Flex :: Iframe - Catching An Exception Thrown By An Embed URL

May 23, 2011

I am new in Flex, and I am trying to retrieve info from an external url's information. So right now I am using a call a url from another server when the user clicks on the link( this brings up the IFrame with the url embeded). If successful (based on arguments sent with the url) then a correct page will load up. But, if unsuccessful, ( i will get a exception error on the webpage embeded on the link i have given) then i need to display a pop up that says error and return back to the previous page. Is there a way to check if i am getting an exception error from the url site i am retrieving?

Is this possible to load the urls info first and if success then load, and if not bring pop up? ** additional note, I am trying to catch a servlet exception http 500. Below is a peice of the code, so when this component is called, by a click button, it puts this IFrame in the view contents with the url, but i want to know if the http status code is recieving 500, or 400 etc. so i can stop this call and load up instead a error popup.


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throw new Exception("my exception");

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// Event Names


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[RPC Fault faultString="Error #1090: XML parser failure: element is malformed." faultCode="Client.CouldNotDecode" faultDetail="null"]
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on (release) {

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ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED Copyright 2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved. NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it.


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Apr 12, 2011

I know this question was asked before, but none of the solutions work properly. How do I render a basic html in flex 4 without an iframe? I saw textarea renders some weird format that would suffice if it would work. For example I wan't to add an image like this


then 1. I press enter 2. I add the image again like above, I get the img tag inserted 10 times or so; which is weird (but not funny at all). All things being equal, html is a much normal approach, is there a basic renderer for flex 4 that works ok?

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Mar 16, 2007

How do I render a basic html in flex 4 without an iframe? I saw textarea renders some weird format that would suffice if it would work.For example I wan't to add an image like this

text_area.htmlText += "<img src='...' />";

then 1. I press enter 2. I add the image again like above, I get the img tag inserted 10 times or so; which is weird (but not funny at all). All things being equal, html is a much normal approach, is there a basic renderer for flex 4 that works ok?

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[URL]..flex-iframe/ for showing wikicontent in a flex app.

<?xml version="1.0"?>


When displaying the window: In Ie. it works perfectly, but in FF the content flashes quickly and then the iframe becomes blank?

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