Use Flex's Coding Ability With Flash's Design Interface?

Dec 22, 2010

I am looking for some decent tutorial that will explain the correlation between flash and flex (how can I use flex's coding ability with flash's design interface).

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mx|Label {

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<mx:CheckBox label="CheckBox" visible="{role}"/>
<mx:Button label="Button" visible="{!role}"/>


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Jun 2, 2010

I'm going to write an application with the Air/Flex-Framework. I'm looking for Best Practise and general Design Patterns for designing software especially in Air/Flex. I have experience with this framework but never had the pleasure to write a piece of software from scratch.

For instance: I stumbled across lots of software written in Air/Flex with nearly infinity global vars Most of the software I saw was not object-oriented How can I pack the asynchronous method calls nicely?

I'm familiar with general design patterns by gamma. I'm looking more for advise in designing good quality software with Adobe Air/Flex.

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May 16, 2010

I have only worked on web apps for my whole career.I'm starting a new desktop (Adobe AIR) app project but I found myself having difficulties with:

stuck with thinking about overall UI design in the traditional page model

not sure how to handle the navigation part in the UI

not taking advantage of states

deciding what should be implemented on client vs server side, (or on both?).

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Apr 28, 2011

I have a service that uses computer webcam via Flash. Now I'd like to develop an Android optimized version of the service using HTML5 + Flash and then use some HTML5 wrapper to get an app.

I wonder if it's possible to use the same ability of Flash that provides an access to user's phone camera (frontal) on the Android (tablet pcs, smart phones). I know Android supports Flash since 2.2, but I failed to find any information on hardware access.

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Flex :: What Was Design Decision Behind ItemPendingError

Jul 29, 2009

Flex has the notion of lazily loading data. It has a class named ItemPendingError which allows developers to handle it when an attempt is made to access data that is not yet available aka "pending".However, looking at the documentation it's clear you have to add try/catch blocks around your code wherever you have code that might cause an IPE (ItemPendingError) to occur.I'm curious if anyone knows why it works this way. I'm not sure what the best solution might be, but having to willy-nilly add in try/catch blocks to catch the error and then register a Responder with it feels bad and not very clean. And the fact that you sort of have to exercise your application to make sure you've caught all the possible places where the error might occur is also lame.Is there some other way or better approach that I haven't seen/heard of?

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Aug 27, 2010

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Jun 11, 2009

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