Flex :: Search - Application For PlayBook Text Input Variable

Jan 8, 2011

how to take what a user inputs into a s:TextInput and use that as a variable in a JSON data request? Basically, I want to have a user enter a search term, like "math" and then have that placed into a variable so I can use it in a JSON request. Something like public var q:String, except that my search box (and hence user input) is on another "view" of the application. I've just started with Flex Mobile applications and I might be way out of my league.

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way to modify/replace the icon of a Playbook program?

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I've tried tracing NativeApplication.supportsDockIcon and NativeApplication.supportsSystemTrayIcon properties, but they are both false on Playbook simulator.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Input Text To Search A List Of Words?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Input Text/search Button On Site?

Aug 24, 2009

make a input text/search button on my site.

I have a bunch of pdf files in a specific location on my site (mysite.com/pdf).

I want to create a search field where the end user inputs text into a field and flash locates and opens the corresponding pdf file (mysite.com/pdf/myfile.pdf).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Implement Search Engine With An Input Text Field

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create An Input Text Box That Puts The Users Input Into A Global Variable?

Apr 12, 2007

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Chatter Bot - Processes The User Input Text And Search For An Answer In The XML File

Feb 7, 2009

I am working in a AI project: a Chatterbot and it works fine. I work in webdesign, video, 3D and illustration and this personal project eats my free time You should set the answers and questions in the XML file called "bdenglish.xml", it contains a basic example. The bot will understand the new nodes. Actionscript(FLA) processes the user input text and search for an answer in the XML file. The bot can understand several ways to make a question. Also it can memorise the conversation subject if you use XML propierties (It is unfinished) The user can use ENTER key or the SEND button. The bot can know the genre of the user because it is male like default, but it search in a female names list. The output field answer is HTML text, also it support images, animations or sounds. The bot can chat in several languages. You can synchronize video with the answers (bot expression), I am woking in a basic function with video.

I am workin in a alternative answer motor, it would work with the XML. I want to use lipsync in the future for a talking version. How it works? - The bot converts the XML database to an multidimensional array.- The user writes a question - This input is processed in the AS code - The bot searchs in the multidimensional array - The first word must be found - The bot answer the question or it responds something if the question is not found I am not programmer and the AS3 bot was hard for me, but it works. I was trying get a good code and I am work in a better search function. I hope some criticism and comment from Kirupa masters! It is in my personal site:[URL]

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Actionscript :: Port A Flash Application To BlackBerry PlayBook?

Jan 2, 2011

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I've installed the PlayBook SDK and have tried packaging the application with FlashBuilder 4, but I have no experience with this programme and have so far been unsuccessful. I tried placing the application in an SWFLoader component, but I then realised after reading this pdf document that MXML components are not supported. Since the app is written in AS2, I believe it cannot be compiled by Flash Builder. I don't need any any of the AIR features so I was wondering how could I embed the .swf and image directory in a Flash Builder ActionScript project so that it would run on the BlackBerry PlayBook.

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Jan 28, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Search In Variable For Specific Text?

Jul 20, 2010

I don't know how to resolve this very simple action.I've made a program and at this point I've a list on the stage.I want to see if the selected list item has particular value.

(this is current selected item of the list)

here, I want as3 to check if that label has " , " (comma) or not.

if (myList.selectedItem.label contains == ","){
trace("comma found");

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Flash :: Blackberry Playbook: User Starts Up The Application By Clicking A File?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm trying to do an unzip like application for the Blackberry Playbook, which means that the application mostly gets launched when the user clicks a file for which the app is registered.I googled a bit around, and the closed what I found is this, but MobileApplication doesn't have invoke parameter.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:MobileApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" firstView="views.TestHome"


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Actionscript 3 :: Make Input Text Control Ready For Input On CreationComplete In Flex/MXML?

Mar 19, 2012

I have the following Application tag code in my widget:

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
width="100%" height="100%" minWidth="200" minHeight="200" layout="absolute"


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting Variable For Input Text?

Sep 1, 2009

I need to create a Flash Quiz with the following:

1.) A page with a question, including a "submit" button, and an Input Text field where the user can type in his answer.

2.) A page with "Correct" and a page with "Incorrect".I have already gotten the pages and graphics created. But for the life of me my Action script is not working. The tutorials I have looked at would help me if I were making the quiz one total page where when you answered the question there would be a comment that came up, but that's not the case.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Variable On Input Text Not Working With If / Then?

Mar 25, 2009

I'm using ActionScript 2.0 with Flash CS4 Professional, andI'm running into conflicting info on how to do this depending onwhich Flash book I'm looking at (and is that really a surprise?).1) I want the user to type text into a text field and thenFlash places what they've typed into a variable.So I created a text field of the type 'Input Text' andassigned this variable 'myInput'2) When the user presses a button, I want Flash to look atwhat is in the variable. THEN... If they have typed the correctword, they are sent to frame 19. If they type anything else, theyare sent to frame 38.In this example, the correct word is: "move"So, I placed this script on the button:

on (release) {
if (myInput = "move") {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Input Text Into A Variable?

Mar 28, 2011

i have an 'input text' box named "playernameinput".

i want the text inputted into that field to be loaded into a variable and sent to a php file. the 'timeLeft' field is correct and is updating in the mysql database but i cant for the life of me figure out how to get the text from the input box into the 'variables.username'.

ActionScript Code:
var str = timeLeft;
var playername:String = playernameinput.text;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Input Text Variable

Jul 8, 2011

I'm new to ActionScript 3.I have 2 frames. On the first frame two numbers are randomly generated and the user must enter their sum into the input text field (instance name: inTxt). They then click the OK button. On the solve frame their solution is checked against the correct answer.The problem is I can't access their solution from the input text field. I tried tracing it and get null. What am I missing?[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Convert Input Text To A Variable

Apr 8, 2008

be a really obvious question but does anyone know how to convert input text to a variable?At the moment I have a textArea component and want to make the user's input text a variable so I can use it later. can get a trace on the input text with "trace(mytext.text)" but I just don't know how to make it a variable

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Input Text Passes Variable To URL For Loading XML?

Feb 4, 2010

Here is what I'm doing (using AS 2.0)I'm generating some XML based on parameters passed in a URLOn Frame One, I have an input text box. I would like whatever the user inputs in that text box to pass into the URL. For example, if I had a text box that said ZIPCODE: _________ I'd like that zip code to be passed into the URL

this.btn_send.onRelease = function() {


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Professional :: Input Text Variable Is Being Converted To HTML?

Sep 29, 2011

I have an Input Text box that has a variable assigned to it.The user is to input a number, and then it is submitted with a button that does a simple conditional if statement check. I noticed that the if statement is constantly failing because the variable is tracing back as HTML.The trace of the variable looks like this:


The variable should simply be the number 4 without all the HTML jibberish.The "Render text as HTML" is not on for the Input Text box.I am completely baffled and at a complete loss... any ideas of what is happening here?!Below is the exact code I am using...

numA = random(10)
numB = random(10)[code]....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pass Input Text To LoadVars Variable?

Oct 14, 2009


I have an input field with the var name "chosenloc" in the same scope as the timeline I'm working in. I've set the input field var in code, on the fly, and by entering a number right into the field.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Input Text To Array Variable Not Working?

Jan 12, 2008

I am working on a line rider/ free rider style game in flash (which is coming along quite nicely ). For the whole night I've been trying to create a way to save and load data simply off text and have finally come up with a basic solution for it! I have my information all stored into an array neatly to be later used with the function lineTo upon load. My problem here is that when I actually input the data into the textbox to be picked up by the load button it does not draw the lines like its supposed to.My load button has the following code:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
onRelease = function() {
var points = new Array(_root.xInput);[code]......

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Input A Variable At A Specific Portion Of The Text?

Feb 29, 2012

I have a string of text, but within this text I want to input a variable at a specific portion of the text. Now this string of text is taken from an XML file. So the XML file would look like this for example:

<desc>"This is a text"+temp.alias+"hey"</desc>

The <desc> is an example of a way I tried to make it work. What I want to happen is when I display the desc in my flash file, it inputs the alias (which in the xml is the name) of the item. In PHP this could be doing using EVAL() but I notice the support for that type of function is removed in AS3.

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Flex :: Replace User's Keyboard Input With Another String In Adobe AIR + Application?

Feb 1, 2010

One of our application is implemented in flex and adobe air. We want to have the user press combination of keys, say 'ABC', and have the keyboard return a different character, 'FOG', to whatever app is in focus. This should work even if app has no focus.

Will it possible in Adobe Air/Flex? If yes, provide me some examples?

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Flex :: Do Full Text Search In Adobe AIR Applications?

Jul 11, 2011

It seems that AIR doesn't come packaged with the powerful FTS module for Sqlite (its a hot requested feature)

What are the some other alternatives I can use? I want to be able to do simple boolean and phrase queries. Support for stemming would be great but not required. I am targeting the mobile platforms.

So far I've thought of three options:

Write a simple inverted index and a scorer Do search on server side (last resort b/c it messes up offline capability) Somehow install FTS module with AIR. First indication from googling is that its not feasible (looks like loading of modules is disabled in air)

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Flex :: Change Caret (text Cursor) In Editable Text Area / Text Input?

Nov 23, 2009

I need to put together an editable text area that has a custom caret (cursor) which is different from the default blinking vertical line. Is the caret a "skinnable" property of text input? note that I am not asking about the mouse pointer cursor which can be set using the CursorManager.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Input Text Variable To PHP Without HTML Tags

Oct 14, 2009

I have an input box with a variable name. When the user enters some text and presses a button that variable is sent to a php file using the GET method. Then the info is put into a database. When I checked my database, I found that a load of styling html tags has been included. I want for my input text box to have styled text, but I don't want that styling /html tags to be sent to the php file. I know I could use strip_tags in php to get rid of the html tags, but surely there's a way of not sending the tags at all, just the text content of my variable?


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Hyperlink Button With Variable From Text Input Field?

Jun 24, 2009

I have a text input field called 'phone' and a button with the GetUrl function. Button script looks like this:

on (release){getURL("http://url/sendlink.page?country=160&phone=phone&keyword=33&msgtype=26", "", "POST");}

First of all when I press the button nothing happens. When I paste the link directly into my browser everythinbg works as it should. But not from flash file.

adding the 'phone' variable into the hyperlink. What do I write? Something like this: [URL]

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