILE: dynamic_xml.php
header("Content-Type: text/xml"); //set the content type to xml// Initialize the xmlOutput variable$xmlBody = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>';$dir = "images/gallery1/";


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Flash :: Tell What .swf Generated An Error?

Feb 3, 2010

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Jul 9, 2011

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You can see this tutorial [URL] here when i change the position i want new xml file with update.

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3d Carousel - Dynamically Generated Flash

Jul 1, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reading XML Data Generated By PHP In Flash?

Sep 9, 2009

I have a normal XML file which i chucked together that works fine with the code i have below - this is obviously saved as an xml file as well. What I'm trying to do is generate an XML page using PHP. I have done so, works fine and reads as it should correctly when simply viewing the page in a browser, but when i try and read out the data in flash (loading in a php file instead of an xml file, everything is undefined!! Below is the flash code, which works when the load() link is changed to a straightforward xml file...


newsPageContent_txt.html = true;
var test_xml = new XML();
test_xml.ignoreWhite = true;


the header at the top of this PHP is generating the page as xml, so it should all be valid.

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Professional :: Preview Of Generated Graphics In Flash IDE?

Oct 7, 2011

Let's say I create an empty movieclip called "Test_mc", then I create an as3 class "Test_mc" like below and then I set the movieclip class to "Test_mc".

public class Test_mc extends MovieClip {
public function Test_mc() {

Now I can drag out instances of the Test_mc into the scene and get red circles when I test the movie. The problem however, is that I can't see the circles on the canvas inside the Flash IDE. Is there a way to get these actionscript generated grapics to show up?

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Flash :: Xml - AS3 - Load Dynamically Generated XML Files

Feb 26, 2010

I'm not quite sure how to describe the problem I'm having but I'll do my best. I have an image gallery built in AS3 that loads content via an XML file. Nothing mind blowing here... When testing locally on a static XML file, the gallery works as intended. The purpose of this gallery is to function within a CMS and load dynamically generated XML files to display the appropriate images/info for each particular gallery. All this functions fine, to an extent...


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Flash :: Red 5 Generated FLV From Live Streaming And Xuggle

Nov 25, 2010

Im Using Red5 to record live stream from the user. I am able to save the stream to disk and it generates an FLV file.

When I'm trying to read the FLV file with some FLV player - it seems like the file's meta-data is corrupted - which also makes the progress bar to act oddly. Also, I tried to play with the file using Xuggle. It seems impossible since the generated FLV do not have the codec-id in it.

Here is my relevant Red5 (JAVA) code:

public void record(IConnection conn, String streamName)
ClientBroadcastStream stream = (ClientBroadcastStream) getBroadcastStream(
conn.getScope(), streamName);


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Flash :: Filling Playlist With XML Generated From MySQL Via Php?

Jul 22, 2011

I have an online flash video player fed by a playlist driven by XML. This XML is generated from a mySQL database via 'playlist.php'. The issue I am having is that when I feed the php generated xml into the player, it only reads the top level/hierarchy of xml information into the playlist (i.e. gallery level, when below that is category, and ultimately video).

When I copy the output of the php generated xml into a normal xml file (i.e. playlist.xml), the playlist is fed with all of the appropriate information, and is complete.

Can you tell me why my flash (as3) video player and playlist will recognise 'playlist.xml' but not 'playlist.php' information?[URL]..A link to the player, which is currently hooked up to 'playlist.php' is at the same address but with theater.html instead of playlist.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pass Variable To A Swc Generated From Flash Professional

May 11, 2010

I'm currently developping a quite big (multi-lingual) application in Flex and I'm now confronted to a problem.I have to do some custom Buttons which have special fonts, special design (like shadow corner radius etc)and the most important, which are oblique not straight.I've made the button in Flash from which I've exported it in SWC.The thing is that, I need different buttons with different labels/icons/backgroundColors.So I would like to know, if there's a way to pass variables to the button class through theSWC file in order not to has one file for each button and each language.

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How Flash Reads The PHP Coding Which Was Generated From The MySQL Databas

Sep 25, 2009

how Flash reads the PHP coding which was generated from the MySQL database.Though, I was wondering if anyone can help me with this task and/or clear stuff up. All I want to do is grab a single video file, when on the video.php page.the video.php will have the parameter, video.php?id=____ and than the PHP coding in the header will grab the database info for that video. Though, do I have to create a separate page for the flash to grab that information?Like, I notice that for Flash to grab that info, PHP needs to set it up like so:



and ect. Though, do I have to echo this part out, or do I have to send that PHP info and create a page from it, than have flash grab the information from that 2nd page?

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Flash :: Save ByteArray Generated By Pixel Bender?

Jul 16, 2010

I am building a Flash Application which will allow a user to mix two mp3 files and send the mixed result to our server.

Using Pixel Bender I am already able to create a mix:

public class Mixer
[Embed(source="mix.pbj", mimeType="application/octet-stream")]
protected var NewFilter:Class;


Not sure if the event.byteArray can be transformed to an mp3 file? Ideally we'd send the mp3 to our server for uploading.

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Nov 10, 2010

I make an iPhone app with Flash and it generates my app and a xml (that I don't understand if is it useful).My question is if I can read the objective-c code that Flash generates.

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Actionscript 3 :: Play A Generated Waveform As A Sound In Flash?

Jan 17, 2011

If I have a sound waveform stored as a ByteArray in actionscript 3, how would I go about converting this into a Sound object that can be played?

Note that the array is full of sound samples - a complete generated waveform. It isn't an array containing an mp3 or other compressed data.

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Flash :: Unable To Pass Flashvars To Flex Generated Swf?

Jul 13, 2011

Unable to pass flashvars to flex generated swf

import com.rubenswieringa.interactivemindmap.*;
private var fullscreenListenerAdded:Boolean = false;
private function onCreationComplete ():void {


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Flash :: Mp4 - Make Dynamically Generated Movie Available For Download?

Aug 16, 2011

Users provide various elements of content for the final Flash movie, eg. text and photos. We want to be able to allow the user to download the movie they create in a format such as MP4 which they can play on their local computer or upload to YouTube.

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Javascript :: Making Image Of Generated Flash Chart?

Mar 14, 2012

I am doing below actions on button click in sequence, using javascript.

Generating Flash chart Making image of generated flash chart Exporting generated image in to PDF

Everything is dynamic. chart is generated using Open flash chart and are dynamic using php Mysql

All working fine. Problem here is that is takes some time to generate flash chart. So it's creating a blank image or image in middle form flash file exporting it to PDF.

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