Jquery :: Why Does Stream Play Correctly In JPlayer In All Browsers Except IE

Feb 4, 2012

I am currently building a custom jPlayer instance for a streaming media file. Having modified a supplied demo, I am able to get the player working in all major browsers except IE.

I have checked the swf path many times, which is loading without fault. I think I am unable to get the trigger to load the file in IE, resulting in "Attempt to issue media playback commands, while no mediaurl is set. Use mediaurl() to set. Context play()".

I am using an event trigger CSC class to play the media "track" in my source code (not mediaurl directly).

Below I will demo the current code, however I feel it would be more beneficial if someone could construct some pseudo code for me outlining the exact requirements to get this to work, and also an explanation of the GUI button CSS handles, so that I can get these working properly too (I may need to modify the JS, which is currently the standard).

I am using IE8 32 w/ Flash 8 and jPlayer 2.1.0

I only need the following functions:

Play button (jp_play?) - this should trigger the stream and then enable multiple other classes (jp_volume, jp_playline, jp_stop etc)

Stop button (to replace play button) - should stop (not pause) the stream and disable previously enabled classes.

If it helps jp_pause gives me all the required functionality with regard to hiding elements, except the mediaurl is paused, I need it stopping.

Current code snippets:

// Instance jPlayer
ready: function () {


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Flash :: JPlayer Does Not Play MP3 Files?

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I tried to set up a playlist with jPlayer, like this demo shows.

You can find my code here.

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So I really don't understand where is the problem ?

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Flash :: MP3, Firefox, Email, Javascript, Jplayer Wont Play?

Nov 21, 2011

i want to play audio 2 ways

Through my website (easier, as i can detect the browser)

sending an email which will have a player to stream the audio


1. Firefox wont play MP3

2. Iphone/ipad wont play flash

3. Iphone/ipad wont play ogg

4. Emails have trouble with javascript -jplayer (potential of ending in the trash)

problem. if i send via an email, i cant detect the browser, so cant choose ogg, flash, etc.

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use jplayer.... i expect the email to dislike the javascript and throw into the trash, plus will firefox play the mp3 audio? use flash.... i expect iphone/ipad not to work, also will it play from an email?

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HTML Structure

<div class="dinz-slider-film trigger-vid">
<object width="480" height="340" class="vid-flash" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="FlashID" style="visibility: visible;">
<param value="sites/all/themes/subtheme/images/test.swf" name="movie">
<param value="high" name="quality">


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46 4C 56 01 05 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 17 00 00 00 00 01 64 00 1E FF E1 00 1E 67 64 00 1E AC 24 A4 02 20 49 BF F0 01 80 01 11 00 00 03 00 01 00 00 03 00 32 8F 16 2D 92 01 00 05 68 EE B2 C8 B0 3E 00 00 00 08 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AF 00 11 90 0F 00 00 00 09 00 40 25 3B E8 19 48 00 00 00 17 01 00 00 A0 00 00 40 1C 09 10 00 00 00 01 67 64 00 1E AC 24 A4 02 20 49 BF F0 01 80 01 11 00 00 03 00 01 00 00 03 00 32 8F 16 2D 92 00 00 00 01 68 EE B2 C8 B0 00 00 00 01 65 88 80 00 01

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coolTune = new Sound(soundLoader);
coolTune.loadSound("[add_http_://]radiow.cld.3qsdn.com/stream01", true);
=> This works perfectly - no problems.

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ActionScript Code:
var coolTune:Sound = new flash.media.Sound (new URLRequest("[add_http_://]radiow.cld.3qsdn.com/stream01"));
=> It sounds really horrible.

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info :NetStream.Unpublish.Successinfo :NetStream.Publish.Starti.e. I was missing the play.reset and play.start event.I further checked and confirmed that the FMLE was publishing all three channels fine to the server. I was able to view the "FMLE_channel1" from flash clients, but not the republished "channel1". the version is FMS 3.5.0.

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I created 3 movieclips each are loaded externally.


I have a play and a stop button. So when user clicks on the stop button all 3 movie will pause and play will resume the movie.

playBtn.onRelease = function(){

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When I changed the image of the model this last week using CS4, I published it as Flash8 actionscript 2... now, the music plays on Mac Safari and Mac Firefox, but not on the Windows versions of IE or Firefox..

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_root.mySound = new Sound(_level0);


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Mar 12, 2012

I am trying to generate image of flash charts generated by Open Flash chart library using PHP Mysql database.

I have generated image but it's in some coding format in a div on my webpage. Something like below:

<div id="img_chart_1">
<img src="..../ >

How can I save this image in any image extension like .png ?

I have to give a button on my page. So when user click on button I have to export this image in PGF file.

So I am trying to save this image with image extension and will give link of saved image in PDF file to show.

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Professional :: Imported A Gif But It Does Not Play Correctly?

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I have imported a gif but it does not play correctly. It's only two frames. The first bmp associated with the gif in the library has both slides combined while the second bmp is correct.To show the issue I am having. Here is the 2frame gif playing correctly:[URL]Now here is a screen shot of my library:[URL] You can see how the highlights bmp is incorrect. When I play the gif in Firefox,IE, Ulead gif animator or anywhere else it is fine but in Flash it shows that first frame with the combined slides and then the 2nd slide correctly. It ruins the "dancing effect" I'm going for.

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I have made a drag and drop quiz, which can allow one drag_mc to be dropped to one of three target_mc's. I would like it that when the drag_mc hits any one of the target_mc's that it goes to and plays the drag_mc's frame 2.

Here is my code so far

//Import tween classes
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;


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How to stop the motion of a Flash Player by clicking a link?

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Oct 23, 2011

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var soundEffect_Button = new SND_EFFECT();
//Make the callback[code].........

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Dec 21, 2011

I have a php/sql database that has thumb nails and videos in swf format and flv. On my html page I have an swf player. I have echoed the thumbnails and have the url of the videos. How can I get the video url playing on the player after a person clicks the thumbnail with out xml. Just by passing the url to the player.
I have hand some sucess with xml passing but this can`t work in this aspect. So I have been investigating jquery and other alternatives.

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Jquery :: Set Auto-play Youtube Video For IE On The Fly?

Dec 18, 2010

I need to autoplay youtube video as I click on its thumbnail.Since IE doesn't support <EMBED> tag I need preset all needed values in <OBJECT> and then create a new object with my parameters.So I did something like this:

var $newObject = jQuery('<object><param name="play" value="true"/>' + $oldObject.html() + '</object>'); // preparing virtual object on the fly.
$thisObject.html($newObject.html()); //Creating new object


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Flash :: Html - Play Sound Using JQuery

Nov 6, 2011

I'll explain my scenario. I want to play a small sound at certain situation, so I would prefer initiating the play via jQuery. Also, I wish to make a toggle button for the sound. So, the user could turn ON/OFF the sound. So, I'm thinking about creating the toggle button and function for playing the sound inside the Flash. But I don't how to call this function (that I have written in Actionscript, which will start playing the sound) via jQuery ! Do you have some ideas ? I haven't done creating the Flash document, but bookmarked some tutorials and will start playing with it soon. :) The reason for choosing Flash is that it would be crossbrowser compatible.

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Jplayer Playing On Iphone

Jul 23, 2011

I thought flash dont work on iphone and i been tring to see this jplayer on my mobile iphone 4 and mp3 is playing fine on it, so im scraching my head and thinking why its playing it?

so this means, this jplayer will work on all the browser and mobiles? cause im making site for playing audio, need to know.[code]...

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Set Width And Height To JPlayer?

Feb 12, 2012

I am using jPlayer library but i don't know how to set width and height[code]...

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Jquery :: Flash - Play Swf Movie To The End In Cycle Slideshow

Nov 8, 2010

Im working on a slideshow based on the jquery cycle plugin (found here: [URL]. The slideshow slides between different divs where I can put different content such as images and text. However i'd also like to add swf movies to the script wich just on a basic overview works. The video starts playing when the slide becomes visible but stops before it's done and goes over to next slide.

Of course this happens since i have a timer for how long each slide should be visible. What i wonder though is if there's a way with the script for it to dynimacly get the length of the video and not change slide until the video is complete and just do this for swf videos.

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