Flex :: Papervision3d - Design A Sphere With 8 Holes Around One Of Its Diameters?

Jun 22, 2009

I am a newbie to Papervision. I want to design a sphere with 8 holes around one of its diameters. How do I do it? How do I draw anything on a sphere in Papervision?

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Actionscript 3 :: Position Plane In Sphere Papervision3d?

Dec 30, 2011

How position plane in sphere papervision3d as3 ?

I have a problem , how position a plane in surface of sphere.

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Flex :: Mapping Pictures To A Sphere Or Cylinder?

May 14, 2010

i am developing an application where client can add his photos to appear on a sphere or ball or coffee cup and able to save them and give it for printing using flex. like itasveer.com site. i tried to use away3D but if the image is small it is stretched and added to sphere. i dont want it to strech instead the original image shud appear on the sphere. if it is added to cup it shud cover only the circular part it shud not add this to top and bottom.

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Actionscript :: Get Mouse Z Coordinates On Flex Papervision3d?

Mar 17, 2011

I am working on panoramic scene . And I want to move a plane with cursor. When I move mouse, plane must be mouse coordinates. And I want to take plane 3D coordinates (x,y,z) expecially z-coordinate. I try below code. But it doesnt work correctly. Mouse and plane are not be same coordinates on screen. How I can do?

public class RayTracer
public static function getIntersection(viewport:Viewport3D, camera:CameraObject3D, normal:Array):Number3D


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Actionscript :: Converting From Viewport3D To IUIComponent Using Papervision3D & Flex Together?

Aug 8, 2011

I'm developing using Eclipse Indigo, Flex 4.5.1, Papervision 3D 2.0.883. Basically what I'm trying to do is get this papervision3D/Flex example to compile so I can use it for a movie viewer on my own site. I've had to make a bunch of changes to get it to work with Papervision 3D 2.0, so that may be part of the problem. My application spits out the following complaint when I run it in Flash Debugger:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert org.papervision3d.view::Viewport3D@2bf6df49 to mx.core.IUIComponent.
at mx.core::Container/http://www.adobe.com/2006/flex/mx/internal::addingChild()
at mx.core::Container/addChildAt()[code]......

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Flex :: Papervision3D Throws An Error When A 3D Object Is Clicked?

Aug 25, 2011

I am working on a game in which there are several Plane objects that the player can click. My main application class extends the BasicView class. I made this whole game as an ActionScript project and everything works fine when I run it as one.

Now I load this game in a Flex application. When added to the Flex application, it runs perfectly until I click somewhere at which point it throws the following error:

at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
at org.papervision3d.core.utils.virtualmouse::VirtualMouse/update()[D:Omer


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Bullet Holes With A Lifespan?

Jul 29, 2005

I am trying to create a bullet hole effect when you click the mouse down.I want a bullet hole to appear where you click the mouse and to stay there, and then when you have > 10 bullet holes on the stage i want to earliest ones to start to fade out.

Here is my code so far:

onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("BulletHole"+i, i+1);


However this just duplicates the movie clip and then when you click again it disapears straight away.

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Flex - Design - Mediators Coupled To Proxies In Flex PureMVC?

Aug 14, 2009

I've just recently learned the PureMVC framework, and am a little confused as to the coupling between Proxy and Mediator objects. The links on this page connect to some documents describing the framework. (Please note, the links on the aforementioned page open PDFs.)

The diagrams and examples of PureMVC I've examined often show a direct coupling between a Mediator and Proxy. When the proxy's state is updated, rather than sending a new Notification, the Mediator (which retrieves a reference to the Proxy from the Facade) has its state updated.

This certainly seems to simplify the logic of the code, but it also directly couples two seemingly disparate components together. To my understanding, a Mediator's purpose is to translate Events from a view into PureMVC Notifications. Proxies are meant to perform some function to gather data and relay it back to the view. These two components seem to exist in different layers of the application, and perhaps shouldn't necessarily be coupled together.

Wouldn't it make more sense to have the Proxy objects send their own Notifications when their state updates, which are forwarded to the interested Mediator by the Facade?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Holes From Overlapping Shapes?

May 26, 2009

I use AS3's drawing api to draw filled shapes, but when they overlap, instead of filling the overlapped area, it becomes clear again, with no fill.

My question is, how can i get rid of this behavior, i need to just fill everything, is there a way to somehow "flatten" the shapes?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cutting Holes Out Of A Graphic With A Stroke?

Nov 15, 2011

How would I go about cutting a transparent hole into a Graphic and leaving a stroke around the hole I just made (similar to if I had used the Eraser tool on the Flash canvas, minus the stroke)? My first instinct tells me to draw a circle over the spot I want to "cut out" with a stroke of an arbitrary width and an alpha-less fill, but if I were to click-and-drag this hole - or simply make another overlapping hole for that matter (again, as if I were using the Eraser tool), the stroke would definitely not appear the way I want it to. If anyone is familiar with how the terrain is blown away in the 2D Worms series, that is more or less what I am going for.

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Flex - Design Patterns For Adobe Air/Flex Applications?

Jun 2, 2010

I'm going to write an application with the Air/Flex-Framework. I'm looking for Best Practise and general Design Patterns for designing software especially in Air/Flex. I have experience with this framework but never had the pleasure to write a piece of software from scratch.

For instance: I stumbled across lots of software written in Air/Flex with nearly infinity global vars Most of the software I saw was not object-oriented How can I pack the asynchronous method calls nicely?

I'm familiar with general design patterns by gamma. I'm looking more for advise in designing good quality software with Adobe Air/Flex.

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Actionscript 3 :: Create A Graph From Points In Grid That Contains Holes?

Jul 6, 2010

I've got a continuous plane (2-D) containing polygonal obstacles. I am uniformly sampling the plane at discrete positions to create a uniform grid of points. The grid does not have points where obstacles lie (i.e. holes where ever an obstacle is) as shown in the image below.[url]...

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Flash :: Draw Two Intersecting Circle Holes In Graphics?

Oct 25, 2011

I need draw rectangle with two circle holes inside. The problem is in circles interception. I want them to join together and cut from background, but they seems to be XORed:

At first I tried drawRect and DrawCircle:

graphics.beginFill(0, 0.5);
graphics.drawRect(0, 0, width, height);
graphics.drawCircle(width/2, height/2, 50);


here getCirclePath returns object with points to draw polygon which looks like circle. Also I tried different combinations of GraphicsPathWinding constants, but no luck.

how to draw two intersecting circle holes in graphics?

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Flex :: Design Desktop App (from Web App Dev)?

May 16, 2010

I have only worked on web apps for my whole career.I'm starting a new desktop (Adobe AIR) app project but I found myself having difficulties with:

stuck with thinking about overall UI design in the traditional page model

not sure how to handle the navigation part in the UI

not taking advantage of states

deciding what should be implemented on client vs server side, (or on both?).

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Flex :: What Was Design Decision Behind ItemPendingError

Jul 29, 2009

Flex has the notion of lazily loading data. It has a class named ItemPendingError which allows developers to handle it when an attempt is made to access data that is not yet available aka "pending".However, looking at the documentation it's clear you have to add try/catch blocks around your code wherever you have code that might cause an IPE (ItemPendingError) to occur.I'm curious if anyone knows why it works this way. I'm not sure what the best solution might be, but having to willy-nilly add in try/catch blocks to catch the error and then register a Responder with it feels bad and not very clean. And the fact that you sort of have to exercise your application to make sure you've caught all the possible places where the error might occur is also lame.Is there some other way or better approach that I haven't seen/heard of?

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Periodic Table Design In Flex

Aug 27, 2010

I now need to design a chemistry periodic table. I will have a set of few elements that have been chosen by the user,and that should be reflected on the periodic table by making these few elements clickable.So when the user clicks on these few elements,corresponding explanation text will pop up on the text area outside the periodic table.Making all the elements of the periodic table buttons,so only the buttons that are within the set are enabled(clickable),while others are disabled.Embedding a static periodic table picture,and do things there(don't know exactly how yet).

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Jun 11, 2009

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I'm struggling to reproduce the gradient fill of this chart. Is there tools that help testing GradientEntry properties on fills?

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Flex :: Design A Dynamically Changing Table In It?

Aug 30, 2010

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build a dynamically growing or shrinking table with columns and rows. The cell backgrounds of the table will change color depending on an XML file.[url]...

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Flex :: Design - Static Functions Or Events?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm working with an application which was originally designed to make heavy use of static-variables and functions to impose singleton-style access to objects. I've been utilizing Parsley to break apart some of the coupling in this project, and I'd like to start chiseling away at the use of static functions. I will explain the basic architecture first, and then I'll ask my questions. Within this application exists a static utility which sends/receives HTTP requests. When a component wishes to request data via HTTP, it invokes a static function in this class: Utility.fetchUrl(url, parameters, successHandler, errorHandler); This function calls another static function in a tracking component which monitors how long requests take, how many are sent, etc. The invocation looks very similar in the utility class:


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Flex :: Implementation Of Value Object Design Pattern?

Jun 20, 2011

I am just looking design patterns used in Flex. Any value object design pattern and how is it implemented in Flex.

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Flex :: Design Mode Not Working In Builder 3?

Feb 9, 2012

When i try to open my mxml script in design mode i'm always getting following message "This Component is base on VBox, which is not a visual component. Switch to source mode to edit it"

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Actionscript 3 :: Access Planes "child" Nodes In Flex/Papervision3D?

Feb 23, 2010

I have mxml thingy, for example:

<mx:VBox id="isThisVBoxAwesomeOrWhat" width="500" height="500"
backgroundImage="@Embed('images/500x500.jpg')" verticalAlign="bottom"

So, I have a Vbox names isThisVBoxAwesomeOrWhat that contains another VBox that containst two text fields.Now, further in the code I make a plane out of it so I can make a 3D object out of it, here is the snippet:[for i in totalPlanes]

var material:MovieMaterial = new MovieMaterial(isThisVBoxAwesomeOrWhat, true, true, true);
plane = new Plane(material, isThisVBoxAwesomeOrWhat.width, isThisVBoxAwesomeOrWhat.height, 10, 10);[code].....

So now I have my scene filled with planes made out of VBox composite as I wanted. I also have those planes in a linkedList, and what I would like to do now is to "SOMEHOW" access each individual VBox and it's composites for each individual plane.Something like this (obviously doesn't work! Just an example):


so I could modify parameters on the fly. Or maybe I'm totally wrong on this and I should have as many Vbox'en as I have planes and id each individually. Whatever the case I can't figure out how to access children of the parent in this mxml example.

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Flex :: Image Shows Up In Design Preview But Not Application

Jun 23, 2009

My embedded images show up in the Flex Builder Design Preview, but are not displayed when the application is run. The images have relative paths (/assets/images/...), and the application is run on the server (wamp). I've appended the path to the compiled location [URL] and tried to display a image in the browser, and the image exists, too. I've compiled it via FlashDevelop, Flex Builder, and Ant. I've deleted and remade the bin/bin-debug/release/bin-release files to no avail.

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Flex :: Design - Changing DataGrid Highlight Color

Dec 29, 2009

How can i change the color, when the user mouse over an item on datagrid or tilelist. Basically once the user mouse overs and once the user selects a file. How to change the default color to something else. The default is blue and i dont like it :)

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Use Flex's Coding Ability With Flash's Design Interface?

Dec 22, 2010

I am looking for some decent tutorial that will explain the correlation between flash and flex (how can I use flex's coding ability with flash's design interface).

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Flash :: Design Tools For Creating Skins For Flex 4 Components

May 11, 2010

I'm looking for a tool to create just the skins for different kinds of Flex 4 components.I'd like to be able to create the components myself and have the designer/artist do the skin, but I don't think they'd like the idea of doing them by writing MXML files.

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Flex :: Auto-mation - Design A Fully Functionnal Automated App?

Jun 25, 2010

We are currently thinking on getting our apps automaticaly built and tested through a CI server.My major concern is regarding UI tests.. I've been playing with FlexMonkium/Selenium IDE in Firefox but it doesn't really play nice with my app. I'm also testing RIATest 3 but I would have liked the Firefox approach better because it's easy to use for non technical users..A bigger concern is that my app is really complex, using custom events, custom components, ExternalInterface calls.. in order to make it all work smoothly, should I give an automationName to every single component ? How can I handle custom events ? RPC responses time

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Flex :: Design A Dynamic Chart Showing Wavelength(s) For Element

Sep 9, 2010

I have a very interesting challenge here for my Flex project development. I now have an experiment wizard which consists of three states.In the first state,the user selects the elements they are interested from the periodic table. When it comes to the second stage,now we have the elements that the user selected in the first state,and these elements are shown on a list A',the user can select an element from there. Also,I have an xml file that has the intensities and wavelengths for all the elements in the periodic table


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Design Patterns - Particular Flex Framework Can Bring More Advantages For This Case?

Apr 7, 2011

I had experiences using Mate and Parsley. But for now, I'm using none.For instance, I'm using observer and singleton patterns like following.

RegisterView.mxml implements IRegisterAction interface
function onBtnRegisterClick(){
var action:RegisterAction = new RegisterAction();[code].......

This is my interface IRegisterAction.as

function registerCallback(customer:Customer ):void;

My question is "What additional benefits I will get, if I use a particular framework ?".

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