Flex :: Osx - Disable Scrolling Property Of Text Field?

May 23, 2011

In Mac OS X, Safari 4.0.2 browser, the text field contents are scrollable. How to stop this scrolling property of text field?

I have explicitly mentioned its wi

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disable Scrolling Of Text Field With HtmlText?

Oct 23, 2009

I thin the fastest way to explain the problem is to show the [code]...

So that is my AS code and it all works fine except when you move your mouse over that text field and scroll the wheel the text in the text field scrolls one line. And i really cant have that, it all works fine if there is no changing of font size but i will also need to change that so is there a solution just to disable scrolling on text field?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scrolling Text - Track Not Visible If The Content Is Smaller Than The Text Field?

Jan 20, 2010

I have a dynamic text filed scrolling with a drag button on a track or the mousewheel. What I am trying to do now is have the scroll button and track not visible if the content is smaller than the text field.

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//this if statement not working as should. button and track are always invisible.
//txt is text field name
if (txt.textHeight < txt.height){[code]......

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Flex :: Disable Mouse Wheel Scrolling While Cursor Over App?

Jan 5, 2010

Is it possible to disable mousewheel scrolling on my webpage while the cursor is over my flex application?

My flex application is a map that allows user to zoom in and out using the mousewheel; however, when I put my flex app onto my webpage, the scrollwheel causes the page to scroll instead of zooming in and out.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Field And Mousewheel Scrolling

Feb 14, 2009

I've a dynamic text field, populated from an external file,and with a scrollbar. I'd also like it to respond to mousewheel or trackpad scrolling. I have tried setting mouseWheelEnabled to true,but that doesn't seem to do the job (and seems to require clicking the field anyway). What else should I be looking at? Would I also need so listen for the mousewheel or scrolling event?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Images In Scrolling Text Field?

Sep 18, 2009

I'm using Flash 8 Pro (if I don't finish today, I'll switch to CS4 Pro/AS2), and I have a dynamic text box and used actionscript to make it scroll. I need to insert images into that text box, but I can't figure out how. I don't know how to get HTML to work in conjunction with it either. I'm afraid that if I change too much, the AS will stop working.This is the code I'm using to make it scroll:

var scrollup = false;


It might be a bit messy, I've only been using Flash for two months, and got back from a one month break just last week, but at least it works. how I can make this work without destroying the scrolling, or will I have to improvise something else? I'm on a bit of a time crunch and just want to get this site finished.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Allow Scrolling A Text Field With Easing?

Dec 28, 2006

How can I modify this script to allow scrolling a text field with easing?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Print Scrolling Text Field?

Jul 18, 2009

i load data from xml file and i show the content. But if i try to print the field, it prints only the visible area. I have tried to do this with counting how many signs could i print in one page but there is a problem when i have new empty line. How can i print the data from the field on several pages. This is my code.

function BasicPrintExample(event:MouseEvent) {
var txt:TextField = new TextField();
txt.height = 1000;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scrolling Buttons Up / Down In Dynamic Text Field

Mar 6, 2010

I have a dynamic text field and have two buttons. All I want the buttons to do is to scroll up or down a couple lines everytime its clicked. AS2 had something like this:
body_txt.scroll += 1;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Length Scrolling Text Field?

Oct 8, 2007

code: var scrollEndY = scrollStartY-mcScroll._height+mcBgrDragger._height;

this is the line that seems to control the amount of scrolling, which is actually just rolling the text field up as the scroll bar is pulled down...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Populate Scrolling Text Field With Multidimensional Array Values?

Dec 16, 2006

I have a detailed results page to which I want to post all the questions, answers, and whether the user answered correctly or incorrectly. All this information is stored in a multidimensional array and its successfully showing the results via the trace method.

My question is, what is the syntax for populating a dynamic text field with these results? Do I just write out one long line of AS with the newline command to separate the data? How would I go about applying bold to certain parts of the stored data that I will be showing?

Here is current code for my detailed results page:

function showResults(){
trace("Now showing results");
for(var i:Number = 0; i < NumberOfChallenges; i++){ //This calls the length of the original array (not the spliced copy)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cannot Set .text Property Of Txt Field On Button

Oct 22, 2008

having problems setting the .text property on a textfield that is on a button symbol..

btn_top.txt_1a.text = "hi";

I copied the textfield on put it straight on the stage and doing this I was able to set the .text property, so I know that the other properties of it are correct - dynamic etc.

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Flex :: Disable/enable A Group Of Components (or Change A Property)

Mar 24, 2012

How can I enable or disable a group of components in flex (flash builder 4)?

For example, if I have a window with several fields, I want to disable them based on the users permissions.

I know I can add the enabled="true" or "enabled="false", and I can also use enabled="{writeAccessVar}"

However, I am looking for more ideas, as I might have more than one group of fields on the screen, or more complicated user permissions.

For example, I will currently have one field with write access, the other fields on the screen read only for a certain user level.

For a higher level user, all fields are writable. Lower level, all are read-only.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Change Property Value Defined By Input Text Field

Feb 22, 2009

For example. I have a particle system with a set number of particles active on the screen at any time "numOfParticles". I am trying to be able to change "numOfParticles" to define itself based on whatever number you input in the input_txt field. So far I am able to display the number of particles into the input text box:

input_txt.text = numOfParticles.toString();
Now I want to be able to change that value based on user preference.
So far I have:
function changeNumber(event:Event):void{
numOfParticles = input_txt;
change_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeNumber);

But it's not working. I don't think I have the proper identifiers, because I know I'm supposed to attribute the input text field as a ":Number" somehow...

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Flex :: Changing Value Of DateField.text Property Setting SelectedDate Property To Null?

Jul 26, 2011

Setting the text property of a flex DateField makes the selectedDate property of that DateField go to null.I need to set the text property so that I can use a particular format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pass Text From Form Text Field To A Flash Dynamic Text Field?

Feb 3, 2007

Currently I'm using javascript which works fine to pass text from textfield A to textfield B:


Is there a way to pass the textfield A text to a dynamic text input (flash) as I'd like to use the font embedding flash offers. I can make it work when loading a value from a txt file but I'm not sure how to access the value identified above as KitGroupID_16_TextOption_38 and make it appear in a dynamic input box. Eventually I might want to have 3 font choices for the user but I'd like to just see if I can get this working properly first.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set A Color To The Text Field By Using The "textColor" Property?

Dec 16, 2010

I have a text field in which I am loading HTML formatted text.

When I set a color to the text field, by using the "textColor" property, if the HTML formatted text has a different color assigned to some part of the text, by using the <font> tag, this color is no longer displayed, as it is overlapped by the "textColor" property one.

Is there a way to apply both a "textColor" property value and then be able to apply different colors using HTML tags ?

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Flex :: 4 - Add An Extra Text Field To The Button Component And Dynamically Change Text?

Jan 27, 2011

I created a somewhat custom Spark button by doing the File > New > MXML skin and basing it on spark.components.button. The problem is that I need to add an extra text field to the button component and dynamically change that text...but of course, the property isn't recognized on a Spark Button.

Is there a simple way to add this field to my custom button skin & its property so it can be addressed? If not, is there a simple way to take what I've done and just extend the Spark Button? I can't seem to find any examples that show how to do it without writing it all up in ActionScript.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: PHPBB - Login Through Flash Using One Dynamic Text Field And One Input Text Field And No Buttons?

Jul 17, 2003

Is it possible to login through flash using one Dynamic Text Field and one Input Text Field and no buttons? If so how? I have seen many tutorials dealing with logging in to PHP using flash but it requires you to make your own php scripts which i am not familiar with. Can some one tell me how to do this with PHPBBs existing php scripts... I want to be able to login thorugh a Input Text Field box and have it verify it in PHP and also be able to register and view other PHP info such as users online and FAQ..

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Actionscript 3 :: What Property Governs The Text Color Of Checkbox Text OnMouseOver In Flex

Feb 3, 2010

Because the color of the background image in my application is very dark, and the Alpha is very low, when I hover my mouse over a checkbox, the text is scarcely visible. I've scoured the interwebz in vain for what property to set, either at design-time or in the MouseOver event for the checkbox and just can't figure out what property or setStyle property to alter to be able to control the color of the checkbox text when the mouse pointer is hovering over it.

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Professional :: Scrolling BG's Disable Buttons?

May 13, 2010

I have several layers of scrolling BGs via action script.  In between these layers are a set of simple buttons made via "button" symbols.  Within the stage, the buttons are recognized, however, when I test the movie, the buttons are not recognized/activated by the cursor.  My guess is that the scrolling BGs that are on top of everything else (NOT added via "addChild" in a blank movie clip below all other layers) are somehow "blocking" my cursor from reading the simple buttons "below" them. 
For the visual aspect of the project, the scrolling BGs are needed both "below" and "above" the buttons, so I need a work-around for simple button use in this multi-level scrolling BG environment.  (just to clarify, by "above" and "below" I dont mean vertically above and below, but rather "layered" above and below, so as to "cover" eachother). 

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disable Scrolling On Textfields?

Feb 13, 2008

Is there a way to disable scrolling on textfields? We are having a reoccuring problem where textfields that schouldn't be scrollable still scroll for 1 line.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Disable Scrolling On Textfields?

Feb 13, 2008

Is there a way to disable scrolling on textfields?We are having a reoccuring problem where textfields that schouldn't be scrollable still scroll for 1 line.You can see ALL of the text in a textfield (nothing is hidden below the fold), but when you click and drag, the text field scrolls up one line. This looks really sloppy but we can't find a fix.It seems that flash autosize makes the textfield a few pixels too short.I've tried every variation I can and looked through the as docs with no luck.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calculator - Clear The Text Field Then Store The New Input In The Same Text Field As A Different Variable

Mar 30, 2006

I'm making a calculator using Flash MX that works the same way as the basic calculator found on windows (not the scientific one). But having the user input a number, store it as a variable, store which function the user wants to perform and clear the text field then store the new input in the same text field as a different variable and multiply or add or divide or subtract the 2 numbers and getting the equals sign to display the answer when clicked is harder than I thought it would be.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Command That Will Disable Scrolling In The Page?

Nov 12, 2002

whats the command that will disable scrolling in the page, but there are no frames in the page.and id like to know also, how can i change color of the layers edge ..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Contents Of A Text Field As The Dial Points In The Direction Of The Text Field?

Nov 15, 2004

I am working on a file that has a rotating dial, and I'd like the dial to reveal contents of a text field (a link) as the dial points in the direction of the text field. I have 4 text fields located at 90, 180, 270 and 360 degrees (top, bottom, left and right). I have it controlled via AS, so I've got all the Math but I was hoping someone might know how to reveal the links when the arrow (in the dial) is pointing in these directions.I set up a text field for testing, which shows the degrees, but I'm getting 'NaN' in the field (problems with Theta and converting degrees to Radians, I think). I thought this might help me figure out how to reveal those links, if I can get the NaN to work.Currently, the file is rotating with an onPress, but I'm going to convert it to a mouse follow, instead, so the user only has to float around to see the links.

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Flex :: Output Database Information In A Text Input Field In Flex By Using RemoteObject(cfc)

Mar 16, 2011

im trying to output my database information in a text input field in flex by using remoteObject(cfc). The information is being provided by a database using a query and an array collection. I'm just unsure how i go about taking the queried array collection information and display it into TextInput Fields.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disable Mouse Wheel Scrolling On A TextArea?

Oct 1, 2008

I'm pretty familiar with Actionscript, and this one has me completely stumped. What I'm trying to do is to prevent people from scrolling a TextArea with their mouse wheel, as the TextArea is inside of a ScrollPane, and at the moment scrolling one will scroll the other (double scrolling). Initially I tried[code]...

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Flash :: Javascript - Disable Scrolling With Arrow Keys

Mar 26, 2011

I have a flash embed code in my webpage. When playing the game, page is scrolling with Up and Down keys. How can i prevent this? Firefox is ok, but it's only scrolling in IE.

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Flex :: Scrolling Through List Element Causes Text To Scroll As Well

May 12, 2010

I'm using a list element with variableRowHeight and word-wrap set to true like in the example below: [URL]. When I scroll through the list with a mouse scrollwheel the text in the listItems also scroll. I know that this is to do with the height of the textField...

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