Java :: Access Flashplayer Using GET Method Httpclient?

Mar 28, 2012

how to access a shock-wave flash player which has the Content-Type: application/x-shockwave-flashits a request get so i am using GET method of HttpClient .any solution to access flash content through Httpclient?

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Java :: Why Flashplayer Does Not Need JVM

Jan 5, 2012

I have been developing ActionScript apps for half a year or so. As far as I can see, mxmlc compiler is just a sh-script to call javac --{options} in more convenient way. This gives me an idea that my source code is compiled into native java byte-code.

From all above I can conclude that either Flash Player should require JVM installed or be a JVM itself. Or maybe Java is used to generate Adobe custom binary file just as any other compiler would do, but Java is cross-platform and an industry standard, so to avoid portability problems Adobe (Macromedia) could choose in for ActionScript/Flex.

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Assume I have the following java class public class Square {


Inside an actionscript class, using RemoteObject, I invoke the java method SquareDAO.findById(Long id) an I get an Object with the following: But I don't get the area. How can I invoke the method getArea() ?

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Flash :: Access Violation Error And FlashPlayer

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I use a Web-Browser control on my Delphi application. the Web-Browser control should navigates some HTML pages that contains Flash(SWF) files. It is often OK and there is no problem, But sometimes i get this error when my app is running.

Access violation at address 69864A7A in module 'Flash10q.ocx'. Wrote of address 0A35AB07.

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getUser was already in I just created getUser2 and it's identical to getUser. When I try to call getUser2, i get the "Cannot invoke method" error. question: Do I need to specify getUser2 in some other file? like in some configuration file? if so, which one and how do I do it.

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IDE :: Difference Between CS3 API FlashPlayer And FlashPlayer In A Browser?

Apr 9, 2009

I picked up enough AS3 recently to create some advertising banners and they work perfectly when I test the movie within CS3 by using ctrl+enter. I uploaded the created swf on the website and experienced lots of weird problems like child mcs stopping to play after a while or movies not playing till the end etc.. On some movies, they will play properly if you reload the website, on some others (the one which doesnt play till the end) that wont fix the problem either. The banners' filesizes are also around 8KB for example and include only text and vectors.

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Java :: Method To Learn Flash AS3 For A Developer?

Feb 14, 2011

I am a Java developer. I am good at learning new languages but I can't make head or tail of AS3. It seems like a different mindset that I can't get into or something.Could you provide links a AS3 tutorials that explain everything well, preferable targeted for people who have already programmed?

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package classes.remote {
public class Schedule {
public var id:int;
public var modifydate:Date;
public var startdate:Date;
public var enddate:Date;

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Java :: Access Movie In External Swf Using Xml Data?

May 18, 2011

Is it possible to access a movieclip inside an external swf (.fla file), using data from a vector?

The following code works correctly:

this._graphics.message2_mc.textLabel_txt.text = "Test";

Where as when I loop through a vector and try to replace "message2_mc" it cannot find the movie clip:

for(var i:uint = 1; i <= this._playlistState.subMovieVector.length - 1; i++)
var movieName:String = this._playlistState.subMovieVector[i].movieName;
this._graphics.movieName.textLabel_txt.text = "Test";

Presumably this is because I am putting a string in the middle of the line of code accessing the movie clip?

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Java :: Can A Webpage Access Data Being Sent To A Computer Via USB

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// Handle successful login.
private function LoginResultEvent(event:ResultEvent, token:Object=null):void {
switch(event.result) {


I can return a strongly typed object as the Principal from the doAuthenticate() method, but how do I access it in the client's result handler?

Update: I've read the LCDS documentation twice now and there is no mention of accessing the Principal in the client. The only data I can retrieve from a result is the string 'success'. Anyone know if this is this the only result available from a custom authentication?

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Java :: Flex File Upload With HTTPS - No Access To User Principal

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We're trying to upload a file from a flex client to a JEE app.
In a full HTTPS environment
JEE server is JBoss 5
Using BlazeDS 'Custom' authentication (username and password are entered through a flex form)
Using BlazeDS per session authentication
In regular AMF calls, we can access user principal and use role mechanism. However, in our upload servlet, we have no access to user principal.
request.getUserPrincipal() // returns null

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Access A Property / Method

Nov 6, 2010

Here's the context of the problem, in which I will try to include as much information as possible while keeping the explanation brief.

I am trying to make a portfolio website (architectural design + concept art).  Flash / programing are not my focus and this is my first go at learning the software. Due to the nature of the content and my (lack) of ability in AS3, I want the the coding to be really simple and still let the site look good.  The way the site is currently structured:

1) Basic menu buttons that navigate to sections of the site (brings up a new page).

2) Example, clicking on <Graphics> takes you to a new page and a sub-menu animates in (simple motion tween for the buttons to cascade down).  This animation is a movie clip placed on the main timeline.

3) On the screen is also a slideshow for all the images within <Graphics>.Instead of multiple small slideshows, I combined them all into one, so as to avoid complications with add / remove from stage.  There are prev / next buttons that keep images within their sub section (ie 1->2->3->1). The sub-menu buttons are suppose to link to the start of each sub section, much like chapters on a DVD.  (The slideshow is a movieclip sub-nested in the menu movieclip).

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Flash :: Access SWF Method From Flex

Jun 24, 2011

I have hit a brick wall after trying almost every example I have come accross.In a nutshell I have a Flex parent which is embedding a Flash SWF file which has a Method which needs to be accessed from Flex.[code]I have tried strong typing the SWFLoader as a MovieClip to gain control of it but have had no luck.[code]Essentially all I need to do is reset/reload the Flash SWF when the mx:State changes.

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Flash :: Access MovieClip In Another Method?

Feb 22, 2012

var PlayerScore:TextField = new TextField();

//Here we add the new textfield instance to the stage with addchild()
var myFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
myFormat.size = 30;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Method From An Embedded SWF?

Feb 9, 2010

It is possible to access a method in an embedded SWF? For example, here's the SWF that I want to embed[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Access A Property Or Method

Aug 13, 2010

I've got on main timeline (on frame 10) buttons, when I click one of them it goes to its currentLabel"". On curerntLabel at frame20 "racerButton" where I've got some tweening. At currentLabel "boardButton" at frame30 I load external swf.The problem I've got is when I press any button everything works fine. But when I first press button "boardButton" at frame30 the ext.swf shows up fine, but when next I click the button"racerButton" at frame20 the tweening doesn't work there and it gives me error.[code]when I press any button everything works fine except from bordButton to racerButton

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Access To The Caller Of A Method?

Jun 23, 2009

I know it's possible to get access to the currently executing function with "arguments.callee" but is there a way to get access to the scope under which a method is being executed?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Access The "draw" Method From The "startDrawing" Method?

Aug 4, 2006

How can I access the "draw" method from the "startDrawing" method below, why is the trace ouput for this code:

Drawing Started
Drawing Stopped

And once that is solved will the "draw" method be able to call the pen.makeMark method as attempted?

import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;[code].....

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Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null Object

Feb 27, 2010

[code]Is my code and when adding the backtostart function i always get the error if i remove the back and backtostart parts of the code it runs fine any help?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader - Cannot Access Property Or Method

Jun 1, 2010

Created preloader, and after flash loaded want stop on label 'welcomeSite'. And on that label will have button, after click this button what play code from function 'irisDescription'.

But see error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at FlashSite/flashSiteLoading()[]

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.text.*;
public class FlashSite extends MovieClip
[Code] .....
27 line is: irisBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, irisDescription);

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Error #1009: Cannot Access A Property Or Method?

Jan 24, 2011

Here is my class file: package com


I keep getting this error when I click a button: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

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Flash :: Cannot Access Stage Properties From A Method?

May 12, 2011

I have an object on my stage, called obj.I also have a class called "Physics" which contains a bunch of methods for physics, such as inertia, gravity, and bouncing off walls. In order to do some of these,I need access to the stage.stageWidth and stageHeight properties.My code is as follows:

public function wallBounce(obj)
this.stageRef = stageRef[code]...

This is supposed to check if the object's x value is greater than the stageWidth or less than 0. When I run this code it says:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

I am a semi-newbie programmer who is completely self-taught and have no clue what is causing this. I spent a bit googling it, and I think it has something to do with scopes,.

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