My flex app has a call in it to navigateToURL(new URLRequest(_rURL),'_self');
But it takes about 3-5 or even more seconds before it will leave the current page.
If I omit the '_self' the new window opens immediately and the page loads immediate...but only when I set it to _self I get a few seconds of a delay before it loads...I have no idea why but it is annoying.. I am wondering if anyone might have any idea why this is happening or anything I can do?
I am trying to connect to the Flash media servers from behind a customer's firewall.From behind this firewall the time taken for a response (its usually success) is around 20-25 seconds.The following is the code I am using to make the connection and listen to the events
var nc = new NetConnection(); nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS,netStatusHandler); var time1:String = (new Date()).toTimeString();[code]........
The delay between time1 and time2 is always 20-25 seconds. From other firewalls and non firewalled networks its usually 3-4 seconds.What could be the reason for this huge delay for a response in this case. I have noticed that the first response is always a "NetConnection. Connect.Success".We are looking to deploy around 20-30 media servers if we can get this thing to work and appreciate any prompt response in this regard.
Can anyone tell me why the following is taking 4 seconds for Flash to execute:
_moleHoles = new Array(); var countingMoleHoles:Boolean = true; var holeCount:int = 0;
There are 9 object on the stage (but this number could go up or down, that is why I'm dynamically grabbing these this way). So in my test case, this loop runs 10 times.
I have narrowed it down to something to do with the following line:
if (this['moleHole' + holeCount])
Is using dynamic (array syntax) object lookup that much of a performance hit?
I have an AIR application, I use SwfLoader to load another swf file to display in this app. The problem is the CPU Usage always takes over 50%, but it only takes 15% when the swf file runs in standalone mode.
I am loading some XML with HTTPService in Flex. It is taking longer than I would like to load. So I want to do some trouble shooting, but in order to tell what is making a difference I need to be able to time the requests and how long they are taking.
What is the best way to time an http service to see how long it took from HTTPService.send() to HTTPService.result
My Flex application (SWF) initialization takes 25 second to load 1.6mb SWF in widescreen monitor. The same SWF loads pretty fast (3 Sec) in Flat panel monitor 1024x768 resolution. What is the reason for +/- in rendering speed , +/- in CPU utilization on different monitors , screen resolution.
I am coming from flash to flashbuilder I have a directory, AS3_classes_dir, on my computer that stores all of my classes, including my greensock and papervision packages. In every flash app that I make I include that directory in the Source Path, so that I can import whatever I may need. Compiling in flash (using ctrl/enter) takes very little time; only the classes that are specifically imported are compiled.So today I did that in flashbuilder, included AS3_classes_dir via Flex Build Path/Source Path ... but now the compile time are a couple of minutes, even though I am not even importing ANY of the classes from within.
I have two views in viewstack. One has a VRule extending from top of screen to bottom. Another view has a big accordion. If I give viewstack percent height=100%, first view works fine and second view gets clipped or has a vertical scroll bar inside view stack. If I dont mention viewstack height and set resizeToContent to true, second view works fine and first view takes up only small part of screen. If I mention viewstack height and set resizeToContent to true, first view works fine and second view gets clipped or has a vertical scroll bar inside view stack. I want vertical scrollbar but for entire window, not just for viewstack. How to accomplish this ?
I'm trying to write a custom fadeTo(component, x, y):void method, which takes an arbitrary Flex Component as an argument and moves it to a given location, but smoothly.
The problem I'm running into is the following.
I want to send the component itself as argument, like this: (using Button as an example only)
fadeTo(myButton, 200, 500);
(this should move myButton smoothly from its current position to the position indicated as parameter)
However, I don't really know what type an arbitrary Flex Component is. How should I handle that?
Apparently there's a problem with the nagivateToUrl function in Flex, namely that it tends to get blocked by the popup blockers in some browsers. A project I've recently joined is using a workaround for Firefox using browser sniffing, but a new feature would be a lot cleaner to implement if I could drop this. whether this problem still exists with current Firefox versions? What about Firefox 3.6?
I'm trying to play a 10 minute long video (h264/mp4) which is 39MB in size, after I call it doesn't start playback until its loaded around 12-16MB of the file (many many seconds later), I finally get onMetaData at this point too. Why doesn't it begin playback right away, or at least w/in a couple seconds? What can cause this bloated lead in time?
When i use time varaible and then minus the time. Ive noticed that flash does not count down in seconds, but the speed of light. My maths are not very strong so how can i get flash to count in seconds
var time =60; sprite.onEnterframe = function(){ time -=1; ( this counts faster than seconds) }
I'm trying to figure out how I can make the sound file that I load into Flash start at x seconds and end at x+30 seconds.So basically, I just want a 30 second sample to play starting at a specific time position. Does anyone have any advice on how to do this or have links to somewhere I can read up on it?
I'm working with the youtube API and I'm getting the current time on the video as seconds.What I want to do is to convert them into this: MM:SS.I've tried to google and try different things by myself but nothing seemed to work and be efficient.
I am currently using the following code to display the secconds of a FLV being played: ActionScript Code:time_txt.text = Math.round(_root.video_mc.videoZ.playheadTime*100)/100;I need to change this to display MM:SS (minutes:seconds) rather than just seconds and decimals.The javascript people here at work suggested something like this:
ActionScript Code: function strPad(str, places, pad, side) { while (length(str) < places) {
Is there anything wrong with following snippet of code?
var d:Date = DateField.dateToString(myDateField.text,"DD/MM/YYYY"); testTextArea.text = d.getSeconds().toString(); Error: Implicit coercion of a value of type String to an unrelated type Date.
I'm working with a large flex applications and I have noticed that one of our largest components (with lots of child canvases) takes about 6 seconds between the initialize and creationComplete events. I've been doing some reading and have found that having lots of nested canvases can cause slowdowns, but i'm not sure if this is where the slowdowns would be?
I am developing a static flex application which does not have a database connection, all the values are hardcoded(its just a prototype for the original app). Now when I click the save button, i need to get a message like saving in progress... please wait, I need to display this message for 3 seconds.
I'm trying to accurately determine how many seconds of a video (NetStream) have been loaded so I can scrub/seek correctly. First I tried doing duration*(ns.bytesLoaded/ns.bytesTotal) but this is inaccurate by maybe 15%, ie if that calculation says 20 seconds is loaded and I scrub to 20 seconds ns.time will tell me it can't go past 17 seconds.
I think this is because the size of the file loaded doesn't map perfectly to the number of seconds loaded (obviously), ie as the video loads, some of the bytes loaded aren't the actual video but are overhead of the container/file the video is in. So to load 1% of video you have to actually load 1.15% of the file's size.
1) I want a 60 seconds video to start playing after 40 seconds have been downloaded - to do that I set the NetStream.bufferTime to 40 seconds and retrieve "NetStream.Buffer.Full" event causing the video to really start playing. This step is OK.
2) However, the "NetStream.Buffer.Full" causes data to stop downloading. So the remainder of the video begins to download no sooner than after the 40 seconds have been played. This step is my issue. Can anyone tell me how to avoid this unintended effect? (i.e. playing a video and downloading data at the same time?)