Flex :: Validation - Using Error Tooltips As Normal Ones?

Nov 7, 2011

I'd like to use tooltips with the same design as the error/validation tooltips (rounded box with a tip pointing to the mouse's position).Given the name "error/validation tooltips", it bothers me to use them as normal tooltips.I haven't found people having the same "principles" issue as myself..So, is it that bad to use the error/validation tooltips as normal tooltips? And, if yes, what would be the easiest way to re-use its design without rewriting much code?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Mindmap Tooltips - Set HideDelay To Infinity So The Tooltips Don't Disappear?

Mar 18, 2010

I am trying to adapt Ruben Sweringa's Flex-based interactive mindmap [URL] and I've got most of it sussed out. I'm just having a little difficulty with the tooltips and I was hoping someone/some people might be willing to help me out or offer some guidance on these three things:

1) How and where do I set hideDelay to Infinity so the tooltips don't disappear? I think that because Ruben's model uses FXCToolTip and FXCHTMLToolTip to extend ToolTip and ToolTipManager, if I try to modify ToolTipManager.hideDelay in the mxml, the value is ignored.

2) Is there a way to enable HTML formatting in the tool tips? FXCHTMLToolTip looks like it's supposed to read this code, but whenever I add such coding, Flex says "Error: XML is invalid" and the whole mindmap fails.


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Prevent Tooltips From Hiding Persistent Tooltips?

Oct 19, 2010

I'm trying to prevent a custom tooltip from disappearing. I've tried three runs at this, borrowing from the usual suspects: Peter Dehann, MonkeyPatch and others. As you can see from the code below I'd like to stay within the tool tip paradigm and not go to popups.

way to persist a tooltip? The intent here is to have a component which can be cut and paste from.


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Actionscript 3 :: Displaying Error Tooltips In Flex DataGrid's Each Row?

Dec 22, 2009

I have a simple DataGrid in Flex 3:

<mx:DataGrid width="{indexW - 20}" height="100%"
headerHeight="0" resizableColumns="false"


What I want to do is to 'force' my DataGrid to display ERROR TOOLTIPS with 'errorTipRight' option instead of displaying a regular tooltips.

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Flex :: Clear Validation On TextInput When Validation Is Not Enabled?

Jul 13, 2009

I've created a custom textInput componenet that handles it's own validation using a private validator. The validation is enabled depending on the state of the component i.e. validation is enable when the components state is "edit".However, when the state changes from edit the internal validator is set to not enabled but the validation errors on the textbox do not clear - the textInput still has the red border and on mouseover the validation errors come up. What I want to happen is that when a validator is disabled the error formatting and error messages clear from the text input control.

Does anyone have any idea how to do this I tried setting the internal validator instance to enabled = false and dispatching a new focusOutEvent as below but the validation error formatting is still applied to the textInput contrl.

_validatorInstance.enabled = false;
//clear the validation errors if any
dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT));


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Flex :: Text Input Error / Validation And Restore Previous Correct Value

Jul 2, 2009

I have text input boxes. There is validation for each of the boxes using numberValidator. Now, the thing is that am using alert box to show if any error occurs.

Flowchart ::

1> Insert value in textBox.

2> NumberValidator validates the input on "trigger=change".

3> If error, alert message is displayed. The user clicks OK to go back to form.

4> Focus set back to the TextBox.

5> But, alert box makes the text input value blank / null. i.e. Both the previous error value entered by user and the default correct value will not be displayed now.

Display the most recent correct value that was entered in the text box. Not the default of any other, but the most recent correct value entered by the user.

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Flex :: 3 - Force Display Of Control's ErrorTip (error ToolTip) On Validation Failure

Nov 18, 2009

When a Validator (i.e. StringValidator, NumberValidator, etc) dispatches an invalid event due to validation failure, the errorString property of the source control (i.e. TextInput) is set to a non-empty string which creates a red border around the control and shows an toolTip (errorTip) ONLY when the mouse hovers over the control. Question: Can you force immediate display of the toolTip (errorTip) rather than waiting for the user to hover over the control? If so, how?

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Flex :: Form Validation - Delete Error Icon Of Validated Text Input

Feb 29, 2012

I have a form with a horizontal layout and with this TextInput:
<s:TextInput id="platformNameTI" showErrorSkin="true" showErrorTip="true"/>
I have a simple validator that just checks if there is something entered (required field). My problem is as the layout is horizontal, when an error occurred (required file missing), all form items are shifted because of the error icon. Is there a way to delete that annoying icon or force the component to not display it?

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Flex :: Use Tooltips In Sparkskin

May 23, 2011

I'm developing with Flex 4 and have a problem with tooltips in skins. I want to define the tooltip behavior of a textinput in the skin (or other components). I create a new skin and try to add a tooltip attriute to the <s:sparkskin> directly and to the <s:RichEditableText> but the tooltips don't show up. First: Is it possible to define tooltip in skins? If not, why? Second: If it's possible, why doesn't it works


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Flex :: Using Custom Tooltips For Buttons

Nov 7, 2011

I'm using the tooltipManager as described [URL]. I want to display a custom tooltip for the buttons of a buttonbar. The buttonbar's declaration is as follow:
<mx:ButtonBar id="topToolbar" height="30" dataProvider="{topToolbarProvider}"
iconField="icon" itemClick="topToolbarHandler(event)"

Until here, everything works fine. I do see the proper text displaying in a tooltip. Then, I created a custom tooltip manager using the tutorial quoted previously:
public class TooltipsManager {
private var _customToolTip:ToolTip;
public function TooltipsManager() {
} public function showToolTipRight(evt:MouseEvent, text:String):void {
var pt:Point = new Point(evt.currentTarget.x, evt.currentTarget.y);
[Code] .....

Now, this is where I start having issues... I'm trying to get to use this custom tooltip, but I don't know how to get the buttonbar to take it into account. I created a function to see when could I call the functions in my TooltipsManager:
public function showTopToolbarTooltip(e:ToolTipEvent):void{
But it would seem that it's never taken into account. I've put this function in different buttonbar's events: tooltipcreate, tooltipstart, tooltipend but nothing happens. Not a single trace. Where to call the function of my tooltipManager?

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Flex :: Showing List Item Tooltips?

Oct 11, 2010

I have a list of objects containing an icon, a label, and a tooltip. I want to show only the icon and the label. The tooltips should be visible on mouse over an item.

Is there a way i can achieve this without writing my own mouse-over/out functions?

(notice that dataTips are a different thing as they are displayed only when the label is cut)

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Flex :: Internet Based App - Tooltips Not Displaying

Mar 7, 2011

I have a flex app that used to be an internet based app. In it I have a function that creates tooltip error messages when I tell it to create an error message. I pulled this app out verbatim to a desktop app and restructured things a bit to get it to run, but I did not mess with the core fundamentals of the mxml file that utilizes this aside from changing the root tag from a type of 's:Group' to 's:Window'. Everything runs correctly, but the tooltips are not displaying.

Here's the tooltip code (inline mxml code in the fx:script cdata tag):
import mx.controls.ToolTip;
import mx.managers.ToolTipManager;
public var errorTip:ToolTip;
private function createErrorMsg(errorMsg:String, object:Object):void {
if (errorTip){ToolTipManager.destroyToolTip(errorTip);
[Code] .....

Basically, I pass the function a string and an object (text input, checkbox, button, etc...etc...) and it positions it and displays the error message. This fully works in my web version, but not in my desktop version.

Here's the code that instantiates the window:
var window:LoginWindow = new LoginWindow();
Window.systemChrome = NativeWindowSystemChrome.NONE;
Window.transparent = true;

On a side note, I check to see if the errorTip exists at the beginning of the function and then destroy it so that the higher scoped variable 'errorTip' always equals the reference to the currently displayed error. This allows me to just destroy that error tip on form validation and then error check again, but it only allows one tooltip to be displayed at a time. Is there a better way to query the tooltip manager for all of it's currently displayed tooltips and destroy them all?

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Actionscript 3 :: Disable The Tooltips Of The Buttons On A Flex 3 Togglebuttonbar

Jun 30, 2010

I'm creating an flex 3 application with 3 togglebuttonbars. What i would like to do is disable the tooltip of the buttons on one togglebuttonbar. how i can access the buttons on the togglebuttonbar to disable the tooltips?

I don't want to disable all the tooltips off the total application(ToolTipManager.enabled = false;).

I have set the tooltip of the togglebuttonbar to null but it doesn't disable the creation of the buttons within the togglebutttonbar.

how i can disable the tooltips of the buttons on the togglebuttonbar?

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Flex :: Displaying Black And Red ToolTips As Speech Baloons

Sep 7, 2011

I'm porting a card game from pure Flash/AS3 to Flex 4.5: I'm almost done, but the "speech baloons" marked by the blue color in the screenshot above are missing. Those "speech baloons" fade in, display red (if they contain hearts or diamonds char) or black text and finally fade out. I'm trying to implement those as mx.controls.ToolTips and have prepared a simple test case, where 3 users are represented by smiley-buttons and you can push a "Talk"-button to make them talk:


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Flex :: Datagrid - Display Tooltips When Using A DataGridColumn ItemRenderer?

Oct 11, 2011

On my flex (flash builder 4) DataGrid - DataGridColumn , I have set a custom itemRenderer


My renderer is a Label

public class EncounterDGItemRenderer extends Label

I found that my tooltips (datatips) stopped working once I started using this custom renderer. I also found that I can set the tooltip on the label in the

override protected function updateDisplayList

by setting:


This works find, however the problem is I need to choose a different data field based on the column. I was hoping for something similar to how a DataGridColumn labelFunction works - where I have access to "column.headerText" or "column.dataField". However I only have access to the underlying data object, not the name of what is being displayed (unless I am missing something).

Is there a way in a data grid item renderer to know what the column header text is, or do you have a different approach?

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Actionscript :: Get Error Message And Stack Trace When You Use Normal Versionof Flash Player?

Sep 20, 2011

I want to log errors of my flash application after I released it.I will save the logs on files on the web server.Do you know how to get error message and stack trace when you use normal version(not debug version) of flash player?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Advanced RollOver- Lee's Tutorial - [Tweener] Error: The Property '_frame' Doesnt Seem To Be A Normal?

Mar 3, 2009

So i watched his awesome tutorial on Advanced RollOvers http:[url]....

, Downloaded the source files, and extracted the files, it plays perfectly with the extracted .SWF file. but upon opening the .fla, and re-generating the.SWF file i get this output error

## [Tweener] Error: The property '_frame' doesnt seem to be a normal object of [object ticket_1] or a registered special property.

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Actionscript 3 :: Validation And Invalidation In Flex

Jun 23, 2010

I am new in flex and recently read about Validation and Invalidation in components.

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Flex :: Username And Password Validation?

Feb 23, 2011

i have a problem while username and password validation.i retrieved data (username and password)from an xml doc using http service but the problem is that i have to verify the username and password entered by he user with the username and password of the xml doc...

my xml doc is as follows:


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Flex :: Validation - See If A Variable Exists?

Jul 15, 2011

I'm getting the "Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference." error on my application. Is there a function I can use to detect this before it causes an error... maybe something like:


I know there's one, because i've used it before, but i can't remember what it is right now.

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Flex :: DateFormat Validation In Java

Dec 12, 2011

I have a XLSX file which contain 2 columns 1 being a formatted date, time or datetime field and other being the relavant format string of type FLEX. So this file contains Flex date format string with formatted value. This files can be contain more than one thousand such combination records. [code]What i need to know is, is there anyway that i can validate this given date , time or date time values at right side are formmated according to given FLEX format in the left side.

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Flex :: Force Validation When A Container Is Displayed

Jul 29, 2009

I have a Flex 3 app with a view in a viewstack, and that view must only be created when requested. I have declared validators for each of the controls on the view and I have created a method called checkAllValid() which runs Validator.validateAll(). This works great when I'm actually using the controls (using the change or focusOut events), but how can I get checkAllValid() to run when the view is first displayed to the user, so that they are immediately shown what is invalid once the data is populated in the controls?

I have tried putting the call in various events on the view itself (e.g. creationComplete, updateComplete, show, activate, etc.) but it always shows the following error when I start the application:

'The source attribute must be specified when the property attribute is specified.'

I have also tried setting the creationPolicy on the view to "all" but this does not help.

Some of the validators are only enabled when the form is in a certain state, but I have eliminated that as being the potential problem by commenting out all of my validators except for this most simple one:


I have also tried calling the single validator directly rather than using validateAll and the result is the same.

There must be a way I can force the view to validate when it is shown....

(by the way it's in the Cairngorm MVC framework and I have data bound to the controls)

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Regex :: Give Password Validation In Flex?

Oct 12, 2009

I want the validator for password text input.

At least one Upper case letter
At least one numeric character
At least one special character such as @, #, $, etc.

should be there in password how can i give it in action script or mxml.

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Flex ::remove Validation Programmatically From Component?

Feb 11, 2010

How to remove validation programmatically from flex componentThis is my method

public static function validateRequired(txt:TextInput, errorMessage:String="This field is required"):Boolean


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Flex :: ErrorSkin On Spark TextInput Validation?

Mar 14, 2011

I might be taking crazy pills but has anyone actually gotten the errorSkin feature to work? I am not doing anything crazy, just extending TextInput (spark) and setting the errorSkin property.I have tried creating a skin using SparkSkin, did nothing.I have tried creating a skin using ProgrammaticSkin, did nothing.TextInput is always a red border. I know you can set errorColor and errorString but I am obviously looking to do more than just change the color of the border. I am compiling using Flex 4.1.

<components:PromptedTextInput id="txt"


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Actionscript 3 :: List Size Validation In Flex

Apr 26, 2011

is it possible to check if there is any item in a list?

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Css :: Changing The Default Color On Flex Validation Errors?

Jun 4, 2010

The examples I've seen seem to show how to change the color that shows when the user actually hovers over the textinput field.

However when the validation fails, a generic textInput border qill have a red line over it. My CSS file uses a border skin for the textInput, so I can't see this line.

I was hoping there was a way to highlight the text box when it failed validation, or re-enable the red line feature. I don't want to get rid of my CSS cos it'll totally blow my color-scheme, but any tweak allowing the error line

This is the CSS:

TextInput, TextArea
border-skin: Embed(source='/../assets/images/input_bg.png', scaleGridLeft=8, scaleGridRight=20, scaleGridTop=8,scaleGridBottom=9);


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Flex :: Text Input Validation For Numeric Check?

Apr 30, 2011

I am seeing a strange issue in flex. I need to reset all text input fields to 0 once the
user submits the values to be calculated. In the method

private function calculate():void {
var num:Number = parseFloat(s21.text);


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Flash :: Handle Client And Server Validation With Flex 3?

May 5, 2011

I'm a new grad, so please be kind. I'm working on validating input in a Flex DataGrid cell that the user can edit. The rows in the DataGrid are backed by an mx.collections.ArrayCollection that includes a [Bindable]Model that I wrote. I want to validate against a custom client-side Validator, if-and-only-if that passes I want to validate the input on the server. If client-side validation fails, I want to display the normal validation error (see image below). If server-side validation fails, I want to use the same sort of UI components to notify the user. The solution should not include any external framework (Cairngorm or PureMVC).


How do Flex programmers validate on the server, immediately after the valid client-side validation passes?

I realize it seems silly to search out this "synchronous" design and I hope someone has an answer to solve my problem with best practices. In my defense, the reason I want to validate on the server immediately following client-side validation is so that I'm using Flex's validation framework. If I get an invalid response from the server, I want to leverage the built-in UI components that Flex has to tell the user something is incorrect about his/her input.

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Css :: Tweak CSS Validation In Adobe Flex Builder (Eclipse)?

Sep 13, 2011

I am getting a number of spurious warnings in my CSS files within my Flex project. Any way to tweak which warnings are displayed in Eclipse like I do with Java?

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