Flex :: Querying A Date Var And Changing Minutes?

Jul 12, 2011

I'm trying to find out what the time is through a Date var and changing the hours in it.Does anyone know how to do that? I guess in pseudo-code i would like something like this:

function updateTime(d:Date)Void
Var nowTime:Date() = new Date();


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Feb 14, 2011

How to fix date to retrieve minutes/hours with zeros ?
E.g. it's 05:09 AM >
trace(_date.getHours()+":"+_date.getMinutes()); //5:9
But I want 05:09 instead of 5:9 - so how to add zeros?
var _date = new Date();
_min = _date.getMinutes();
//fix date:
var _str:String = _min.toFixed(1);
_min = Number(_str);
= 5:9 ....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Querying MS SQL Server DB Via ASP?

Apr 13, 2011

trying to create an AS3 script in order to use an ASP page which can connect and get data from a MS SQL Server 2008 database.I only need to check one DB entry, from my Flash SWF, to see if a user is already registered in a companion Learner Management System (LMS). If the user has already registered, the LMS would have sent his/her name to the MS SQL database (can not be re-configured to write to MySQL, which would be easier using PHP). So, I would need to user middleware like ASP so that the Flash AS3 can call the middleware script which can query the DB.
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Feb 16, 2011

clarify what that "querying" end part of this XMLList is doing? I'm actually still quite new to using XML (I have been trying to avoid it)

var data:Array = [];
data = data.concat(parse(_xml.factory.metadata.(|>@name == "*")));


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May 28, 2010

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Event 01: 30-05-2010
Event 02: 02-06-2010
Event 03: 05-06-2010

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scrollBar.target = shows_txt;
showsXML = new XML();


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Locate And Check The Date Of An External File (either .exe Or .swf) And Return That Date String To A Variable In Flash

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I'm using flash CS4 and actionscript 2.0. I have a situation where I need to locate and check the date of an external file (either .exe or .swf) and return that date string to a variable in flash. I then need to display that date to a piece of dynamic text within the flash file. Is there a function within action script that will check and retrieve the file date of an external file.

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Dec 1, 2011

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var thisDate:Date = new Date(2011, 12, 2, 9, 30); But when I did a trace, I got

Mon Jan 2 09:30:00 GMT+0800 2012.Why is the date wrong?

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Actionscript 3 :: Xml Serialization - Convert Date To Java.util.Date Through A Xml?

Jan 14, 2011

I want to convert Date(ActionScript 3) to java.util.Date through a xml. First, write a user defined ActionScript class like this.


Finally, In server side of Java, I want to convert this xml to Java class like this for using JAXB Unmarshaller.


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Actionscript 3 :: Assign A Date Which Is In String Format To A Variable T:Date

Aug 26, 2011

Writing in AS3. I cannot write, t:Date = u.data.time; u.data.time is "Mon Oct 31 00:00:00 GMT-0500 2005",because this cannot convert to Date.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Subtract Todays Date From Future Date

Apr 21, 2009

I'm trying to determine the difference in time between todays date and a future date. I only need to determine how many months and days it is between todays date and this future date. Anyone know of any prebaked scripts anywhere for determining what todays date is and subtracting it from the end date would be? [code]So if today's date is less then the end date I'd like to determine how many months and days are left until the end date is reached and display the number of months and days until that end date.

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Actionscript 3 :: Select Random Date In A Date Range?

Jun 13, 2011

I'm trying to get a random date in a date range and this is what i have so far but it doesnt seem to be working ? Where I'm I Going wrong ?Gets the date difference

private function differenceBetweenDates(date1:Date, date2:Date):Number{
var MS_PER_DAY:uint = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;[code]..........

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Display Value In Date Field Irrespective Of Date Format?

Sep 21, 2011

I have an mx:DateField in my Flex UI that has a formatString="dd.mm.yyyy" attached to it. However, the initial value for that field may not be in the format specified/defined for the DateField (due to legacy reasons). So, currently, if I just set that value (text) on the DateField, the field is shown empty. I think because it fails to accept the value in a format different than what's configured.

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