Flex :: Keep DataGrid In Same Scroll Position After Update?

Sep 8, 2010

I have a custom <mx:DataGrid /> that is updated with data from a ColdFusion server every 60 seconds. I've noticed that every time the DataGrid updates and redraws the scroll position is reset to the top.

Is there a way I can preserve the scroll position for my DataGrid?

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Flex :: Update Automatically Data From Datagrid?

Jun 11, 2010

I have datagrid binded with data acquired from web service which, as you may suspectretrieves data from some db. Datagrid has some editable columns and I want to update db through appropriate web service call without adding button "Update" as a last column in datagrid.

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Flex :: Update A Combobox/datagrid Sorter?

Jan 15, 2011

I'm trying to update a combobox/datagrid sorter that came from flex3 to a flex4 version but I keep getting an error that my newbie brain is not processing. The error is "1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Array to an unrelated type mx.collections:IList."


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Flex :: Update The Model Without Losing Focus In Datagrid?

Jan 25, 2010

In my Flex Project using Cairngorm, I have a model that stores a bindable ArrayCollection displayed by a DataGrid. My problem occurs when the model is updated by the responder (from a Java service, after an "update" event), because the focus located in a cell of the DataGrid is lost (the scroll position il also lost). So, I retrieve the position before the update, with DataGridEvent.ITEM_FOCUS_IN event :

myModel.focusedCell.rowIndex = e.rowIndex;
myModel.focusedCell.columnIndex = e.columnIndex;

But, from where restore these parameters ? How to trigger this update only when the model is updated ?

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It might sound like a trivial question but how can I show progress bars, when datagrids and other components that "talk" to web services, update their data providers

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Flex :: Programmatically Update Datagrid Columns HeaderText?

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Flex :: Datagrid - Update Data-base After Drag-move?

Aug 14, 2009

OK I have an AdvancedDataGrid. The data I feed it is XML that looks like this:

<stat associate="Sam Smith" date="07/08/09" customer="James Frank"/>
<stat associate="John Doe" date="09-07-08" customer ="Amanda Jones"/>
<stat associate="John Doe" date="09-07-09" customer ="Henry Scott"/>

But I am grouping by associate so it ends up looking like a tree like this:


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Actionscript 3 :: Multiple Update Of Values In A Row In A Flex DataGrid Or AdvancedDatagrid

Jul 14, 2010

How can i update multiple cells of the same row changing the value of a single cell of the same row ??

Example: id, height, weight, fat percentage, corporal mass. When i change one of the values in a row (except id of course) the corporal mass cell value must change using a formula like: (height/weight2)*fat percentage*100. Is this posible with Datagrid or AdvancedDatagrid in Flex ??

I tried using custom item renders and inserting actionscript code inside the datagrid with no good result.

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Flex :: Update Datagrid Automatically In Actionscript Without Mouse Events?

Jun 25, 2011

Im working with a flex application that pulls data from a java class file using message handler event. The received message string is added to ArrayCollection. The string consists of codeID and other values related to codeID. Had displayed the detail in a datagrid. The codeID is randomly generated and is pushed to flex for every second. Now, the problem is, I needa update the datagrid cell values, for instance, if i have pushed codeID's of (0001,0007,0005,0003) to the front end, that displays the corresponding values of each codeID in the datagrid, second instance of (0001) should update records in the existing row of (0001). I tried to check the existence of codeID in ArrayCollection using search algorithm, but dont know how to proceed further.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex: Update Datagrid Everytime A Value Is Added (from Another Component)

Dec 19, 2011

I have a component A in my flex project where people can vote for their favourite artist. Someone "likes" an artist, it get's updated in my database. There is also a component B that shows a chart of the most liked artists. I call the data from the database on creationcomplete in Flex. The problem is that when a person first votes on an artist, it will not be visible in the datagrid untill the user reloads the main page (?) or reopens the entire application. So i was wondering how i can update the datagrid everytime someone adds a vote to my database. I'm now using an update button, but that's not very user friendly of course.

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Flex :: No Scroll On A Datagrid

Dec 22, 2010

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Flex :: Delete Item From Collection Bound To Datagrid And Update The Grid Selected Index

Feb 20, 2011

I have a datagrid with an xmlListCollection bound to it:

<mx:DataGrid id="dgCompetente" includeIn="Competente" x="10" y="66" width="547" height="468"
change="dgCompetente_changeHandler(event)" dataProvider="{colCompetente}"


I want the selectedIndex to remain the same. So, if I delete item 2, the next in the list should be selected. The problem is that if I delete item 2, item 3 will be selected and I have no idea why.

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Flex :: Any Way To Scroll Datagrid On Timer Basis

Aug 20, 2009

Is there any way to scroll Datagrid on timer basis.Let say there are plenty of records which can not be shown in one screen. And the screen is showing the first 10 records. An auto scroll should start after 5 seconds and bring up the next 10 records. Then again after 5 seconds the other 10 records and so on. A kind slide show effect.

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Actionscript 3 :: Force Flex Datagrid To Scroll

Dec 15, 2009

Is there a way to make the datagrid scroll if it's width exceeds it's parent container (instead of making the parent container scroll?) I have a datagrid with a fixed column, and of course I want the scrollbar to appear for the datagrid and not the enclosing HBox. I already set minWidth of the HBox to 0, tried autoLayout=false, but with no effects. The datagrid is dynamically created in AS3, so the enclosing container.

Maybe I did not express my needs clearly - the content of the datagrid should not be wider than the datagrid itself. I just want to surrounding Canvas of the Datagrid to not have any scrollbars and let the datagrid itself scroll. But just setting the scrollpolicy to off on the Canvas will not yield to scrollbars on the datagrid, it will rather clip the data.

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Flex :: Detect Whether Scroll Bar Shows Up In Datagrid?

Mar 9, 2010

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Flex :: Get Container To Scroll To Last Position?

Aug 12, 2009

URL...Whenever a chat is added, I want it to completely show the last message. I'm using maxVerticalScrollPosition to set the scroll position on the list, but it is always wrong (see the example). It undershoots it by a row or so. I've tried this with a regular container and it does the same thing. If I do maxVerticalScrollPosition+1, it sort of works, but if the last message is particularly long, it will be cut off (only show the top). How can I get it to scroll to the actual bottom of the container??[code]

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Flex :: Actionscript 3 - Making A DataGrid Scroll Smoothly?

Dec 2, 2009

I've noticed that the default behaviour for a DataGrid's vertical scroll bar is to scroll one row at a time. This is all well and good when the rows are all uniform and small (e.g. displaying a single line of text), but gets really ugly as soon as you have rows with variable heights.I'm curious, is there a way to make DataGrid scrolling "smooth"? For instance, is there a way to have the DataGrid scroll by a set number of pixels, lines of text, etc. rather than scrolling one row at a time?

So far, the only solution I've managed to come up with is to place the DataGrid in a Canvas and have the Canvas do the scrolling instead of the DataGrid. The issue with this approach, though, is that as soon as the Canvas scrolls far enough, the DataGrid headers scroll off-screen. Ideally, I'd like to get the smooth-scrolling nature of the Canvas, but also keep the DataGrid headers visible.

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Actionscript :: Scroll The Datagrid Down Or Up To Selected Index Row Flex?

Jul 7, 2011

I am performing a find operation in a datagrid on one of the columns. After I find the row containing the item, I make that as the selected index row, which highlights it. But now I also want to scroll the datagrid down or up (if the item is out of screen scope) to show that selected item automatically on this find operation.

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Flex :: Get A Custom ItemRenderer To Scroll The DataGrid Rather Than Its Cell?

Jun 2, 2009

I'm having an issue with a custom ItemRenderer I've written for a DataGrid. With this ItemRenderer, it's possible that the contents could exceed the width and height of the DataGrid cell - and when this happens, scroll bars appear, letting me scroll the individual cell.What I would like, however, is that when the contents of the cell are too large, the entire DataGrid scrolls, rather than the individual cells.

Now, when I set the custom ItemRenderer's horizontal and vertical scroll bar policies to "off", I get the vertical scrolling on the DataGrid that I want (the individual cells stretch to accommodate the full height of the contents) but I don't get any horizontal scrolling. Instead, any content too wide for the cell is clipped. Incidentally, setting the DataGrid's horizontal scroll bar policy to "on" has no effect, the scroll bar gutter is drawn, but nothing scrolls Is there a way to force the DataGrid to scroll horizontally when my custom ItemRenderer's contents are too wide for the cell?

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Flex :: Finding X,y Position Of A Datagrid / AdavancedDataGrid Row

Feb 27, 2010

I have flex advancedDataGrid (could use dataGrid if that works better, though i like my meta-column headers), and i want to have a component popup on top of a selected row.

The problem is, i can figure out how to reference an actual rendered row of a datagrid (rather than an item of the dataprovider) in order to get its position on the screen.

how to access a "row" of a datagrid, or at least get its position?

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Flex :: ComboBox In DataGrid Loses Values When Scroll Horizontally

Dec 14, 2009

I have a very strange problem in a Flex 3.4 Datagrid. One of the columns is a ComboBox - I have my own custom renderer for the ComboBox. I use it to select my data and then make a "save" to the db. Upon return the comboBox loses its value. Even stranger is that when I scroll the datagrid area to the left (by moving scrollbar right) - the values in the ComboBox change!! When I scroll the datagrid right (by moving the scrollbar left) - the values in the ComboBox don't change.

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Flex :: Set The Scroll Position For A Spark List Control?

Aug 9, 2010

How can I set the scroll position for a Spark List control?

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Flex :: Get Global X,y Position,when Clicking In A Datagrid Cell?

Feb 2, 2010

How we get global x,y position,when we are clicking in a datagrid cell.

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Control A Spark Datagrid's Scroller Position In Flex?

Aug 22, 2011

I'm using the new Spark Datagrid for a project, but I must confess the scroller is annoying me a little bit, so I would like to have some control over it.

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Flex :: DataGrid Item Editor - DropDownList Fires Focus Out On Scroll

Feb 24, 2011

I have a data grid with a custom item editor that displays a DropDownList component. When I click the scroll bar in the component, it is firing a focus out event on the list, which is causing itemEditEnd to fire. Why the list is not keeping focus, or how to make it keep focus. I'm using Flex 4.

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Flex :: Spark DataGrid Disable Horizontal Scroll And Resize Columns?

May 10, 2011

Is there a way to get the columns to resize to the width of the new Datagrid instead of overflowing and showing the scrollbar? I've tried on the skin, setting all relevant properties and ran out of options. I just want it to behave like the previous Datagrid where the columns would resize to the width of the datagrid.

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Flex :: Spark DataGrid On Mobile Application Handle Scroll And Selection Item?

Dec 15, 2011

I have a spark datagrid on a mobile application, I set the


and the dataGrid scrolling is good, I got some problems adding a selectionChange eventListener to it, because scrolling the dataGrid will automatically change the selection and instead simply scrolling it, the function binded will start...

How can I add the touch dalay before select the index, so if I scroll the grid the selection won't change, and it change only if I press the item without scrolling?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scroll The List Of Pics According To The Position Of The Mouse With Out Actually Moving The Scroll Bar?

Apr 20, 2009

I wrote a short AS program to create a tileList and it functions fine, but I need to be able to scroll the list of pics according to the position of the mouse with out actually moving the scroll bar.... example of what I mean: the farther to the right mouseX is on stage, the faster my tileList scrolls to the right, if mouseX moves to the left of the stage, so does the scroll bar...Here`s my code so far:

import flash.display.Sprite;import fl.controls.TileList;import fl.controls.ScrollBarDirection;import flash.text.TextFormat;
var tlc:TileList;[code]........

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Get And Set The Scroll Bars Position (pixel Position)

May 5, 2011

I have a ScrollPane and I want to get and set the scroll bars position (pixel position). For example, if the user changes the scroll bars position and then refreshes the page, we need to take the user at the same point where he was before refresh. For this I need to get the respective scroll bars positions before refresh and then set it to the saved position after load. I have got the positions by hPostion and vPosition but now when I try to save the values back to the same properties after refresh it doent work.

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