Jquery :: IE8 - Iframe With Flash Inside Draggable Div - Poor Redraw?

Mar 13, 2012

I have a draggable popup window that has a title bar and an iframe in its content area. The iframe has a flash object embedded in it. It works great in all browser except for IE8 (IE7 and IE9 work fine). IE8 has a bad drawing problem when the window is being moved. Here's an example:Open the example in IE8, or if you're using IE9, hit F12 for developer tools, then select Browser Mode: IE8 using IE8 Standards.Drag the window around quickly and you'll see a very bad redraw of the iframe.

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Javascript :: Modifying Iframe URL With JQuery?

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How can I modify the URL of an iframe, if it contains the [URL] text?

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$(this).attr('src') + '&wmode=Opaque');`


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I'm setting up a page that uses a flash menu to load html pages into a div container by the following call:

on (release){

The loading works fine, but some of my pages had specific jquery scripts and that's where I've struck out so far. I assumed all I needed to do was transfer the script importations, css stylesheets and the jquery functions to my main document, but it won't work.

I also tried importing the html as a the complete html, which works on it's own, but not when imported into the main document. Most recently I heard I should try shifting the jquery function calls to the end of the loaded document, to after the content, My scripts work, just not when imported, so I suppose my question is how can I make the main- and imported documents play nice with each other? What say you we make this a jump-start tutorial for all us noobs to reference?

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PHP Code:



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Flash :: Clamp MovieClip To Only Be Draggable Inside Stage?

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$('#bt_aoptica').click(function () {
$("#menu ul li a").not(this).removeClass("currentMenu");[code]....

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getURL("misc/employeewellness.htm", "txt");


so as you can see i want to open one page and then inside that page have another page open.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ExternalInterface.call Inside Iframe Not Working In IE?

Jan 14, 2009

The structure of my site is as follows:

mainPage.html contains - menu.swf & iframe1
iframe1 contains - subpage.html
subpage.html contains - subMenu.swf & contentpage.html

The way it works is that when menu.swf is clicked it changes the .src of iframe1 to load the appropriate subpage.html. Then when you click the subMenu.swf it changes the .src of iframe2 to load the appropriate contentpage.html[URL]..

It all works perfectly in Firefox but in IE the ExternalInterface call from the subMenu never reaches the container page to change the .src of the iframe.It seems as though it's something to do with the .swf being inside the iframe because I am still able to call a javascript function from within the iframe using an html button.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnRelease For MovieClip Inside Draggable MovieClip [Flash Pro 8]?

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circle_mc.onPress = function() {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Inside Draggable Mc Not Working?

Jan 5, 2009

So I've done a lot of research on this issue and I understand that buttons don't work when its nested inside a mc that has an event.My project is a map that pans/zooms and when you click on the green triangle next to Lansing, its supposed to pop up a window with information. The wierd thing about it is that it works when I use an onRollover event, but not an onRelease event.The map pan/zoom script was not written by myself btw.

Flash Map
Flash Map_Test

Flash map is the script with the pans/zoom. Flashmap_test is where I made my map with nested buttons.Then Flash Map just calls and brings in Flashmap_test.

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I created a base MC which has the necessary graphic. Then I created an input text box and a button. Then made all these components into single MC(final) and associated the following code with the combined MC.

on (press)
startdrag (this.final)


The problem here is I am able to drag the MC (final) but unable to input text in the input text box associated with the MC.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Button Inside Draggable Movie Clip?

May 29, 2009

I am building a click through presentation that has some small text in it. To maintain the design and allow for readability, I have added a zoom feature.Here is the structure of the movie,Stage - contains pages movie clip and forward/reverse click buttons for changing pagesThere is a button at the _root level that uses a tweener to scale the pages_mc up to 170%. When this is clicked, it allows the pages to be dragged around the screen so you can look at different sections. When you click the button again, it returns the pages back to their original size stops drag.My problem is, on the pages, there are buttons with links to external sites. Once startDrag has been invoked, I cannot touch the buttons inside the movie clip. Is there a way to make these buttons work?

Code below
magUp_btn.onRelease = function() { this._visible = false; TweenLite.to(pages_mc, .25, {_x:-250, _y:-193, _xscale:170, _yscale:170}); TweenLite.to(magUp_mc, .75, {_alpha:0});


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Can't Click On Any Buttons Inside Draggable Movieclip

Dec 13, 2010

I have a draggable movieclip, mc_PI on stage in which I have another movieclip, mc_PIcontainer into which I load an image.I then place a few buttons, btn_Ant1, btn_Ant2, etc. inside mc_PI.mc_PI drags just fine within the bounds I specify, but I cannot click on any of the buttons that are located inside mc_PI.I need the buttons to be inside mc_PI, because I need them to drag along with the image located in mc_PI.mcPIcontainer.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Clickable Button Inside Draggable Movie Clip

Mar 21, 2011

I am developing and interactive CD application for kids that consists in a menu and two chapters with animations and exercises. To select the chapter I have an "Accordion" style menu with draggable panels. In each chapter panel I have a button which upon being clicked should direct me to the chapters first frame. The problem is it doesn't.

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Jquery :: Html - Display Alternate Content When Flash Is Not Installed With Jquery.swfobject

Jun 2, 2010

How can I display alternate HTML with the jquery.swfobject plugin for browsers without Flash? I'm unable to find any documentation or examples showing how to do this.

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<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript" src="jquery.1.4.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript"


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Jquery :: Any Gui Visual Editor That Use Javascript/jquery For Creating Animations Like Adobe Flash?

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Mar 12, 2010

I'm alreadu using jquery library on site.What are pros and cons to use jQuery SWFObject plugin over origional swfobject

jQuery SWFObject plugin


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Jquery :: Resize A Flash Object Via JQuery Onload Of Page?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm using the HTML5 JW Player. It sizes the HTML5 video correctly, but shrinks the Flash fallback player; here's an example page: Test Page

If you view that page in IE, you'll notice that on panel 5, the video is smaller than the space it's supposed to occupy. On Firefox, it works fine because it's using the OGG video in its HTML5 video player.Is there a way to resize the Flash video via JavaScript/jQuery to fit the same space as the HTML5 video?

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Jquery :: Stop SWF Inside Of UI Tab From Reloading?

Apr 9, 2010

I have a SWF movie inside of a jQuery UI tab, and the problem I'm having is that the SWF gets reloaded everytime I click away from the tab onto another tab, and then click back. I can inspect the DOM and see that the div containing the SWF is still in the DOM when I click away, so I don't know why this it seems to reload it when I click back to the tab.[code]...

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Jquery :: Play And Stop Flash From JQuery?

Jun 28, 2011

Is there any way to play, stop or gotoAndPlay(anyframe) from JQuery?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Talking From Iframe To Iframe?

Oct 12, 2004

I am doing a site with a top flash nav, and Iframe with some flash and html in it.Is there a way to have the flash in the Iframe give actions to the flash nav??when you hit the porperties button, i want the nav to change to FOR SALE.something like:

on (release) {

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Poor Quality With Adobe Flash

Sep 7, 2011

I'm thinking of developing an application with Adobe Flash CS4 but I'm having some serious quality issues when importing material from Adobe Photoshop CS4 and Adobe Fireworks CS4.When I import the material as a bitmap, the quality is better (then importing as movieclip) but not good enough.I was just wondering, how do the pro's do it? All the big companies, organizations ect ect.

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