Iphone :: Removing The "shine" In Icon With Flex Builder

Dec 27, 2011

Is it possible to remove the App store's icon "shine" using Adobe Flex Builder?

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Here is a tutorial that tells you how to remove the gloss on an app in xcode. How can I do this in flash cs5? If I can't, can I do something to the image in photoshop so that it looks like it has no gloss when the gloss is applied?

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Is this possible? Or does the Iphone flash wrapper make it impossible to access the hard disk?

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Sep 11, 2010

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Is is possible to use CS5 Packager for Flex project ? (i know that flex isn't optimized for mobile)

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Aug 3, 2011

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Jul 18, 2011

I am a Flex developer. I wish to make flex applications for iphone. But, when I google up for the same, most of the link shows up that Adobe Flex and flash aren't supported on iphone.

Is this right ? Why it isn't supported ? If it is supported, which are the good books for developing iphone applications via flex.

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Jul 19, 2011

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May 25, 2010

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Mar 31, 2010

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Nov 5, 2009

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Feb 25, 2010

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Feb 9, 2009

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(See attachment).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex - Remove Image Icon From A Flex Datagrid

Jan 18, 2011

I am loading the data externally from xml and displaying in a datagrid. I have 2 buttons addRow and deleteRow. My datagrid headertext names are "name" "age" "rollno" "image", where image also will be loading externally thru an xml file. now when i am pressing the deleteRow button, whole row is getting deleted but an image icon is still appearing under "image" headertext. It was not an actual image but a blank image icon kind of thing is appearing, how to remove the icon. i want my whole row to be deleted. but its not happening.

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Flex :: Add File Icon To Datagrid?

Nov 17, 2009

I'm trying to put some File objects into a DataGrid, but I can't find a way to display the File.icon in there.

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filename and path are displayed correctly, I just can't get the file icon to show.

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Feb 2, 2010

Trying to set the up and down state icons of a Flex Combobox to images. I see the property for changing the color of the icon, but no property to skin it. How can I do this?

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Jan 13, 2011

I want to get the checkBox image that is present in the checkBox class of flex Framework how can I access that image.

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Flex :: Drag And Drop Icon?

Mar 7, 2011

I am dragging item from a datagrid and while dragging I could see all of the columns in the selected record, being getting dragged. However I only want to show one column (maybe name or id of the record)? Is there a way to achieve this? Also, could I show an icon or image instead of the record while dragging.

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