Java :: Facebook, Flash And Google App Engine?

Jan 18, 2010

Is it possible to use a Facebook session in a Flash to authenticate on Google App Engine? I'm trying to create a Flash game and I want to use GAE as the back-end.

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Java :: Migrating Existing Java And Flash Applications To Android (Google TV)?

Aug 9, 2011

I have a client-server multigame suite for PC ("kind of" cross-platform using cygwin), which is developed in Java(game menus and database management), C++ (server side), and adobe Flash (game graphics & interaction).

I have never tried to develop for android, so i have no experience.I am thinking of migrating this suite to google TV. So i would like someone with android experience to give a clue on the following :

1) Is it going to be easy to migrate the Java application to an Android application?

2) What kind of Flash support does Android have? Can it load directly swf applications? Does it have to load swf's through browser?

3) Can i find any kind of performance indexes for google TV hardware?

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Flash :: Can Google App Engine Be Used As A Socket Server

Feb 13, 2010

My webhost has rules against socket servers so I've been looking into GAE.

Does anyone know of a socket server that can successfully run on GAE? I'm using it for flash so anything like smartfox would be amazing if it's possible.

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Facebook :: Sharing Contents Of A Flash Website In Google Plus

Feb 6, 2012

What I'm trying to do is to share (video) link, description and thumbnail of the link from/of my flash website in google plus. Since main .swf file of the flash site is embedded in the single html file, it is not possible to use different meta data for different posts. So is there any way that I can share the links with related description and thumbnail image in google plus just like in facebook.[URL]

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Facebook :: Sharing Contents Of A Flash Website In Google Plus?

Dec 2, 2009

What I'm trying to do is to share (video) link, description and thumbnail of the link from/of my flash website in google plus. Since main .swf file of the flash site is embedded in the single html file, it is not possible to use different meta data for different postsSo is there any way that I can share the links with related description and thumbnail image in google plus just like in facebook.

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Python :: Embed A .swf File Into Google App Engine App?

Mar 31, 2011

I am working on an app engine project in python were i want to be able to upload and play games in a .swf format. I am having trouble getting app engine to send(deliver, render, display,...not sure what the correct term is) files with a .swf ending.

I've tried embedding a picture in my object tag to make sure my html and Django template isn't what is causing th problem, and it works fine.

This is my app.yaml file

application: flashstealer
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Search Engine Similar To Google?

May 1, 2004

I wanna incorporate a search engine into my web site similar to Google search.

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Flex :: Google App Engine - Return An Array From Grails / Jdo?

Jun 13, 2010

this seems really simple but I haven't gotten this to work. I am building my app with grails on google app engine. This pretty much requires you to use JDO. I am making an HTTP call from flex to my app. The action that I am calling on the grails end looks like so


I have tried just returning "hello from grails" and that works just fine. I have alos tried the following return showInstanceList the JDO docs say the query.execute() returns a collection. Why I cant just return that to Flex I have no clue. after playing around with this some more I was able to get a result event back by have grails convert the object to JSON or XML wish I could just return a damn ArrayList.

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Android :: Google Apps Engine Authentification Flex?

Feb 25, 2011

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Flex :: Poker Game Scaling In Google Apps Engine Vs Amazon EC2?

Oct 19, 2010

I have a server side code written in java and client side code written in flex. As client makes a request roughly every 3 seconds to the server, then I'm pretty sure I'm running into scalability problems at some point.

As far as I can see, I can host the application either in Google Apps Engine or Amazon Cloud. As I understand Amazon offers a do-it-yourself approach and I have to set up and maintain the cluster myself, which I'm not really fond of so I'm inclined to use GAE, which promises virtually infinite scalability if one can conform to the limitations and restrictions of course.

One of the limitations is the number of requests at 500 per second (can request temporarily more by filling in a special form), which roughly translates to 1500 simultaneous users, each pinging after every 3 seconds to the server.

What bothers me is that I really don't know how big this thing can grow and 1500 players definitely doesn't seem like a lot so besides using Google Apps and perhaps AWS (unless it scales better with what I'm trying to do), what other options do I have, which wouldn't cost me a fortune?

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Java :: Open 1 File Into 5 Versions Of The Same Flex-based App Engine App Simultaneously?

Aug 11, 2011

I have an application on Google App Engine that is made of Adobe Flex [and Java] components. The app has buttons to do tasks related to the app, including an "Open" button, which allows the user to open a .XML file, which then gets converted into data/content that's displayed in the app GUI. Then I press the "Run" button and it calculates stuff related to the inputted data/content. Also, my datastore is setup using JDO. I'm using only GAE. I'm NOT using GWT.

Based on the nature of the calculations (algorithms) I'm running, I would benefit from being able to open an XML file and then click the Run button on my app simultaneously on lets say 5 different versions of my app that I have uploaded to app engine. The 5 versions would be identical.Is there a way to create, say, an HTML page where the user would provide a link to the XML file (or open/load it from their disk) to be processed, then press "Go," where then the XML file is passed to all 5 versions of my app, then "automatically presses the Run button" on each?I can do this manually at the moment by going to each version-specific URL for my app, but it takes too long. Do you have any suggestions for how I would go about setting up such a script?

EDIT: Motivation for the problem: It's not XML processing time that I'm worried about. I currently have 2 algorithms that compute the number of particular types of "special points" that exist in an inputted XML file which contains large amounts of data. The difference between the two algorithms is that the 1st searches until it finds every special point. Then it stops. The 2nd searches and stops when it finds the first special point it comes across. Using multiple instances of this 2nd algorithm, one has the potential of finding all the points faster than the 1st algorithm.

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Python :: Pass Data From Google App Engine(Python) To Flex 4 Application?

Feb 22, 2010

I am using python and webapp framework in app engine for backend and flex 4 for front end.I would like to pass a string form backend to front end, so i write the following code in the


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Python :: Configure The Flex Crossdomain.xml In Python Google App Engine Sdk?

Feb 14, 2011

I have created a flex application in the Python Gae sdk and I got the error 2048, so I put a crossdomain.xml under the static folder.
The crossdomain.xml is following:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">
<cross-domain-policy> [code].....

However, I still got the error 2048. Therefore, I would like to know is anything I need to configure or miss in my case and how to fix the error.

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Java :: Adobe / AIR / Flex Or Google SDK?

Feb 2, 2012

I am a senior IT student working on a mobile application for Android. I have 2.5 months design to complete implementation.App basics:

-Seismographer app
-Record data from accelerator
-Visualize data in a live fashion on a graph
-Connect several phones together via bluetooth/wifi to sync up the data
-Geo-aware application - optional

I have limited java knowledge and mainly specialize in system admin and web development. Given my constraints, is it better for me to use Adobe AIR/Flex/ActionScript to develop this? Or Google SDK/Java would take just as long?I feel like on one hand Adobe is faster, but Java is more straightforward?

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Flash :: Adobe Facebook API Facebook.login VS Facebook.ui Popups?

Oct 24, 2010

I'm currently building an application using the Adobe Facebook API and I've run into an issue where for the login method the Facebook login popup displays but when doing a Facebook share/post the popup is blocked.

This code works fine and displays me a Facebook login popup without question (Firefox):

var permissions:Array = ['publish_stream'];

Facebook.login( onFacebookLogin, { perms:permissions.join(',') } );

However, the following code running in the same application throws up a popup blocker (again Firefox):

Facebook.ui( "stream.publish", "popup", params );

Does anyone know of a work around this issue to make the share popup come up just like the login popup?

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Flash :: Facebook Connect And Actionscript - Make All Of The Facebook API Calls Via JavaScript

Jun 1, 2009

I'm trying to determine the practical difference between using the com.facebook.session.WebSession and com.facebook.session.JSSession. The documentation ([URL]) has more around WebSession - but the example I have which is closest to what solution I'm trying to implement uses JSSession and it looks like I could avoid all of the JavaScript pass-through & ExternalInterface calls I'm making. It appears that the benefit of using this new ActionScript Facebook API is to avoid having to make all of the Facebook calls via JavaScript.

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Facebook :: Flash - Connecting To Facebook From A Remote Website With OAuth2?

Jan 13, 2012

i need to connect to have a button on my website that connects to facebook (if not already logged in) and posts to the users wall.I've only done this from within an iFrame - do i still need AppId etc etc?

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Facebook :: Flash - Post Swf With Parameters To Facebook Via Application?

Apr 4, 2012

I have a facebook application where the user choose 4 of his friends and then it creates a video (swf) with the pictures of your friends in it (loaded via xml). So I need to share this video on the user timeline. Everything works fine but the video is not embedded in the post on his timeline, there is only a post with the link to the page in it.The weird thing is, if I post the url directly on my timeline, the video is embedded, but not if the same link is posted via the is my code called by the share button in js :

function postToFeed() {
var obj = {
method: 'feed',[code].........

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Flash :: Facebook :: Facebook Pages And Content - Autoplay?

Dec 6, 2011

I've recently used the 'Static HTML' application to add autoplaying flash content to a Facebook Page.Nothing too fancy, no sound, and only a few secs long. Now, Facebook say:-"Apps on Pages must not host media that plays automatically without a user's interaction."

What do they mean by 'Media' exactly? I can understand a ban on autoplaying audio content but does the ban extend to something as harmless as an animated GIF? Or more to the point, does an autoplaying .swf file fall under this?

Lastly, what course of action would Facebook take if I did violate this rule? Would they issue a warning (giving me an opportunity to remove the 'offending' item) or would they just shut down my page without any consultation?

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Java :: Load External Page HTML Via Javascript Or Flash Or Java?

Nov 13, 2011

I need to load somehow the html code of a webpage A into a javascript string of another webpage B, on a different host. I know this is impossible to do with javascript alone because of the same origin policy, and I know I could do it loading the page via php on my server and then send results back to the user's client but I wouldn't be able to handle so many requests, so I need it to be done directly by the user's browser. I can use nearly whatever browser scripting language/applet framework common enough to be installed on the majority of my users' computers, like flash and java.On example, what if I use flash or java to load the external html code and then call a javascript callback function providing the source? Could this work?

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Java :: Any Opensource Alternative To Squish To Test Flash / Silverlight / Java Applet Gui Objects?

Jun 3, 2011

If one doesn't have the source code, the only to test is to send keystroke and mouse move so I found this product but it's not free and opensource price is not even known :([URL] Squish supports automating interactions and testing non-HTML/DOM elements, that is, native objects, which are embedded in a web page. This is done at a fairly abstract level, which means that mouse and text input can be recorded and replayed.

In addition it is possible to inspect embedded native objects with the Spy tool and to insert verifications for these native objects. All of a native object's public properties can be accessed in test scripts.

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Java :: Flash Is Java Needed To Use Red5

Jul 24, 2010

I'm working on a Flash project and someone recommended Red5 as a media streaming server. Do I need to know java to use build applications that use Red5 as their server?

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Flex :: Dynamic Filtering (like Google's Or Google Finance)

Jun 21, 2010

I wanted to put a search box in my flex app that would act just like google or google finance: you start typing and a drop down list just below starts filtering the results dynamically. Does anyone know how to do this in flex? I am using flex and php so as the user types it will pull results off the server dynamically.

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Actionscript 3 :: Facebook Login Handler Doesn't Get Fired In Flex4 Facebook API?

Mar 13, 2011

I have literally spent HOURS trying to solve this mystery... but simply can't seem to get hold of it.
I am using the same code lines (literally!) as the example here (official adobe tutorial) and I get different result.


Everything works fine, i.e. everything till it is time to fire the loggedin event. I get asked to log in and all permissions are asked correctly. After I log myself in to facebook, the loggedin event doesn't fire. Is there any way of solving this problem??

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Flex :: Using A Widget For Facebook Application - Get The Current User's Facebook ID?

Sep 24, 2009

I am using a Flex widget for my facebook application. How can I get the current user's facebook ID?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Best Flash 3d Engine?

May 23, 2010

I'm thinking about learning a flash 3d engine. I need some advice on which one to use. There's quite a few out there. Which is the best? I'm also considering whether there're a good bunch of tutorials on the web, that can make the learning easy.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using The Adobe Facebook API To Logout Of Facebook From Swf

Sep 24, 2009

I can't find in the Adobe Facebook API how to log the user out of Facebook. The FacebookSessionUtil (and the related sessions and Facebook classes) all have a .logout() function, which will invalidate the user's current *session* within the swf, but it doesn't log the user out of Facebook.

What am I missing here? How are you supposed to log the user out of Facebook with this API? Since it's part of the TOS for Facebook Connect apps, you'd think this would be available in the API somewhere.

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Search Engine Optimization Flash?

Nov 12, 2010

just uploaded my first flash website..and I'm having difficulty working out how to get google to 'see' it.
I've registered the site with google and have a very specific phrase in the <title> tag of the html code but the more I investigate, the more complicated it seems..Can anyone point me towards a step by step tutorial or something to get my site in the top 10 results?

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CS5 :: Kern In Flash While Using The New TLF Text Engine?

Jun 16, 2010

How the heck do you Kern in Flash CS5 while using the new TLF text engine?

There's no letter-spacing control and the keyboard shortcut doesn't work.

I'm not interested in auto-kerning. I'm looking to tighten up large text like headlines and logos and stuff.I'm starting to suspect it can't do it.

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Flash :: Download Search Engine SDK?

Oct 9, 2011

I cannot find any download link for the search SDK described in this URL.[url]...

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