Javascript :: Visualize A Directed Graph On Webpage?
Mar 12, 2010I want to visualize a directed graph on a web page. Are there any Javascript or Flash solution for this? free :)
View 1 RepliesI want to visualize a directed graph on a web page. Are there any Javascript or Flash solution for this? free :)
View 1 RepliesI want to make a directed graph. Is there any way i could attach an arrow to the line between two nodes ? I used moveto/lineto to draw the line between source node and destination node and i want an arrowhead to point in the right direction.
View 2 RepliesI have data whose primary visual representation is a simple number as aline height, but the rest of the data for a single sample contains much more data. I want to convey this extra information on a html5/flash line graph where each example is guaranteed to be on a single tick, and that the control can drive a click event that supplies the closest tick near the click and the entire associated sample data.[code]The graph would have at least 3 ticks, and if the user hovers/clicks, the extra data of the nearest tick would be shown elsewhere.
View 1 RepliesDoes anyone know of a good charting/graphing tool that supports dynamic pie charts, i.e.where a user could change the values by dragging, etc? It would need an event API so I could get access to the changed values.
View 2 RepliesIn the below code the traced values are correct its there in the chart data provder but the
input graph is not plotting.there is no error in this code.Can anyone solve it?
function fnctn(evt:Event)
var tp:int = bulb1 + bulb2 + bulb3 + bulb4;
School Project with the following actionscript in Flash 8, I want to show a slope graph? What code to add to make slope graph work?
/*var orig_x:Number;
var orig_y:Number;
orig_x = (plane_mc._x)+(plane_mc._width/2);
As the site will be totally in flash, there is no use of JavaScript required. So, what is the best way to embed a SWF file into a web page without using JavaScript. And why do you consider it to be the best one?
View 3 RepliesI'm working on a web page which will display information updated periodically via javascript. I want to have it displayed in a Solari Board, complete with the flipping tiles animation. Is there an existing Flash or Javascript implementation I can use? Here's my super-lousy javascript test for one letter. The solution should take a string and figure out how to flip the existing letters to update it. On a real board they all start at once and each stop after the number of flips needed.
View 2 RepliesHow to make progress bar in my page, that show how much flash file got progress in dwonload.
View 2 RepliesMy friend has a Flash script that draws Pacman on top of his homepage. The bug is that the flash animation doesn't let him click on his page.I'm trying to convince him to use Processing.js instead, but I'm not sure whether even Processing can blot on arbitrary parts of a webpage (e.g. by using a canvas the same size as the page but letting clicks through).Processing-specific issue: Filling the canvas (e.g. background(white);) obscures any HTML elements that might have displayed under the canvas.
View 2 RepliesI want to create a kind of "flash button" in a web page. It just like the volume controller of windows operating system. When we click the button or the bar and hold it to roll down or roll up then we can change the volume. Actually, I want to use it to control the speed of switching picture in a web page. For example, intially, the images will switch from one to the other in a default speed--image/5seconds. There is a kind of slide bar just like I described above, I can roll the button to left or right to control the speed of switching.
View 2 RepliesI tried to use the pre built flv skins from adobe flash.. But as i'm generating the flv source dynamically in my website i am unable to pass the source name in the HTML page.
View 1 RepliesIs it possible to make cross request from client web page to any other host? using flash, javascript or mb some other client side technology, how can this cross requests ipmlemented?
View 1 RepliesI have a flash app, that redirects to another page. I'd love to trap any other window unload event (clicking links / submitting forms) and warn the user they'll lose their progress in the Flash app. However, I can't find any way to tell that the click/change of URL/window unload was triggered by Flash vs being triggered by a normal link etc. Is there any way to detect this, and how reliable is it?
View 2 RepliesI am trying to use IE8's IWebBrowser2 interface to obtain a webpage's embedded flash's url, height, width information. This flash can be generated by javascript. So I did like this: from IWebBrowser2 I got IHTMLElementCollection,then I iterated through the collection to get IHTMLObjectElement2,and finally called get_data() to get flash's url.
But when I tried to extract flash object's url for [URL], get_data() returned "null". Why is this?So what's the difference between IHTMLObjectElement2 and IHTMLElement2? What's the right way to obtain IHTMLElement2 from IWebBrower2?
If I have a file system path can I open a window in Explorer (on windows) or in Finder (on OS X) displaying the folder that the path leads to?
Cookie points for answers that are cross-platform and/or plugin-less.
I'm making a Flex application to visualize the contents of an XML file in a tree, radial diagram, etc... I looked all over the internet and I can't find any useful tutorials or source code on how to do this. Most existing components on the web have licensing issues with them, so I prefer to write some sort of XML visualization algorithm from scratch.An example I found was ScienceLogic. This is very similar to what I am trying to I can write an XML/data visualizer in Flex/Flash?Think of a network with servers and routers and computers - and you want to put that in a web or diagram.
View 2 RepliesI listen to internet radio at [URL] and it works pretty well, except for one minor issue. The Flash applet that runs the radio player has a timer on it, where if you don't move the mouse over the player every once in a while, it decides you're idle and shuts off the stream, even if you're not actually idle, but just working on something else with the radio player running in the background.
Is there any way I can send a fake MouseOver message to this applet to keep it from cutting me off in the middle of a song, maybe with a GreaseMonkey script? I'm using Firefox.
I've build a fairly large system in as3 and now I need to introduce some other programmers in the different parts, and hopfully they will eventually grasp the entire system. I need to describe relations between classes and maybe some kind of flow, but the relations are the most important.
I've checked UML but I find it a bit strict and would like to be able to write comments about specific classes or relations and maybe be able to draw curved lines/arrows etc. In UML I also find it hard to know which kind of lines/arrows to use when and where.
So I am looking for a method/software/tutorial on this topic, either on some extended/simplified UML or a completely different method.
We have a flash website built using flex and CS3. Majority of the site has been done using flex. We have multiple flash movies on a page and we obviously have the page loading very slow. Now that we are looking into options for making the page fast, we are trying to understand whether we can run these flash movies in parallel ? Is there some provision in CS3 to make the flash understand that this object will be loaded and ran first and then the second object.
View 2 RepliesI have a cms where my client loads banner ads from their clients. They don't know the dimensions or don't want to enter them when they upload the banners. Is it possible to capture the dimensions to set the object attributes as we grab the movies from the db to display in the page?I read that the movie dimensions are available in the loaderinfo object, but this is a AS3 object right? Are AS3 objects available outside the flash movie? Can I access the loaderobject via javascript?The Flash movies we're trying to load are not ours, we don't have access to the flas or anything like that so we can't edit anything to do with the movies themselves.
View 2 RepliesI have attached the following to a button:
on (press) {
on (release) {
It is meant to take the user back to frame one where they can play a game again. The only problem is that it doesn't work. When you click the button it goes to the frame but quickly resets back to the frame where the button is located. I have put stop(); code where relevant. I am unsure on what to do. I just want the user to be able to go to different frames but the button keeps reseting to the frame where it is originally located.
I have a problem with scroll panel. If the flashmovie is visualize in a browser, there are no problem, but if we viuzalize it in a *.exe format the text is out of borders.
View 1 RepliesI'm trying to create a website that is basically a flash toolbar that directs the user to different HTML pages at the bottom, much like this website here.Could anyone point me in the right direction? Do I build the bar in Flash and then the HTML portion in dreamweaver or do I build it all in Flash? Would an iFrame work for this sort of website?
View 1 RepliesI want to implement a force-directed layout in my Flash program. On my search for an already-made component I bumped into these:SpringGraph (Flex component)Flare (Flare has a force directed layout class, but also a Flex component)GraphGear (AS2 implementation of force directed layout) (AS3 implementation, but not so smooth)All these classes are not directly implementable in Flash. I tried to get the latest Flare running in Flash by using the Flex SDK files as well as for Springgraph, but this seems like a too complex way to create a force directed layout. The GraphGear is quite nice and compact, but written in AS2. is too experimental to directly implement.
View 1 RepliesI have the following xml and would like to have it so that title1, title2, etc are each hyperlinked to a certain URL, so if the user clicked on title1 for example they would be directed to [url]....
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<data Title="title1" Description="description1"/>[code]..............
that's the jist of my last project in my college class. I load an external XML file with about 10 books from O'Reilly's Safari group. I can get the elements of the XML into an array, such as the ISBN number, etc. But I need (or I envision this) a button on stage that will allow me to display the first item, then the second, etc.
View 1 RepliesFlash - How do I post a swf via graph api using PHP SDK
View 1 RepliesI create a movieClip is "sin_mc".In this MovieClip,I drawing a sin graph in a period.I want to loop sin Graph 4 times but i don't know actionscrip.
View 1 RepliesI have som porblem with Facebook Flash graph API I am receiving request, but realy when I check my wall in facebook FacebookDesktop.api not adds Like or unLike
private function likeClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{ handleLikeClick() } protected function populateLikeCount():void { if (intData.user_likes) { likeBtn.label = 'Unlike'; } else { likeBtn.label = 'Like'; } likesCount.text =