Flex3 :: Give DataGrid Data To Function
Dec 16, 2009
i have a Problem to send a value from the DataGrid to a function- this is my function:[code]Now i have my DataGrid which receives Information from an XML File. Everything works fine. All Information is shown correctly with that Tags:[code]except the Button. The Function "browseLoc" only has the text {codeworxx.pages.page[selectedPageIndex].url} in it - not the value. How do i do it?
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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private var mockData:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{value: "425341*"},
{value: "425341*"},
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Jun 9, 2010
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The text input :
<s:TextInput includeIn="DetailServeurs" x="58" y="361" width="209" id="txt_search" text="Default text" focusIn="txt_search_focusInHandler(event)"/>
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Jun 13, 2011
I have a form that consists of two data grids and a button. Datagrid 1, "myStaticDataGrid", has values I have added for the user to select from. I want the button's click event to send the current selection of myStaticDataGrid to the second datagrid, "myDataGrid". I have been able to accomplish this if I use a text box and a datagrid but I am having trouble finding the right syntax to grab the selection data from myStaticDataGrid.This is my attempt using the two datagrid approach:
<s:Form id="myForm">
//The values from this grid are determined once the button is clicked.
<s:FormItem id="myDataGrid">
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Apr 3, 2009
datagrid won't display data. Evidentally it captures the correct no. rows because the scrollbar appears. I've got an amfphp returning a resultset from a db which contains too much info and doesn't correspond with my datagrid so I'm trying to copy out whats needed to a ResultCollection (if it all looks a bit mad then it's because I'm new to this and still finding my way around).
Debug tells me there actually is data in the ResultCollection but I'm really struggling to find out why it wont display and will be really. I've searched the web for AS 3 examples of coding a datagrid - all pointers welcomed.
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