Javascript :: Can't See Flash Content In Html Django

Jul 22, 2011

I'm new working with Django. I have a html page with flash content named map.html, and I like to include it into another page named soporte.html (which extends base.html page) through {% include %} tag. If I open map.html directly without django, in firefox for example, I can see the flash content, but if I open the whole project using django (in firefox too) and I go to the page where is suposed to be the map I can't see anything.


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Javascript :: Iframe Html Page With Flash Content Create Problem For Drop Down Menu?

Jun 19, 2011

I have an iframe to a page where a Flash swf file is running; does anybody have an idea how to make it transparent so that my drop-down menu should be shown perfectly? Kindly be informed I can't edit the source page (add param = wmode, value = transparent to the Flash object), only if there is any chance to make it possible in iframe or some JavaScript on my page, I have already tried allowtransparency="true" and background-color="transparent".

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Javascript :: Html - Flash Content Replacing With Document.getElemendByID("id").innerHTML?

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<mx:HTTPService id="post_update" method="POST" result="{'bye')}"/>

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Django :: Flex 4 + Django: Testing And Release Options?

Aug 19, 2010

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I read that it could be done by passing the javascript code to the parent html document , using function. Then I assume it will be faster if I can declare functions in the javascript code in the HTML document in the first use of funtion ; if flash code calls the javascript code repeatedly. So let me ask you how to do that. For details , any javascript to be loaded is unknown in design time and I can not prepare a javascript file to be loaded.

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Apr 23, 2010

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<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,24" width="100%" height="100%">


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Javascript Blocking Flash Content

Oct 21, 2010

I'm working on a simple website for A level ICT and am having some difficulties. My site has a javascript based drop down menu, as well as two .swf files embedded. When the drop down buttons in the menu are scrolled over, the .swf files disappear.index1.jpg is a screenshot of the page normally, index2.jpg is a screenshot when the menu link is scrolled over.I am also having difficulties with flash working with java on another page, the same .swf files do not fade into the background like the rest of the page when images are enlarged in a javascript gallery within the page. gallery.jpg shows this.

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Html :: Css - Enable Content On Top Of Flash Content Without Using The "transparent"

Jan 24, 2010

I'm developing a Flash application which is communicating with Javascript to allow more features such as custom html input etc., by placing an absolute positioned div on top of the flash application and controlling it's position etc. with Flash & Javascript.

Because these html elements have to appear above the flash content, I figured the following basic css would be enough to do the trick:

#flashContent {
position: absolute;
left: 0px;


So, the htmlContent has a higher z-index than the flash content and thus it should be shown above it. Unfortunately, this only seems to work when you set the Flash object's "wmode" parameter to "transparent".

The problem with this setting is that it's seriousely decreasing the application's framerate to an unacceptable amount.

For static content this does not seem to be a problem, however for my application there's all kinds of elements that you can drag around which have to be moved real-time (while moving the mouse).

So, how do I enable html content on top of flash content without using the "transparent" wmode parameter or how do I optimize framerate when using the "transparent" wmode parameter?

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Is there a possibility to force their flash from our javascript to have this parameter added?

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Javascript :: Mousewheel Scroll On Flash Content

Jul 13, 2011

I'm trying to change event for mousewheel after leaving / entering flash content.

on flash - I want to scroll flash carousel
on web - I want to scroll web content

My problem is:

Different browsers give different "focus" for flash element and therefore not properly triggered in events: Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER. I have JS triggered for MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_LEAVE but this seems not to work.

Also mouseWheel is attributed to the browser, not a flash object.

Firefox 4.x/5.0 - fires them properly, without clicking Chrome 12.0.742.112 - it fires after the grant of "focus" or click on the flash object, like IE 9.0.1

JS code:

function stopWheel(e){
if(!e){ e = window.event; } /* IE7, IE8, Chrome, Safari */
if(e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } /* Chrome, Safari, Firefox */


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Javascript :: Forcing Redraw Of Flash Content In IE 7?

Dec 19, 2011

I have an flash swf on a page loaded with object/embed tags.

<object width="565" height="300" >
<param name="movie" value="/swf/Sample-Elf.swf">
<param name="wmode" value="transparent">
<embed src="/swf/Sample-Elf.swf" quality="high" wmode="transparent" pluginspage="" width="565" height="300"></embed>

I need to be able to start/stop or reload this swf with purely javascript as I don't have access to the source swf file to add any actionscript.I figured the easiest way to pull this off is by removing the element and replacing it forcing a redraw with would hince reload the swf movie. Though ie seams to cache the flash element and pretty much look over any updates I make to the embed/object tags and keeps right on going.So how do I force IE to redraw/update a flash element on a page?

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Flash :: Providing A JavaScript Link To Embed Content

Feb 8, 2010

We can obviously provide embed code to users such as.[code]which is what every (ok, so not every, but the vast majority) video sharing site does (YouTube, Break, Vimeo etc).However, somebody's pointed out that we could also provide a JavaScript embed link as follows:[code]What's the disadvantage of the JS embed option? The advantage is obvious, it's a nicer URL for the user, less characters to place in their site. I'm worried about security here, as somebody who doesn't know JavaScript; is this an inherently insecure way of doing things? And if the JavaScript URL is fine, how come none of the well-known sites do it?

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JavaScript :: Transparent Flash Content - Dropdown Menu

Jun 19, 2011

I have below Javacript for my embed flash file in page

<script type="text/javascript" src="files/swfobject.js">//</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="files/swfaddress.js">//</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="files/facebook.js">//</script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var assetsFolder = 'assets';
[Code] .....

How to make it transparent when I iframe this page so this flash should not come over the drop down menu ...

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Javascript :: Loading Flash Preloader Before The Game Content Loads?

Aug 20, 2010

i have a small requirement. like i am currently working on a games website in which whenever i open the game a flash preloader needs to open first and hide the game file while the flash preloader loads. once the flash preloader completes its loading then immediately the game content need to display. i heard it can be done using javascript,ajax.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using The Flash With Django?

Jan 26, 2011

I'm just wondering has anyone ever used Flash with Django backend? Can anyone post any working code snippet?I'm using something like this:

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();


But always getting an error unable to open URL

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Html :: Positioning Flash Content Using Css?

Aug 26, 2011

I am designing a website which will have four hover buttons in the corners and flash content in the middle:

I am using the following code for the buttons which works fine:


div.container { position:relative; }
img.positioned { position:absolute; height:63px; width:122px; }
img#topleft { top:0; left:0; }


But I am having difficulty positioning the flash content.

What would be the correct html and css code to position the 4 buttons with a hover effect and the flash content.

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Add HTML Content To A Flash Website?

Feb 26, 2012

Currently, the facebook plugin is displayed briefly before the flash starts loading then it disappears after the page is loaded. What do I need to do for the plugin to display on the webpage in order to look like it is part of the flash site?[url]...

The green background of the facebook plugin and position is just temp for testing purposes until I can get this page to display properly.

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Flash Menu Html Content

Jan 8, 2009

i'm learning flash and I've stuck on a problem. I have web page in php and i wan't only flash menu. The problem is that when i make geturl in actionscript the new page open, but i wan't that only content refresh.URL...

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Javascript :: Android: Disable Pinch Zoom And Pass Event To Flash Content

Apr 14, 2011

I have a flash application written in actionscript 2.0 that shows vector architectural maps and works perfectly on common web browsers. There are many interactions with javascript functions called by user events on the webpage, such as zooming to a certain x,y point. This event is usually accomplished via the mouse wheel.

Now I have to make sure that the thing works on tablet pc, in particular the Galaxy Tab. The first thing I have to fix is that, obviously, there is no mouse wheel and the user naturally tries to pinch zoom the flash application, with the result of zooming the entire web browser.

What I need is to listen to the multitouch gesture and, when a pinch zoom event is called, disable the default zooming event and call a javascript/flash function that allows my flash app to zoom only the objects that need to be zoomed: in few words, the browser stays still and only a part of the flash zooms in or out.

I already have working javascript functions to call flash object functions for the zooming purpose, so I just need to connect them to some android things that tell me when the user tries to pinch zoom in and when he tries to pinch zoom out (and possibly the x,y point of zoom).

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Flash :: Javascript - Create A Banner That Expands Over Content When Moused Over And Then Contracts On Mouse Out

Oct 13, 2011

I have to create a banner that expands over content when moused over and then contracts on mouse out. I have managed to create the expand/contract animations and actions but I am having trouble positioning the that the flash file is in to ensure that it's flows over other elements on the page.

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Django :: Manipulate My Flash Depending On A URL?

Nov 8, 2009

I have a flash map of the UK which is divided up into the counties, a user clicks on a county and is then directed to a new url, eg. [url].... The flash map remains on that new page in case they wish to select a new region.

What I want to know: is it possible to manipulate the flash so that if the [url]...then london remains highlighted on the flash map. I presume I will have to use some AS which is fine as long as it is AS3.

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Javascript :: Best HTML/JavaScript Framework For A Flex Application?

Oct 23, 2009

We're currently building a Flex application using the PureMVC framework with a shell.swf which loads/unloads modules dynamically. We're experiencing issues with memory and we're looking to replace the shell.swf with a JavaScript-based loader.Two questions:What would be a good framework to dynamically load the Flex components and allow the modules to communicate between each other?Would dynamically loading/unloading the modules via JavaScript take care of the typical memory problems associated with Flex/Flash applications?

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Javascript :: Way To Use Html In An All-flash Air App?

Jun 13, 2011

What i'm trying to do: add an html/javascript page inside an air app made fully in flash (coded in AS3, almost no timeline used). Is it possible, is it wise to do so?

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Javascript :: Html - Get Value From Flash?

Oct 21, 2011

I have html page with an embedded flash. The flash sends me a javascript function with the selected content, namely: currency(eur) or currency(gbp). How can I catch this value with a JS function and send a variable, a string whatever to my html page?Ex: if eur, default, '' otherwise?

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