Javascript :: TinyMCE Limit Text On ScrollerActived?

Jul 8, 2011

I have a textarea in my rails application to collect content from user in a database. The rails application is further feeding that text to an XML-driven flex application.The flex application has number of fixed sized containers which wraps the text inside (from the XML created by Rails app on-the-fly), but truncates the text if it exceeds the container's height. Problem is; there is no way to present the large text in XML, so it gets adjusted automatically in the compiled flex application. And the fact is; the web-based rails app and front-tier flex app are entirely disconnected in terms of having awareness of their internal events. (like in this case; rails app has no knowledge of the overflow event for flex internal containers and relying on font-size and character/line count doesn't work in this scenario!)

Therefore, I wrote a JS function to watch and rescue the textarea's overflow situation and while setting its attributes (viz; line-height, font-size, font-family, width, height... yada yada) matching that of the flex control. The complex form in rails did the trick to have dynamic number of such textarea's control being observed by the JS function.Here is the Prototype code to handle the overflow event with the corresponding rescue code for cleanup:

var timeout;
document.observe('dom:loaded', attach_obr);
function attach_obr() {
$$('.active_text').each (function(text_element){


Is there a way to get the scrollHeight and offsetHeight of the control created by tinyMCE?Is there a way to get the only-text version (without markup) of inner content of tinyMCE control?(So, when I truncate the text in check_limits function, it doesn't effect/breaks the markup/DOM created by tinyMCE for the formatted text. In other words, I would be simulating the user action of pressing backspace on tinyMCE control in the while loop.)

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I am having a few problems atm with flash and wondering whether I am asking too much from flash or whether I am being stupid. Basically what I am trying to achieve is a box that is 300px by 300 px, within that box I have some text that I would like to place inside. As I would like to be able to regularly update this box (its a news feed) I have linked it too a .txt file. The problems that I have come across is that flash seems to have a limit on the amount of text it will allow in a dynamic text field. As even tho I have more text in my txt document, its is not displayed. This is how I have come to the presumtion that flash must be limiting the amount of text.

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ActionScript Code:
this.title_mc.alpha = 0;
this.q_mc.alpha = 0;
this.a_mc.alpha = 0;


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* count all characters/whitespaces dived to the number of lines to check if this fits the number of (as it uses wordwap)

Anyone with bright ideas on how to approach this?

(btw. TextField.maxChars will not work as it's dynamic text...)

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Apr 25, 2010

I've had a Flash website up and running for about a year which includes an external text file linked to a dynamic text field.

Everything worked well until I recently added content to the external text file.

Suddenly, the file won't load in flash.

If I play around and cut a line here or there, it sometimes loads. Sometimes not. Sometimes it looks like there might be a character limit. Sometimes it looks like flash might be having a problem with certain characters.

So my questions are:

1.) Does Flash have a limit on the amount of characters that can be displayed in a dynamic field.

2.) If so, can this be changed with as3?

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Is something like this possible in flash?

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Jul 29, 2009

I am creating a flash website with as storefinder.. There is an input text field in flash and a search button which when pressed will load a javascript function that uses the input text var.

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but how can i pass it the variable from my input text field?

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Jan 28, 2010

I build flash web sites and have only a limited understanding of javascript. I am trying to monetize a flash page that I have built for myself and is getting an increased traffic. The page has to be flash as it is based on flash dynamic graphic capabilities. Besides I prefer to integrate and customize the ads into my page rather than use standard ad zones offered by the ad networks. I have a permission from a small ad network to convert their ads to flash but I was not able to do it myself. They use a standard java script src code for creating their ads. It looks approximately like this:

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1" SRC="" type="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

They require though that the capturing will be done in a way that allows them to monitor my page. I can publish Flash player 9 so I can work with

how to translate the code to Flash and how to change the html code will be helpful. I am also willing to pay someone who is interested in working with me directly via Email correspondance on properly placing the code.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [fmx] Javascript Popups From Within A Dynamic Text Field?

Mar 22, 2004

I am trying to make a dynamic text box with a javascript popup menu command on bits of the text. I have looked through many tutorials and searched this forum and have not found what I am looking for so I had to ask... at the moment my code for the text in flash is:


I get actionscript errors on the tempURL becuase there are too many quoteation marks, not sure how to overcome this problem...i dont even know if what i am doing is possible. I have made the text box on the stage do HTML tags but i cant set the tempURL up right. I have a workaround which just involes me putting the text directly on the screen it's just that I wont always be able to do that...basically if it can be done this way it'd be grand!

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Javascript :: Pasting Non-text Data Into Browser-based Apps?

Jun 11, 2010

Imagine I want a user to be able to copy-paste a selection of pixels from MSPaint into a browser-based app. Is this possible using JavaScript in any current browsers? Will it become possible in HTML5?If not, is it feasible using something like Flex/Silverlight, or is it simply not possible at this time, and you'd have to save a file and manually upload it?

update: sounds like HTML5 should allow it, but that's a way in the future to be genuinely useful. Some suggestions of Java applets and Flash are mentioned, probably Flash would be preferable since parts of the web-client would probably use Flex anyway... I'd rather not have requirement for Java and Flash in my site.

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Javascript - Flex Tree View With Wrapped Text On Nodes?

Sep 8, 2010

I've spend hours searching for a way to put one paragraph of text in one tree node in Adobe flex. How can I do it? I created a simple tree view but the text is cut after the right border.

So I tried to create a tree renderer. In the renderer I specified width=100 and the text wrapped. But the height of the nodes was not being calculated properly, so the text over consecutive nodes overlapped and got messed.

So how do i do wrapped text in a tree node?

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Apr 20, 2011

I need to include a feature on an app I'm building that allows the user to upload an image and manipulate it in various ways including adding text. This is basically a way to design custom printed merchandise as is already found on many websites and will be overlayed on a background image of whatever is being customised e.g. T-Shirt.The basic requirements are: resize, crop and rotate image against background. Overlay and change position/colour/style of text against image. Preview the final design against the background.

I know that flash is possibly the best solution but I was really hoping to avoid it and use Jquery instead. While there is plenty out there for resizing and cropping images with javascript there doesn't seem to be anything that fits my needs.

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Javascript :: Sync HTML Text Or Divs With SWF (Flash Character Animation)?

Mar 7, 2012

I have flash animation (swf) in my HTML Page.

Now, I like to have my flash animated character (700kb) to speak dialogues, the related text should pop and go in the html side of the page.

I've already used this amazing cool script from Text highlight with audio sync in Jquery by Marnix van Valen & HTML5 works cool as he says. BUT, what about flash?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Data From External Text File For JavaScript Alert Message In Flash?

Sep 14, 2010

Can I Use data from external Text file for JavaScript alert message in flash? I wanted to change the alert message dynamically using the external text file.

1. I created the text file with data as: &Enter=Please Enter

2. And the flash action script i used is as below..

var message1;
message1 = trace(Enter);
loadVariables("temp.txt", "");

But this is not working properly. It showing me the alert window but the message it showing as 'undefined'

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pass The Contents Of An Array To Javascript Code Which Creates A Text File On The Local Machine?

Jul 30, 2003

Is it possible to pass the contents of an array to JavaScript code which then creates a text file on the local machine?

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