Flex :: How To Refresh (reinitialize) List
Oct 6, 2009
I am a Java developer who tries Flex.I have a list component in Flex filled by objects got from Java (by binding dataprovider).I have put drag-drop support on list.Everything is good.But I wanted to have a reset function to reinitialize list, namely get back drag-dropped elements to the list.I tried several thing on event handler of reset button but could not reinitialise the list data. For example:
public function resetList():void {
listsrc.dataProvider = srv.getTerritories.lastResult
"reset" is debugged but there is no change on list.
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Sep 30, 2010
I had an issue with my index.html testing on IE and the preloader just stalls on "loading 0%". he told me that locally the progress event doesn't have time to load and to try uploading it to your server and see if it works. It worked just fine. Rah Rah Kglad.
So today I'm fine tuning the swf/ fla to clean it up. Reduced some picture sizes and deleted unused files and reduced the swf from 4000 KB to 350 KB Rah Rah Gene. replaced the swf in Dreamweaver and re-uploaded with Filezilla. Rah ah Filezilla.
Everything working great and my preload went from 23 seconds to less than 3. So I'm real happy except for one small issue. Firefox and IE both do this. If I hit the refresh button, it stalls on "loading 0%" once again just like it did locally.
If I hit the refresh several times it WILL refresh randomly....2 times refresh......10 times refresh etc.
Spoke to my hosting company who said everything seems fine on the server. BTW he said Chrome did NOT have this issue Rah Rah Chrome.
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Dec 31, 2009
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The 'recommendations' dataProvider is an ArrayCollection of String, which are generally sentences about as long as this one. By setting the variableRowHeight and wordWrap properties as shown, if a sentence is too long to fit on a single line, everything works fine- the row expands and the messages show on two lines, or occasionally three.
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public var countries:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
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<mx:List id="list" dataProvider="{dp}" allowMultipleSelection="true"/>
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The traditional way to assign an icon would be to use the icon field of the item renderer,which reads the value of "icon" property in your data, for example:
listData.addItem({label: "Logout", icon: "com.classpth.DefualtThemeLogoutIconClass"});
But i want the DefualtThemeLogoutIconClass to changed to another class: ightThemeLogoutIconClass when the theme is changed.The only way to do this would be to use a style declaration containing a classReference to the icon, and change its the value in each of the CSS files of the various themes.The question is, is there any way to assign this style to an icon in a List, something as easy as intuitive as list[0].getIcon().setStyle("styleName");
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Nov 3, 2009
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2. That php file actually gets information from a database. Based on that information an xml file is created
3. Fusion Chart uses that xml file to display a pie chart
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Apr 23, 2010
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<mx:Canvas id="borderCanvas"><mx:Canvas id="dropCanvas">
<mx:Tile id="adTile"><mx:Image></mx:Image>
This is my component. I assign my Image sources using this code:
var i:Number = 0;
while ( i <= dg_conads.rowCount){
var img:Image = new Image();
img.source = null;
img.source = imageSource+i+".jpg";
i++; }
My biggest problem is that the images are not refreshing. I get the same image even though I've prevented caching from the HTML wrapper and the ASP.Net website. The image automatically loads in the folder and refreshes in the folder but I can't get the image to refresh in the application. I've tried
And neither worked.
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Feb 4, 2011
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Jun 6, 2011
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Dec 3, 2009
how can I refresh the displayed data in a Datagrid when the underlying ArrayCollection changes?
<mx:HierarchicalData source="{arrCol_groupedData}"
Calling a simple refresh (like with a simple arraycollection as a dataprovider, or with a refresh on the Grouping Collection) does not work. Also re-assigning the arrayCollection to the Hierarchical Data and then assigning this one again to the Datagrid does not work (even with calling invalidateProperties() or validateNow()).
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Feb 22, 2010
i am working on an aplication using flex,adobe air...i have a datagrid with a XML as my dataprovider...during the execution of program my XML is updated....after XMl is updated and saved my datagrid should also get update..I have used Dataprovidername.refresh() method but it is not working.
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Apr 6, 2010
I have item renderers in an mx.controls.Tree that I need to refresh on demand.
I have code in the updateDisplayList that fires for only some of the visible nodes no matter what I do. I've tried triggering a change that they should all be listening for; I have tried clearing and resetting the dataProvider and the itemRenderer properties.
private function forceCategoryTreeRefresh(event : Event = null) : void
The nodes refresh properly when I scroll them into view (e.g. the .data gets set), but I cannot force the ones that already exist to refresh or reset themselves.
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Apr 16, 2010
[URL]. Our client communicates with a Rails backend to get login details and then logs into an Adobe LCCS server. We have been cruising right along but around noon yesterday we developed a bug that causes the swf to not render until you refresh the page. On subsequent refreshes it pops up right away. The problem happened even when I disabled the code that checks in with the Rails server. How could refreshing make a difference?
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Aug 4, 2010
I have an issue in handling the F5(Refresh) option in IE8 using FLEX. As i got some code by surfing..which is as follows
public function handleKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent) :void
display.text = "Key was pressed: " + event.keyCode;
The main intention of the code is to handle F5(refresh) event. It works fine in Mozilla, GoogleChrome but not in IE8. When i execute the code in IE8 before the event handle by the FLEX the browser is handling the event.
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Aug 19, 2010
I have an AdvancedDataGrid which Im attemping to update with data from a web service that I poll once very 10 seconds. Im using a HierarchicalData object to provide data to the grid. The update seems to work fine, except that on each update, any nodes that were expanded are collapsed when the grid is refreshed. Stranger still, when I dig down into the bowels of the thing and look at the contents of the HierarchicalCollectionView that backs the grid, I can see that the openNodes property correctly contains the nodes that I opened, but those nodes are not shown as open on the grid...the state seems inconsistent.
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Dec 2, 2010
I have an ArrayCollection that's acting as the data provider for a tilelist (called favoriteLinksList) I use an itemRenderer called FavoriteItem as the tilelist's itemRenderer. This FavoriteItem looks like this:
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Dec 23, 2011
I have a BarChart showing several normal bars and a BarSeries, like this:
<mx:BarChart id="barchart" dataProvider="{model.myList}" type="clustered">
<mx:LinearAxis autoAdjust="true"/>[code]......
When a user clicks on a button, i need to calculate some values, put them on the "myCalculatedValue" and add another BarSeries as a comparison. I'm doing this:
var barSerie:BarSeries = new BarSeries();
barSerie.dataProvider = model.myList;[code].....
But the BarChart does not change at all. Is there some way to refresh the chart after adding the new BarSeries?
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