Javascript :: Processing.js Blot Onto Entire Webpage?

Jun 27, 2011

My friend has a Flash script that draws Pacman on top of his homepage. The bug is that the flash animation doesn't let him click on his page.I'm trying to convince him to use Processing.js instead, but I'm not sure whether even Processing can blot on arbitrary parts of a webpage (e.g. by using a canvas the same size as the page but letting clicks through).Processing-specific issue: Filling the canvas (e.g. background(white);) obscures any HTML elements that might have displayed under the canvas.

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Apr 21, 2011

I have to use an XML that starts as follows:


<window name="backgroundwindow">
<imagetype name="backimg">


However, to render it thus appears to me the following error: Error # 1083: The prefix "size" element "small" is not determined.

<mythuitheme xmlns:size="localhost">

How can I make this change to the XML dynamically in Actionscript 3? Without changing the file directly.

PS: I have another XML (theme.xml), where the problem is to have repeat the same node name, identical in everything, for example:

<buttondef name="WIFI_TRACKING">


How can I, dynamically, eliminate one of them?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Processing MovieClip By Name

Aug 26, 2011

I have a large amount of MovieClips and I want to change the ones of class "Circle". So far no problems. However, I want to change the ones with name "S2" to another frame than the rest. I have tried several methods, but couldn't get it to work.


for(var i:int=0;i<numChildren;i++) {
if (getChildAt(i) is Circle) {
if (MovieClip(getChildAt(i))._name == "S2") {


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var playListArray = new Array();
var myXML:XML = new XML();

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Forms Are Not Processing

Jul 4, 2011

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Apr 11, 2012

I'm using Flash Builder 4.6. As a simple example, say I have the following application:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:sdk="services.sdk.*">


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Java :: Moving From Processing To Flash CS5?

Jan 31, 2011

I've been using Processing for around two years now, and I really like it. However, I feel like Flash is a bit more useful for coding games, as it's more universal and flexible. I'm starting to feel like I have no idea what I'm doing, and I really don't get any of the concepts like movie clips and the stage and so forth. In Processing, to make, say, a ball, I might make this:

Ball[] ballArray = new Ball[ 0 ]; //Array to store each ball in
void setup()
size( 400, 400 );


And that would let me create as many instances as I like, anywhere I like.I haven't the faintest clue how to make a comparable applet in Flash.I've tried making a 'ball' class in a separate .as file, but it gives me an error about too many arguments. I also don't know how to draw a shape directly to the screen.

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Xml :: Actionscript 3 - Loader Not Processing XML Correctly?

Feb 3, 2012

I have researched this topic and I believe the answer is AS3 Scope Issue though I can not resolve the issue.My xml loads fine and I can traverse it fine. I need to compare it against an array in another file so I believe the best thing to do is put then node I want into a class variable/field.

My xml:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Processing In Flash

Dec 21, 2004

I want the flash movie to allow the users to apply image processing functions on the jpg files that would be loaded by them..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Saving Processing Power [MX]?

Nov 4, 2002

I have an MC that occurs many times on the stage, and each one has a motion, and random scaling script in it. Would I save computing power by not having a script in each MC but rather assign them all to a prototype?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Processing Input From SWF And Sending Result

Sep 10, 2009

I am slugging through the processing of data posted from an Flash based form. I have a dev server that uses php to process input. The php script produces the following test php file variable array:

$input['VE'] = 't';
$input['A'] = 't';
$input['ML'] = '5.1';
$input['SA'] = 't';
$input['SV'] = 't';
[Code] .....

What do all the variables sent to the server mean in this context? And, is there a tutorial focusing on form handling with Actionscript 3.0?

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